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Welcome to Deckstats

With you can build and analyze Magic: The Gathering decks, track your MTG collection and much more. Get started right away as a guest or register a free account to access the full range of tools.

Build Decks

Editor interactivo

Usa nuestro editor interactivo para construir un mazo o sube una lista de mazo existente..

Mira estadísticas de Mazos

Example Deck

Calculate your mana curve, type distribution or card probabilities - or try out some sample hands.

Track Your Collection

Example Collection

Keep track of the cards you own, how much they are worth and which decks they are in.

Find New Decks

Deck Tutor

Use our Deck Tutor to find new decks you can build from your collection.

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Ediciones de Magic the Gathering

Lista de Ediciones de MTG

Esta es la lista de ediciones de MTG mas actualizada. Navega por la historia de Magic The Gathering a través de todas las ediciones disponibles.

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