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Decks suchen: Thrun, the Last Troll

Min.: $   Max.: $
Name des Decks Format Letzte Änderung Von Likes Preis Aufrufe
Deck Nethroi Zero Power v2.3 EDH / Commander vor 12 Stunden Grimjack $195 559
Deck Thrun Dans Ta face EDH / Commander vor 14 Stunden YuanJieA $192 48
Deck Advisor Control EDH / Commander vor 1 Tagen RedactedZ $218 41
Deck Voltron 3.13 (Commander Damage) $105 EDH / Commander vor 1 Tagen Stonebreez $104 676
Deck Grrurul EDH / Commander vor 3 Tagen chandradeck $287 92
Deck Modern Jund Modern vor 5 Tagen Tyler2004 29 $711 12,167
Deck Espesura Modern vor 5 Tagen BarbaAzul $54 69
Deck Anzrag, Ants-Rage 1 EDH / Commander vor 5 Tagen Lysistratos $229 92
Deck EDH-Marholt-Elsdragon EDH / Commander vor 5 Tagen Plata $282 146
Deck GW stompy Card List vor 5 Tagen Tadashy $10 75
Deck Luxior Parasite Modern vor 6 Tagen Lofwyr $782 723
Deck Commander list EDH / Commander vor 6 Tagen Axciel_Kay $1,053 607
Deck Eat your veggies! Casual vor 6 Tagen mikal $20 48
Deck Cubo Modern [Green] Cube vor 8 Tagen fedaykin $228 42
Deck Jund Ponza Midrange Modern vor 10 Tagen JulesR04 $533 358
Deck Bant Energy Control Modern vor 10 Tagen JulesR04 $445 351
Deck Verdone Stompone EDH / Commander vor 11 Tagen berry.91 $285 217
Deck Experiment Kraj (WIP) EDH / Commander vor 13 Tagen OscarGC $169 59
Deck Abzan Reanimate (Nethroi, Apex of Death) EDH / Commander vor 13 Tagen HaRiHo777 $254 265
Deck Kathril Legendaries EDH / Commander vor 14 Tagen BluezamX $205 22

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