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My new shirei - Comments


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My new shirei

I may drop the reassembling skeleton for the outlaws tiny ones instead. I haven’t decided.

I will replace sheoldred with drivnod and reassembling skeleton for tinybones the pickpocket. We'll see how that goes.

After a number of games and a lot of frustration, I have determined that I had a lot of what the deck wanted but not what it needed. I added in some more mana ramp in the form of some land changes and some artifact additions. It felt as though I just couldn't get mana fast enough. With that in mind, I re-added phyrexian altar. I also added sword of the animist to experiment with in addition to ancient tomb and myriad landscape.

I also swapped out some creatures. I put back in Liliana flipwalker for her ultimate, even though I never managed to get her to it. I also added bottle gnomes for guaranteed lifegain. I swapped harvester of souls for grim haruspex and also added Feaster of Fools for a sac outlet and a possible flying wincon.

As an experiment, I added in Kormus bell to turn my swamps into 1/1 creatures. I am not sure how it will fare as time goes on, but it could be a boon as my swamps couldd then be saced for effect and return at the end of the turn.


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