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Oh My, what big hands you have! - Queza, Augur of Agonies Primer


Im back with another Primer!

Today I want to show off my Esper forced card draw deck. The goal of this deck is to everyone a massive amount of cards, then punish them for having large hands!

Similar to the old "Owling Mine" archetype (2006 Pro Tour), but this is less control/counterspell tribal and more midrange/engine building.

I’d love to hear what you guys think of the deck! And I’ll be back with another primer in a few weeks.


Morganator 2.0:
It seems to me like you're playing a strategy more similar to Nekusar, the Mindrazer than Queza, Augur of Agonies. Queza only cares if you draw cards, while Nekusar is themed around making your opponents draw; the exact strategy your deck is using. Why did you choose Queza instead of Nekusar? And what advantages does Queza have running this strategy compared to Nekusar?

I would also like to know why you're not using these cards:

Alhammarret's Archive
Faerie Manstermind
Fellwar Stone
Notion Thief
Path to Exile
Rhystic Study
Sanguine Bond
Talisman of Dominance
Talisman of Hierarchy
Teferi's Ageless insight
Teferi's Puzzle Box
The Second Doctor

You bring up a VERY good point! Nekusar, the Mindrazer is pretty much the deck that I have built. I guess that I just wanted to be in Esper. I built most of the deck before I decided on the commander and she so happened to be the one Esper legend that fit the deck's strategy the most. I didn't even consider that Nekusar is similar till right now.

This is sort of a secondary reason that I just thought of, But I guess it's the reputation that the commander brings. Nekuzar is a well-known boogie man in the format. If I bust out him, everyone knows what's up and to kill me first. If I play Queza it's less of an "oh shit" reaction around the table, plus the deck is sort of a "group hug" deck. I want to let the table have fun, not sweat while looking for a removal spell.

I'll add the reasons why I am not playing the following cards to the list in another reply. I just need time to think about each card.

To follow up on the reasons that I am not playing certain cards.

Alhammarret's Archive & Faerie Mastermind: Man... I don't have a reason to not run these other than I don't own either IRL.

Fellwar Stone: I personally do not like this card. The number of times that I've had it not make a color that is useful to me has left a bad impression. If I going to be running a rock that gives me a colorless mana and occasionally a color I need for two CMC I'd rather run one with better upside.

Notion Thief: I am looking to fill the hands of the others at the table. This actively stops that.

Rhystic Study: I really don't need the draw that this provides. If I am running more card draw in the deck, I want it to also put cards into other's hands as well.

Sanguine Bond: I honestly don't gain enough life for this to be effective.

Teferi's Ageless insight: I should be running this for the same reasons that I should be running Alhammarret's Archive, however, If I am going to be adding one of the two to the deck I'll be adding the archive other than this one.

Teferi's Puzzle Box: A really silly card that I think would help churn through decks. The only problem is that It doesn't increase the amount of cards in hands just changes them.

The Second Doctor: I never knew about this card. I'd love to add to the deck If I ever get my hands on one.

Path to Exile & the Talismans of X: I'll be updating the deck list to include these because you are right. I should be running these.

I've also updated the Primer to explain why I am not running Nekuzar. Our Commander section has been updated to be Queza, Augur of Agonies not Nekusar, the Mindrazer?

I have gone through and updated the list. As well as rewrote some of the sections of the primer to reflect the new changes to the list.

For example, I have removed Dreamborn Muse and Elder Brain from the deck, So I rewrote the sections that mentioned them.

Also, I did an overall grammar check and clarified some of the more convoluted sections. For example, I cleaned up the "The Rest of the 99" and "Look out!" sections to be less redundant. Some sentences would repeat what has already been said but just in a different way.


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