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Really not sure about this one (The Council of Four)

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While looking at ERMTD's Galea deck I saw a card I had never noticed before.  The Council of Four doesn't look that strong, but it looks like it might be fun.  I ended up building a casual deck that is a little bit all over the place, but sometimes you just want to have some silly fun.


The deck hopefully draws a lot of cards and makes enough tokens to be a threat, while also throwing alt wincons at the wall till something sticks.

Hey there,

After building the Galea deck, I also had the same thoughts and built a separate deck with him at the helm. I have now a semi-modular deck where I switch between him and Galea at the helm (switching a lot of cards actually) and I am quite happy, because the only thing tying both decks is the knights theme, but they play completely different.
Here is the decklist:

I tried him two times out. He is actually great and way more powerful than I thought. His strength lies on the types of cards you use (like Kami of the Crescent Moon and Howling Mine) that nobody really likes to blow up because of value and that he himself is mostly not a target, even if the deck goes out of hand. The reason for this is that he is a 0/8, so not really a attacking threat by himself. The second reason is that the opponents are mostly responsible if he churns out knights or draws you cards. The fairer the opponents play, the less powerful he becomes.


If I decide to actually build this it will not be soon.  There are too many cards I would need to order to build it the way I want and I am trying to cut back on how much I am spending on MTG.  The other thing is that the people in my playgroup have watched enough youtube videos to know that anytime someone is drawing a lot of cards, that person should be murdered asap.  I keep telling them they should run more targeted removal, but they still tend to solve things by removing me instead.  Of course, that wouldn't really be any different than any other deck I play.

That is a shame regarding your playgroup, but they will also grow and think differently over the years. I mean, with this deck you are just drawing more cards when everyone else is drawing more cards, which does not make you the main target necessarily. Plus you play also cards that do give them card advantage too, so it is not a very black or white thing with this commander. Another thing: maybe your playgroup has to be introduced to group hug commanders, at least from what you wrote.

The problem is I have already introduced them to group hug, but I am an evil deckbuilder.  My group hug deck isn't designed to win, it is designed to power up the rest of the table when we play Horde Magic.  The problem is, if you leave my group hug deck alone it gets Chain Veil, Teferi, Tesseret, draws as many cards as it wants, generates the mana to cast them all, creates tokens with Garruk, psyclonic rifts, takes an extra turn, then kills everyone, all with counterspell support.  They expect all my decks to do things like this.


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