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Pip-Boy 3000.... is likely going to become a staple like Arcane Signet

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Pip-boy 3000

I feel either we are going to need to do either need a MTG version of this for the future.

Or we going to need another Fallout set (which we easily still can)......I mean there was a lot of Fallout related monsters and characters that didn't make the cut.

Like Benny, the Chinese Stealth Suit, or that giant cannibal whale in Fallout 4 (cut content)...

Honestly was surprised we got Winding Constrictor..... Since the only Snakes in all of Fallout are in Van Buren. (A Cancelled Fallout Game)

Plus I am sure when the TV show releases, we might Fallout TV Show Character cards like the DnD movie did.

(edit: Honestly I could go on for Hours but there nowhere to focus about Fallout and MTG at the same time.)

I don't really see the comparison to Arcane Signet here. One mana to cast, two to equip, plus whatever for the body in the first place.
It's just a clunky weakened mix of Bear Umbra, Pirate Hat, and Armory of Iroas.

I think at least in any voltron white/color combination this is handy and almost an auto include.

Yes...... White Voltron.....

Totally not running a Shagrat, Loot Bearer Edh deck stealing the other 3 Pip-Boy 3000 cards this week.

It's a good point in general though.  I remember playing Half Life deathmatch with mods years ago and seeing Santa Claus beat Ronald McDonald to death with a crowbar.  I was in for it then.  UB is a harder pill for me to swallow though, being mechanically unique.  Magic has always been ridiculous (eg a squirrel equipped with a sword defeating a zombie), but at least there was some manner of consistency in the flavor.  I hope WotC come out with a reskin slot in a future UB masters set or something for those who prefer to keep it 'in universe'.


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