English-language Forums > Deck Reviews

Overkill Control

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This deck wins games.  Help me think of ways to make this deck sick-nastypants against its only real threat: burn decks.


My thanks to the community! :D

I still haven't designed my sideboard yet.  Please help me with sideboard suggestions.  I'm a casual player who has dabbled in Standard and I've only played one Modern Tournament.  I don't know the Modern meta-game very well.  I'd sure appreciate any input.

Crow, Rogue king:
could help to have a Cancel or 2, maybe a couple Negate as well to help against burn. and sadly ponder is illegal in modern so that needs to be removed.


--- Quote from: Crow, Rogue king on March 07, 2013, 04:06:53 am --- sadly ponder is illegal in modern so that needs to be removed.

--- End quote ---

hmmm...  Its odd that deckstats.net did not detect that.  I have 4 preordain I can use to replace ponder.  Not as good, but its pretty much the same idea.

Crow, Rogue king:
well deckstats is still in beta and it does let you know that they dont have the banned lists in the system. but yeah, pretty much the same idea.


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