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Copy of: Planet of The Monsters (4th Redo: Kenrith) (EDH / Commander)

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This is my from the ground up redesign on my own Destroy All Monsters deck for the 4th time! Every time beyond the first redesign it has been another name mostly due to the fact I changed all but 25 cards between the Destroy All Monster variant and the first Planet of the Monster Variant. It was designed for a much lower caliber pod than I am currently playing in. Yet it was doing decent damage.

Nonetheless, It needed a redesign to make it run more smooth and be more powerful in its design. This is my work in progress redesign!

Having played with 6 different versions of this deck with entirely different plans of action and forms of combat. This one has been the most effective while it lapses on the ability to have on threat or multiple threats. It does now have a near constant presence on board. With usually 1-3 1 drops or 2 drops with fun abilities. Always being turned into very fun little mutatious monsters. Using your own brain power to try and decide how to best split this up so targeted removal doesn't end up destroying your chance at the game although your commander makes it very hard for things to stay dead... Typically I leave things like Noble and Ignoble Hierarch alone while mutating things like Pollywog Symbiote, Slippery Bogle, or things like mamba, small creatures that have either strong or marginally annoying effects that will become large creatures with ridiculously annoying sizes.

Debating a Natural order so you may pull out a free Nyxbloom Ancient and make your mana even more devastating. But enlightened Tutor does this just as well with the option to go for something like Rhystic Study or Smothering Tithe for fuel in either format

Bounce lands were a problem and a half keeping the game way slowed down. Following that the many 3 mana counter-spells and More mutate than was needed ended up bogging the deck down and making it fairly predictable. Shifting from counters to removal gives me more control over the situation so I can remove the actual threats. Adding in things like heroic intervention to take care of my own board as much as a few things like Rhystic Study or Smothering Tithe to speed us up! A few mana dorks that give us the majority of the colours we need for just 1 mana! Dryad and Nyxbloom both support your ramp by huge huge margins. making it a thousand times easier to run your mutators.

Kenrith was more so the best option commander than anything. He is super powerful. especially in this deck. But it's not like he is really necessary most of the time.

This deck is a lovechild of the fact Godzilla cards exist

Now leaning much more heavily into my Beta Land base and fetches as much as having more evolved five colour ramp. Less dependency on interaction on more of a intent on Mutating your own board and having as much on the board as possible. While also giving yourself as large a board presence as possible.


This deck appears to be legal in EDH / Commander.

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Library (0)
Graveyard (0)
Exile (0)
Board (0)













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