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I'm looking for feedback on this deck

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Hello (:
Here's my deck: https://deckstats.net/decks/996/2399-red-blue-token-generator

I'd like some feedback on it, if possible. Thanks :D

Your deck seems a little.. Cluttered? What is the theme you are going for?? Personally I would try to reduce how many cards you have and condense it to have more 3-4 cards in your deck.

Just to reinforce this point, take a look at the Probabilities page right now. Even after 10 turns there is a less than 50% chance that you will have seen any of the cards of which you are only playing two! What's the point of having them, if you are not going to reliably get them every game? This is why most people rather play a few cards four times than many cards a few times.

It's indeed a little scattered... I just don't know what to remove. Heh.

Going a little more in-depth:

The theme I'm going for is, in a few words: lotsa tokens, hit hard.
There are a couple spells there meant for a more control-like playstyle (cyclonic, counters, searing spear).

Curse of the stalked prey allows for token inflating in case none of the creature buffs appear.

I could use more divinations, now that I think about it.

Token-creating spells are abundant so I don't rely on talrand too much.


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