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TEST: Queen of the Swarm (EDH / Commander)

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This deck has been refined thoroughly to give it a competitive edge. At the current status my play group has found it will answer every situation. Here is my comprehensive breakdown for particular strategies in the deck. I will add and remove them as they become more prominent within the main strategy, or less Please leave a like and/or a comment to let me know I'm doing something right or wrong.

  • Grist Loyalty
    • Use Grist's -5 then Cast Gravepurge or Forever Young to put 10 plus Creatures back on top of your library to get 10 more loyalty just to -5 the damage again..... Work smarter. Not harder.
  • Main Idea
    • The idea behind this deck is using Grist and her very powerful ability set to help control board presence while also committing to self mill. The insects all boost mill speed and shockingly enough do synergize together quite well on board I was impressed. the deck being filled with Heavy threats and multiple other ways to get combat damage through while supporting that with removal can make this deck quite painfully aggressive.
  • Threat Presence
    • Using removal spells to both control the board as much as potentially fueling your own yard in dire need of 1-2 more creatures to deal that game winning damage with Grist's extremely powerful -5. As it doesn't exile your yard at all. You have cards like Life From the Loam and Patriarch's Bidding to bring back a ridiculous board presence and fuel yourself with what you mill. Lets say Grist won't do the job? Then use your board presence to close the gap with deathrite, solifuge, either form of scute. Things like Grave-Troll and Pretender can also do huge damage while sac outlets like Husk and swarm(s) are also wildy threatening.
  • Recural
    • Using Treasured Find and Regrowth you may pull usefull things back from the grave or recur threats to the board easily. Regrowth can be reused though! Gleancrawler will let things like Grist's +1 give you free things to play with, or let you Gravepurge/Forever Young will also both supply you with tons of free things to play with as they all were "put into the Graveyard this turn". Also lets you re-use sacrificed goods for the next turn.
  • Grave to hand
    • Now you may use things like Spellbook or Reliquary Tower to gain Infinite hand size and Harness infinity or more beneficially take use of Praetor's Counsel to gain the same usage. I find Praetor Works much better to do some combo fun, or alternatively make some odd board presence plays. Where as Harness will give you protection for your graveyard as much as a whole repertoire of fun tools to use AGAIN or pull from milling yourself.
  • Sacrifice
    • Now with Viscera seer and Altar of dementia to sacrifice your stuff last second to Grist's -5 (Grist counts if you let it die! it still hits the graveyard for a moment no matter if you decide to command zone it) This giving you a potentially huge buff to the damage output last second! (idea taken from rulings on wotc website talking about how it interacts with things) as well as Nantuko Husk or Devouring Swarm being outlets to use on -5 and you may use them to deal LOTS of damage quickly in annoyingly hard to answer ways. Woe Strider and Altar of Dementia also happen to be in there to make this all that much more common.
  • Threat
    • Vorinclex shuts down superfriends as much as doubling your output on Grist herself. Additionally stopping things like replicating ring from being of any use. along with things that have scavenge you may do some crazy things.... Scute mob loves this card as much as the beast (my nickname for bloodflies as I chant FTB) using things like agadeems land you may also generate a dumb amount of mana easily to do these things easier. Or Pump Nantuko Shade with the black mana Agadeem or Cabal make together
  • Land Recural
    • Life from the loam is an Incredible mill condition allowing you to pull 0 lands but give yourself mill for the rest of the game, although you would want lands yes. You just dont actually have to get lands back making it beyond usefull. Crucible of worlds also makes it to where you never miss a land drop!
  • Dredge
    • Golgari Grave-Troll and Stinkweed Imp both supply Dredge and while used with your many Sac outlets like Viscera Seer or Alter of Dementia you may use this ability to build MAJOR Grist ult Presence. I prefer Woe Strider and Viscera Seer in this combo as it lets you see if your next draw will be worth keeping or if dredging is viable for that cards (yes I know the risk is still present on the other 4-5)
  • Mana gen

Please enjoy, leave comments and critiscism. Make your own little unique twists to it! This is my ground up brain baby EDH I want to take to CEDH. used no prebuilds or any sort of blueprints. ALL of this came out of MY own ass.



This deck appears to be legal in EDH / Commander.

Turn: Your life: Opponent's life: Poison counters:
Hand (0)
Library (0)
Graveyard (0)
Exile (0)
Board (0)













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These are the all the revisions of this deck. Click on a revision to view the deck as it looked back then.
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» Revision 8 January 24, 2023 Wildwalker
Revision 7 January 24, 2023 Wildwalker
Revision 6 January 24, 2023 Wildwalker
Revision 5 June 12, 2022 Wildwalker
Revision 4 June 12, 2022 Wildwalker
Revision 3 June 12, 2022 Wildwalker
Revision 2 June 12, 2022 Wildwalker
Revision 1 June 12, 2022 Wildwalker
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