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To play your deck at an official ("DCI-sanctioned") tournament you need a deck registration sheet. Here you can download such a sheet pre-filled with the cards in this deck!
Please note: This is not an official DCI service. So please always make extra sure that the sheet contains all the cards in your deck and fulfils all DCI requirements. If you notice anything wrong, please let us know. DCI is a trademark of of Wizards of the Coast LLC.
"Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth."Revelation 9:3-10
The idea is simple, overwhelm my opponents with pesky little fliers that become large and gruesome. This deck plays more aggro than control.
The draw spells bring out the bugs and Shared Animosity or Coat of Arms will do the rest. If that doesn't work, there's always Purphoros, God of the Forge and Warstorm Surge to chip away at my opponents life total. Dragon Arch allows me to drop my commander for 2 mana while Obelisk of Urd buffs up my insects. It's all around nasty. Discarding and drawing is the best way to generate the tokens, and with Library of Leng out, I have nothing to worry about.
2-sided (coin flip) | |
6-sided (d6) | |
20-sided (d20) | |
Sides: |
Double-click to open card details.
Name | Hand | Turn 1 | Turn 2 | Turn 3 | Turn 4 | Turn 5 | Turn 6 | Turn 7 | Turn 8 | Turn 9 | Turn 10 | |
Additional Probabilities |
Please add some cards to the deck to see card suggestions.
Score | Card Name | Type | Mana | Rarity | Salt |