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English-language Forums => General Magic => Topic started by: jaceperry on February 13, 2016, 08:22:37 am

Title: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: jaceperry on February 13, 2016, 08:22:37 am
This is just a for fun topic that I am just interested to see what people like. Please rate your colors from your favorite first and least favorite being of course last. I of course will start it off.
Blue- I always enjoy outsmarting a opponent. I love game of wits and blue gives me that.

Green- With the new support mechanic green jumped high in this list of mine it used to be second from last or 4th. Support is my new favorite deck make at this moment. I haven't had the drive to build a standard deck in at least two months before I seen this mechanic.

White- White has always been a support color to me. I honestly always see it as the color that cannot stand on its own. But don't get me wrong I have seen plenty that get the job done but White as a whole not so much.

Black- This color used to be second until Support came and wrecked it. The reason I enjoy black over red is because it isn't just the same thing over and over.

Red- Ugh this color is the color I associate with boredom. It repeats itself a lot. Never really bringing new concepts to the table. For example the majority of modern deck run lightning bolt ( It is just like here I burn your face. It makes the game boring to me when I can lose before I even get the chance to play a single card. But red isn't all bad to me it did give me Sarkon and my favorite creature typing of Dragon. But don't get me wrong if you enjoy red this is not bashing you. You and I just enjoy different playstyles.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: G. Moto on February 13, 2016, 02:49:43 pm
Alright then I guess it's my turn next;

1) Black- Starting out I've always been a black mana user in any and all combinations. Graveyard play is my specialty and people hardly ever prepare themselves for a sneak attack ( from the grave. It's a great way to catch ( people off guard and it can do anything that the other 4 colors can (for a price of course).

2) Green- I like the idea of a slow build up that leads into a landslide ( victory. Quick games are ok with me but I don't like the match to end before it even starts. Green lets me lay down enchantments, get small creatures that grow into big creatures, and maintain a healthy board presence. Black and Green may be opposites but they work just fine for me.

3) White- Its an ok color choice for me, white isn't always my first choice but it always pulls through when I need it to. I tend to have more of it than anything else and always find some out of the norm way of using it. It has its flaws but works when it needs to and is a powerhouse every other time.

4) Blue- I like the aspect of playing as a Blue mind mage, using mental magic and ingenuity to outsmart the opponent. However so many people use that color simply for countering EVERYTHING that it almost defeats the purpose of playing. Its like most blue decks are just "ANTI- META, win the tournament" instead of having fun anymore. I like the color and its own creativity but I don't like how people spam it.

5) Red- It's not a bad color but it doesn't always flow well with my play-style. Even when I'm using a red deck I find myself playing mid-ranged instead of playing aggro. I feel that if red had more to offer besides burn and haste then it'd be higher up on my list.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: EBWonder on February 13, 2016, 06:08:43 pm
I'll bite next.

0) Colorless - First off, I know, Its not a color, but for completeness, I include it. I play it because I  like a challenge.

1) Green - I remember playing green when i first started out. Mana acceleration, instabuff, life gain, and trample were my bread and butter.

2) Black - Black edged out blue for me although I like them both equally. blacks big thing has always been recursion. I like things to be multipurpose and black can cover a lot of ground.

3) Blue - Blue has always been a control color for me. others have posted that red feel like you'[re bored, but blue was that way too. The thought process was: 1) do I have mana to counter, 2) is it that big of a threat, 3) how can I gain it if I want it?

4) Red - red has haste and burn. I'm not going to beat this dead ( horse. but it also had control and mana ramp (albeit limited). it was also the only colors to initially match green for creature speed (aka weenie rush).

5) White - White has been a little of everything (well except recursion and trample) and while it's useful, I think it slows down the game a bit too much or was too situational. Stasis ( Field has made me like it more, but I play red more than I play white usually.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: WWolfe on February 13, 2016, 06:37:32 pm
1- Green: Always been my go to color. The vast majority of my decks when I was playing standard were either mono green or green with blue or black as a secondary color. Love to ramp into big fatties.

2- Black: Love graveyard shenanigans and black generally has the better removal. Overall my top two are the Golgari colors.

