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Arena, MTGO or Paper? Choose your preferred game type!

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Over the last few years, more and more differences between digital and paper versions of MTG have emerged. While there were always cards that were only available in paper form, there are now also cards and entire sets that are only available in Arena. This could sometimes lead to confusion, as our card database contained a mix of cards across all these different forms.

To help you keep track of which cards are playable where, we are now introducing the concept of game types. Each card can be associated with one or several types of game - paper, Arena or MTGO. You can pick your preferred game type in your settings. Cards in the deckbuilder and our set lists will now automatically be filtered to your preferred game type (but you can always override this).

You can also specify a game type for your collections in the collection properties. This is important when we calculate the percentage that you own of each set, as we will now only consider cards of the same game type. Previously, it may have been impossible to reach 100% completion for some sets, for example when your collection was all paper but the set also contained unique arena cards. The set list will also adapt to the game type of the collection that you have selected.

And if you want things to stay the way they were until now, you can just leave your settings and collection properties at the default value ("any").

I hope that this will prove useful to many of you! As usual, please let me know here or via Twitter or Discord if you have any thoughts about this or notice any problems.

Oh thanks! That's awesome!

Paper, commander!!!  8)

Super welcome change, thank you!

I did notice that on the Sets page, when toggling between game types it will change the card count but the collection percentage appears to still be using combined count of digital-unique and paper cards as the denominator. The tooltip reflects that as well.

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