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Topics - HotPotato

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[fr] Demandes de Revues de Decks / [EDH / Commander] One Hungry Boi
« on: January 26, 2020, 03:39:35 pm »
One Hungry Boi

Kroxa has finally escaped Tartaros, and he is hungry beyond limits. One hand would not satisfy him, as he his surely but slowly - who am I kidding, he eats fcking fast !! Hurry, get shelter, or he might end up eating your lifepoints after your hand !! HAAAAA

*This version is still in developpment, as I'm beta testing interaction and everything. Feel free to tell me your point of view or give me some advice, as this is my first attempt at a cEDH deck. GL and have fun!*

The Piracy Never Ends


This deck is centered around Beckett's ability, which means we have to hit quick and hard the opponents in the face to take their stuff and survive in the late game. One of my first deck, now remastered.
The manabase needs a bit fine tunning, choices have been made to take my purse into account. Take out the Sol Ring for a Talisman of Dominance and you'll have a fine 1v1 deck too.

The deck is made to corner one opponent after another, so stay political and flexible on your targets as you'll probably be seen as a threat early in the game. Even though Admiral Beckett requires you to stay focus, don't always do that ; nobody likes to be ganged up on, and you'll end up in Archenemy real quick without any means to win against 3 decks. But if it happens, the strategy is to developp yourself in the shadow when everyone thinks you're down and steal a flashy victory. (Try to find Mob Rule, it can be pretty nasty in the late game)

Arcades, Stratego Champion

Nice aggro deck for the commander who always dreamt of Walls. I added a little bit of survivability in the late game and some plan B with mill (if we can't stick Arcades, it's going to be essential to win). Never played for now, but I can update the result if you're interested about the commander. 

Feel free to comment about the deck or if you want to share your view on its gameplan, or anything else really. Have a nice day !

[fr] Demandes de Revues de Decks / [EDH / Commander] Beckett Brass v2
« on: June 06, 2019, 01:02:23 pm »
Beckett Brass v2

This deck is centered around Beckett's ability, which means we have to hit quick and hard the opponents in the face to take their stuff and survive in the late game.

This deck is not totally optimized, especially the manabase, but it is meant to be fun and it really is ^^ If you have any suggestions I'm glad to hear them.

Saprosaurus Rex

Facing this deck is like having a picnic and taking a nap under a tree. Except the tree is alive. And he is gonna sacrifice you to a bunch of gods you had no idea existed. And there's saprolings. Oh gods there's saprolings Every.Fcking.Where.

Enjoy ! I am trying to tune the deck atm, but with all the option there is with WarOfTheSpark I don't know what to change haha (Golgari has been truly blessed this extension.) See you around, love.

Arcades The Trumpetist

Nice aggro set for the commander who always dreamt of Walls.
Might need a little bit more Protection and less aggro, but why be conservative when you can end the game for someone turn 5 ? Nonetheless, I know I am not the greatest deckbuilder there is, so feel free to tell me about what would be a better way to build this deck in your opinion !

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