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[Modern] Zada's Energy Revolt


Zada's Energy Revolt

I don't know too much about the Modern format, but I was hoping to give it a try when Modern Horizons 3 comes out. Aether Revolt and Galvanic Discharge caught my eye and I wanted to try making it work with Zada going nuts on energy production. Essentially just get 4 creatures, more or less as needed, Zada included, and Galvanic Discharge her to do so to each of them killing only one of your own creatures. Aether Revolt currently isn't on here but it's an enchantment that increases non combat damage dealt by 2 if a permanent you control left play that turn and also deals damage equal to the amount of energy you gain, meaning each Galvanic Discharge will blast your opponent in the face for 5.
As I stated though, I don't really know the format so I'm not sure how effective the idea would actually be in practice and am open to ideas on how to improve it.


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