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To play your deck at an official ("DCI-sanctioned") tournament you need a deck registration sheet. Here you can download such a sheet pre-filled with the cards in this deck!

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Please note: This is not an official DCI service. So please always make extra sure that the sheet contains all the cards in your deck and fulfils all DCI requirements. If you notice anything wrong, please let us know. DCI is a trademark of of Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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This deck does not appear to be legal in EDH / Commander.

Problems: Not legal in this format: AWOL, Abstract Iguanart, Alexander Clamilton, Animate Library, As Luck Would Have It, Ashnod's Coupon, B-I-N-G-O, Baron Von Count, Blacker Lotus, Blast from the Past, Blurry Beeble, Boomstacker, Bronze Calendar, Burning Cinder Fury of Crimson Chaos Fire, Bursting Beebles, Cheatyface, Checks and Balances, City of Ass, Clocknapper, Common Courtesy, Crow Storm, Deadhead, Deal Damage, Earl of Squirrel, Entirely Normal Armchair, Extremely Slow Zombie, Five-Finger Discount, Fowl Play, Frankie Peanuts, GO TO JAIL, Goblin S.W.A.T. Team, Goblin Tutor, Grusilda, Monster Masher, Infernal Spawn of Evil, Infernal Spawn of Infernal Spawn of Evil, Infernius Spawnington III, Esq., Infinity Elemental, Jack-in-the-Mox, Jalum Grifter, Johnny, Combo Player, Jumbo Imp, Krazy Kow, Mad Science Fair Project, Mana Screw, Modular Monstrosity, Mox Lotus, My First Tome, Number Crunch, Phoebe, Head of S.N.E.A.K., Pippa, Duchess of Dice, R&D's Secret Lair, Rare-B-Gone, Red-Hot Hottie, Richard Garfield, Ph.D., Spell Counter, Sword of Dungeons & Dragons, Syr Cadian, Knight Owl, The Big Idea, Three-Headed Goblin, Timmy, Power Gamer, Underdome, Urza, Academy Headmaster, X, Yet Another Aether Vortex, B.O.B. (Bevy of Beebles).

Turn: Your life: Opponent's life: Poison counters:
Hand (0)
Library (0)
Graveyard (0)
Exile (0)
Board (0)













Move this card to:


2-sided (coin flip)
6-sided (d6)
20-sided (d20)



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If I play a card times in my ? card deck, how likely am I to draw it times?
  Name Hand Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 Turn 4 Turn 5 Turn 6 Turn 7 Turn 8 Turn 9 Turn 10

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Here are some suggestions for cards you could add to your deck, based on decks that other players have built with this Commander.

Please add some cards to the deck to see card suggestions.

Unfortunately, we could not detect a Commander in this deck. Please choose it here to view card suggestions. To make sure this deck is analyzed properly in the future, please flag your Commander in the deckbuilder or put it in a separate section called "Commander".
Score Card Name Type Mana Rarity Salt
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These are the all the revisions of this deck. Click on a revision to view the deck as it looked back then.
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» Revision 2 March 7, 2024 neekstock
Revision 1 March 7, 2024 neekstock
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