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New: Format deck descriptions with Markdown

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Good news: You can now use Markdown syntax to format your deck descriptions!

For example, start a line with # to create a heading or surround text with two asterisks to make it **bold**. You can also make sections that can be shown/hidden on click, which should come in particularly handy for primers.

In addition, I have also made a few more changes to make working with descriptions a bit easier:

* There is now a button to show a preview of your description before you save it.
* You will be warned if you try to leave your deck page without saving changes to your description.
* Descriptions and notes for previous revisions of your deck will be kept, and when you revert your deck they will also be restored.Below are a few examples of our Markdown syntax. You can see the result of this code in this example deck.

--- Código: ---# Markdown example
The line above will become a heading because it is prefixed with a #.

## Introduction
Two ## make a sub-heading, ### make a sub-sub-heading and so on.

Leave an empty line to make a new paragraph. **This text will be shown in bold**, *while this will be in italics*.

You can also insert a link [like this](https://deckstats.net). Card names like Black Lotus or Forest will automatically be made clickable.

## > Hidden sections
If you start a section heading with a > after the # then it will be hidden by default, and can be revealed by clicking on the heading.

To end a section, just start another one at the same or higher level:

## Lists
Here is a list of a few items:

- item1
- item2
- item3

## Advanced syntax
Use three dashes to insert a horizontal rule:


You can even make tables:

First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column

--- Fim de Código ---

To read more about Markdown, have a look at this Markdown reference or Github's guide to mastering Markdown. Note that Github has a few extra features that we don't support here though, like checklists, syntax highlighting and @mentions.

Markdown is only supported in deck descriptions and private notes. In the forums and in comments we will continue to use BBCode.

Nils, you spoil us.

One question, what's the character limit for deck descriptions? Is it the same as forum posts?

Edit: While starting on converting my primer to this beautiful new format, I started implementing tables. I found that the content of the tables align at the bottom of the table, which is weird. I attached a photo of what happened. Under the "Disadvantages" section of the table, the content has an extra line of space because it is only 3 lines long, while the content of the "Advantages" section of the table is 4 lines long and takes up that empty line of space. Is there something I, the user can be doing to stop that? If not, would there be any way that could be changed, so the content always starts immediately after the header?

The table alignment should be fixed now, please try again.

The character limit is 100,000 for now. If you actually need more than that I'd be happy to raise it further. That said, I think around that number you'll reach a point where people won't have the energy to read it all anyway... :)


--- Citação de: Nils em Março 27, 2020, 01:52:41 pm ---The character limit is 100,000 for now. If you actually need more than that I'd be happy to raise it further. That said, I think around that number you'll reach a point where people won't have the energy to read it all anyway... :)

--- Fim de Citação ---

now this is very nice, like it alot  8) 8) 8)  have applied to my two IRL decks great improvement but could we go back to the deck description not being inside a scrolling iframe, infinite length was perfect, or make it optional

also, could we have a full page background image option with color/transparency level for the deck list panel

two very minor changes, that would dramatically improve the page look, now that we have markdown to insert images into the description

great work on the site thus far  :)


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