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Decks suchen: Stroke of Genius

Min.: $   Max.: $
Name des Decks Format Letzte Änderung Von Likes Preis Aufrufe
Deck Socrates, Athenian Techer (Group Hug) EDH / Commander vor 56 Minuten Cooldude6425 $326 100
Deck Basic Arixmetic EDH / Commander vor 3 Stunden SirJackOfAss $140 2,750
Deck +1/+1 counters Casual vor 8 Stunden mobes013 $12 10
Deck 2.1 Mono U StAsiS... Propaganda Stroke!!! Casual vor 15 Stunden GuilleRubik $108 66
Deck 2.2 Mono U StAsiS... NO BLACK VISE!!! Casual vor 15 Stunden GuilleRubik $113 310
Deck Rielle (Again) (Casual) EDH / Commander vor 22 Stunden Bofidius, the Unwise $3,725 97
Deck Will, Scion of Peace EDH / Commander vor 1 Tagen Juda $374 56
Deck CHAIR TRIBAL CARD LIST Card List vor 1 Tagen Lapos Casas $3,398 1,227
Deck Eluge, the Shoreless Sea (clones) EDH / Commander vor 1 Tagen elestrago $251 152
Deck Magnus the red EDH / Commander vor 1 Tagen themaya97 $146 39
Deck Melek, Reforged Researcher EDH / Commander vor 1 Tagen winterkilled $227 299
Deck Wheel mill EDH / Commander vor 2 Tagen arma_gedon $50 44
Deck SE01 WeekendEdition PreCon League: Seize Control EDH / Commander vor 2 Tagen tuccler $56 136
Deck Mizzix EDH / Commander vor 2 Tagen lugarus $129 326
Deck heliod EDH / Commander vor 2 Tagen Ajor $81 21
Deck Kami of the Crescent Moon EDH / Commander vor 2 Tagen Panoramix79 $236 192
Deck Mill Baby Mill! EDH / Commander vor 2 Tagen UnlootedVault $157 96
Deck Zaffai Thunder Conductor| Izzet Big Spells | EDH EDH / Commander vor 2 Tagen BAKERBLITZ96 $1,706 470
Deck Zaxara EDH / Commander vor 3 Tagen Bubba24710 $1,243 30
Deck magus lucea kane1 EDH / Commander vor 4 Tagen ESMHD $237 61

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