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Any commander under $2
no individual card in the 98/99 worth more than $.25
Deck in total cannot be worth more than $15
Trying to build the most competitive budget deck list.
Deck revolves around spell slinging with Zada, Hedron Grinder at its center. Plays a fast commander to sling your spells and generating value with card draw and treasures to continue slinging spells and win as early as turn 4-5.
Key card selection:
Skirk Prospector: The vast majority of the creatures in this deck are goblins and when you're slinging spell after spell the ability to provide mana is essential.
Young Pyromancer: If Grapeshot is the bread, this guy is the butter. Every instant and sorcery spell you cast nets you an additional creature netting you more targets for more treasures and draws!
Spellbinding Soprano: The only cost reduction spell under $.25 and it reduces all our instant and sorcery spells? Yes please.
Grapeshot: The bread and butter of any spell slinger deck but the fact that in this deck you can target Zada to copy it for each creature you control is insane.
Barbflare Gremlin: A goblin, that ramps us up? This guy says, "If I stay around, you lose".
Salivating Gremlins: More of a pet card than anything for me, with all the treasures coming and going, this little guy gets very big very fast and can outright one shot an opponent.
Molten Gatekeeper: Tokens run amuck in this deck and with so many coming and going this card deals out massive amounts of damage.
Brute Force/Titan's Strength/Dreadmaw's Ire: Speaking of killing our own creatures, these guys allow you to pump them up to keep them healthy for more spells to be slung at them. Then turn all that bottled up rage at your opponents and let'em loose.
Dual Strike: Just the ability to copy a spell cast in the deck is good but copying grapeshot, targeting zada, making a copy for every creature you control and do it again? Game finisher!
Flick a Coin: Does everything this deck wants to do. Targets zada, makes treasures, draws cards. It's an auto include.
Now not everything can be thrown at your creatures, sometimes you need to remove your opponent's threats as well. Here's what we have.
Unholy Heat: One mana 6 damage? Hell yes (see what I did there?)
Shattering Pulse: There isn't an ability to shut down artifacts in Penny Format and anything we can do to slow down our opponents the better not to mention late game we can buy it back and recast it for more spells on the stack.
Zoyowa's Justice: Sometimes there are just things that are too big and scary and need to go. Can't use Chaos Warp with the cheapest copy sitting just under $.50 but good enough.
Your life:
Opponent's life:
Poison counters:
Hand (0)
Library (0)
Graveyard (0)
Exile (0)
Board (0)
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Turn 9
Turn 10
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