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Lord of Pain

This has been a deck I have been looking at since I saw the release of it in Jump Start. I have always been an aristocrats fan, playing a Rakdos'Crats back in Ravnica: The Third Return; and then a Mardu version in War of the Spark. Finally, shifting to Grixis for Theros. Already owning a mono red deck is why I kind of overlooked this commander for a little while. However, as time went on and I have now created a better Voltron Equipment commander with Keleth and Rograkh. I figured making a different style of mono red was acceptable.


Zurzoth, Chaos Rider's theme is a slight combination of mono red style control as well as mono red style aristocrats. This is another deck that is sans infinite combos. It flourishes off of just well played spells and abilities and synergistic cards. Making your opponents draw cards. Then forcing them to dump the hand with wheels effects or discard effects with the your commander. It lends itself to combat as well with little drawback. The Devil tokens are 1/1s with the lovely "When this creature dies, it deals 1 damage to any target." ability. So even if they are blocked they still take 1 damage. Death by a thousand cuts, if you will.


None: Honest

  • How Does It Work: as far as I can tell, there are none in this deck. If you see one though, let me know.


Extraplanar Lens + Snow-Covered Mountain: You get double mana and no other players can have it unless they too are kicking around Snow-Covereds.

Zurzoth, Chaos Rider + Mikokoro, Center of the Sea/ Geier Reach Sanitarium / Otherworld Atlas / Temple Bell: Outside of Mikokoro and Geier, these are free draws and thus, free Devil tokens from Zurzoth. On your turn the draws from your opponents (considering you have 3), will grant you 3 devil tokens. On another players turn, you get 2 devils (using the same 4 player set up). With larger pods, this number only goes up. If you happen to have all three of these out, you can get, in one rotation of your turns, 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9 Devil tokens. That is 9 damage on board, even with a wipe.

Impact Tremors / Purphoros, God of the Forge: This is a standard play of most decks that have red in their color with the ability to produce tokens. Zurzoth is no different. Impact will net you 1 damage to each opponent from your Devils entering and Purphagross will get the slick 2 damage.

Thermopod / Phyrexian Altar / Ashnod's Altar: Aristocrat style decks, aristocrat style mana production. Phyrexian and Thermapod get you the color mana aspect while Ashnod will get you the extra double colorless. This allows you to get the damage from the Devils and some mana to make more or play some bigger spells.

Glint-Horn Buccaneer / Brallin, Skyshark Rider: Red card draw comes at a cost; that cost is either: Rummaging or Impulse. Impulse you exile for the draw. While Rummaging you discard before the draw. Zurzoth, Chaos Rider is unique in the sense that he is more of a looter (Merfolk Looter). He has everyone discard after the draw. Which you discarding can be capitalized on with Glint-Horn or Brallin. Now you get damage to all opponents and you get Devils. You also reduce your opponents hand size, reducing what they can do in a more control style fashion.

Geth's Grimoire + Opponents Discarding: Now when you attack each opponent with a Devil Creature, you all draw a card and discard a card; but you then draw 3 more cards. You cast Reforge the Soul or Wheel of Fortune of you crack the Magus of the Wheel. Everyone discards and draws seven; but, if each other player had a minimum of 5 cards in hand when you did this. You now draw 15 extra cards from that.

Torbran, Thane of Red Fell and/or Cavalcade of Calamity: Your Devil tokens from Zurzoth, Zariel, Archduke of Avernus, Tibalt, Rakish Instigator, Devil's Playground, or Dance with Devils are all 1/1 creatures. Torbran now makes them deal 3 damage, or 1 damage plus an additional 2. Cavalcade deals 1 damage to the player you have your Devils attacking (which should be everyone.) Torbran makes the Cavalcade deal 1 plus an additional 2 as well. So, now when you attack with a devil you can deal a minimum of 2 damage to 6 damage. Whether a player blocks them or not, and if they do not block them it could be more. You just sacrifice the Devils after combat and you can dish out an additional 3 damage. That is 9 damage, which doesn't seem like too much; however, it turns the death by a thousand cuts, into a million stabs.

Blood Moon / Sulfuric Vortex / Ruination / Tibalt Rakish Instigator: This is kind of the light control theme of this deck, in a red way. You have the discard, paired with card draw. Then you also have the removal of nonbasic lands from players use. This really cripples non-mono colored decks. They rely heavily on things that tap for multiple colors of mana to aid them in meeting the tough confines of multiple colors. Ruination and Blood Moon, could cripple if not end those decks. While things like Sulfuric Vortex and Tibalt cripple life gain decks. Any hopes they had of surviving the onslaught of a thousand cuts, ends there.

Library of Leng / Underworld Breach / Conspiracy Theorist: These cards here kind of help you spit in the face of the discard you enact across the board. You have a lite counter with Conspiracy Theorist, allowing you to exile a single card you discard a turn (nonland) and then cast it that turn if you do. Underworld Breach is a post counter to the discard. This helps you come back, if only slightly, from the things going into the graveyard from discard. Finally, Library of Leng is the hard counter. None of the effects are a cost, thus when you discard, Leng will activate the replacement effect and put whatever you discard back on top of your library. Combined with Geth's Grimoire you can actually just net card advantage in red with no loss. On the other hand, something like Surly Bagersaur allows you advantage for not having any of these out. +1/+1 counter on Surly, Treasure Tokens, and Fight triggers.


Really there is a lot I did not cover that I have been noticing the deck can do. I know it is not the most optimized version of itself yet, and I might end up making small changes as I play with it. As it stands though, it can be a fun and chaotically competitive deck that can win out of nowhere or it can just kind of gas out quickly if you burn to quickly. It is a combination of strategy and luck with a tempering flame that you gas up quickly when you see the win and know that players cannot stop you after you have slowly been cutting them down over the game.

Leave a comment and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can, enjoy and have a wonderful day/night GLHF <3





This deck does not appear to be legal in EDH / Commander.

Problems: Jeweled Lotus is banned.

Turn: Your life: Opponent's life: Poison counters:
Hand (0)
Library (0)
Graveyard (0)
Exile (0)
Board (0)













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» Revision 8 April 9, 2022 gNecrOz
Revision 7 November 16, 2021 gNecrOz
Revision 6 August 7, 2021 gNecrOz
Revision 5 August 4, 2021 gNecrOz
Revision 4 August 2, 2021 gNecrOz
Revision 3 August 2, 2021 gNecrOz
Revision 2 August 2, 2021 gNecrOz
Revision 1 August 1, 2021 gNecrOz
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