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What do you think of "Baldur’s Gate Wilderness"?

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New Dungeons cards are always welcome.... but I don't know....

I feel like EDH is just getting more and more complex with each set.

I don't know if anyone uses Dungeons anymore. (I dropped it, for Amass and Treasure focus aka Shagrat.)

(I don't have a link for this token)

Honestly all I could ever see myself doing is going straight down the left every single time, only moving over for Gauntlet of Shar and Ansur's Sanctum.

Morganator 2.0:
There's a lot of good options in that dungeon. All of the final rooms are potentially game ending, or at the very least put you in a good position to win.

I am with Morgantor on this with the final rooms can end games or come close to ending them. Ansur's Sanctum I think would be the most brutal of them all especially with how easy it is to have top deck manipulation. Plus it has 2 different ways to end in the Sanctum compared the other 2. Circus of the last day or Undercity Ruins hits the Sanctum while Circus only hits Steel Watch Foundry and Undercity Ruins only hits Temple of Bhaal.

This isn't a proper dungeon, though, right? It's for some kind of event thing or something?

If I did end up in this dungeon somehow, going left seems by far the better choice. Most of the time scry 3 is better than one treasure, and whilst Goblin Camp + Defiled Temple together basically read "draw a card" if nothing else, playing an extra land can be pretty big a lot of the time too. From Mountain Pass you can go diagonally across to Last Light Inn; sticking left for Balthazar's Lab is potentially the better option (and Reithwin Tollhouse is not half bad either) but that forces you into Undercity Ruins which may or may not be a lot less attractive than Circus of the Last Days. But then again, Temple of Bhaal will be brutal in a lot of situations; I'd usually rather have Ansur's Sanctum by far but I'd rather have the option of the temple than the option of Steel Watch Foundry.

I'd use this in my Acererak the Archlich deck if I could; Ansur's Sanctum is probably a better wincon than Mad Wizard's Lair, and just in general this one has far better rooms (and specifically Tollhouse is really good, I'd probably almost always go Teahouse -> Mountain Pass -> Grymforge -> Tollhouse -> Gauntlet -> Circue -> Sanctum, possibly sometimes Goblin Camp -> Defiled Temple -> Grymforge, but less likely what with Crash Landing giving you a land).


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