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A Horse and his Kobold (Keleth/Rograkh)



Poor Rograkh is such a little guy.  How can he ever hope to stand up to his father?  Maybe his new horse will help him endure.

The early strategy with this deck is simple.  Play Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh turn one, maybe alongside some one drop.  Play Keleth, Sunmane Familiar turn two and swing with Rograkh.  There should always be at least one opponent who doesn't have 2 creatures to block, so you should get a counter on Rograkh without risking him.  He will get bigger every turn, hopefully surviving being blocked because of his growing power and first strike.  The low mana cost of both commanders means that recasting them a couple of times when they get removed isn't too much of a burden.

The mid/late game strategy is silly and janky.  It revolves around an old forgotten card called Enduring Renewal.  Enduring Renewal will return Rograkh to hand every time he dies, allowing us to recast him for 0.  Combine this with Goblin Bombardment and we have recursive damage.  Combine with Purphoros, God of the Forge /  Impact Tremors / Warleader's Call and one of the Altars to also deal recursive damage.  One of the Altars can also enable a game ending Comet Storm or Fireball.

Tested this on Tabletop Simulator.  One on one so not a good test.  Realized the landbase needed tweaking, must have really been in a hurry when I posted the "finished" version.  The deck won the test game by resolving a Plea for Guidance turn 5 grabbing Enduring Renewal and impact tremors (goblin bombardment was already on the field).  My opponent didn't have anything to stop it so he scooped at the end of his turn 6.  Even without the combo, he would have needed good draws to not die to commander damage on turn 8 or 9.


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