3- Blue: Control is nice, I like control but outside of some EDH decks that have it in it or splashing blue in a green deck to buy me time to hit my fatties, I generally don't use it. It disheartens newer players to play against it and the shop I'm at know seems to be mostly newer players so my use of blue has dwindled.

4- Red: When I'm drafting or doing prereleases I generally look for speed and that generally comes in Red. I'm not much into burn though if it compliments the strategy I'm using...

5- White: Just have never really used it much outside of color specific decks (EDH). Nothing against it, just mainly use it when it has cards that fit what I want the deck to do (my Boros Heroic enchantment deck for instance).
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: milipeder on February 14, 2016, 08:54:07 am
1- Green: Ever since my introduction to Magic, I've always seemed to hover over the green side of Magic's color pie. There was just something so satisfying about slamming an enormous monster onto the table. Especially since when I played this archetype I was a twelve year old at the kitchen table, and neither I nor my friend knew what "removal" was nor how good it was. Since then my tastes for Magic have evolved, I've become somewhat of a combo player, although I do enjoy jamming the occasional fatty now and then.

2- Black: I think my love for black started at the same kitchen table as my love fro green, although now originally in my own hands. There was one kid at the table who had a little bit more money to invest in Magic than the rest of us. He was a big fan of Tribal decks, specifically everything undead, he brought Vampires and Zombies to the kitchen table, and for the life of us, none of us could beat him! I was usually the first eliminated, since I was the youngest one at the table and the others were better friends. His Tribal decks remained undefeated for many moths. I remember thinking how overpowered Undead Warchief ( was back in the day.

3- Blue: I don't really have as much of a nostalgic connection to any of the other three colors, so there will be no rose tinted goggles on these colors. However, I love the crazy cards that blue has to offer, it seems like all of the most broken cards come out of blue. And Frost Titan ( is my favorite Magic card, so blue earns slot #3.

4- White: I'm a huge fan of Death and Taxes in both Modern and Legacy. and Eldrazi Displacer ( has made the deck much better in modern, raising this color a slot on my list.

5- Red: From a flavor standpoint, red has always seemed very narrow to me. Same seems true from a gameplay standpoint, red just seems, well yeah, narrow. There's aren't very many ways to challenge my deckbuilding skills with red. It's either agro or removal, so red has earned the final spot on my favorite colors.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: Audit on February 14, 2016, 10:02:34 am
Alright, my turn.

1 - GREEN: Green is first and foremost my go to color of choice. It is, in my honest opinion, the strongest color in Magic. It's just so overwhelmingly versatile. It's got mana ramp, fatties, weenie rush, buffs, support, and even some removal and control. There's a reason why so many people run Green in some way shape or form, it's because not having it is usually hindering yourself. It brings too much to the table to be ignored. And I love it.

2 - RED: I'm a Jund player. So my second is Red, but I also like Red for itself. I've always found Goblin Weenie Rush to be endlessly amusing, especially if you throw a Krenko into the mix. Just the thought of my opponent drowning under a mountain ( of pissy little Goblins makes me smile. Lore wise Goblins are also pretty hilarious. I'm actually working on a Krenko Goblins EDH deck right now. Red is also the best at the aggro play style in my opinion, so Red earns number two for me.

3 - BLACK: The very first deck I ever bought and played, the deck that got me into magic, was a black deck. Black holds a special place in my heart due to nostalgia purposes. But, while I started with Black because I was 14 and "Death and skulls are cool," I slowly realized that Black just wasn't me. The whole "hurt yourself to hurt your opponent more" Black play style never really jived with me. And, while I have found uses for Black in my G/B Token Sac and W/B Life Gain Life Loss decks, I almost never use Black outside of that.

4 - WHITE: White has always been, and probably always will be, a support color to me. I recognize White Weenie Rush, and actually do have a White Weenie Rush deck, I just feel that if you're going to Weenie Rush you're better off going Red. If I use White it's usually for support and removal spells like Endure ( the Elements, Feat of Resistance (, Banishing Light (, or Celestial Flare (

5 - BLUE: I have never liked Blue, and I never will like Blue. I would go so far as to say I actually hate Blue. Mill pisses me off to no end, and there are so many blue cards that I feel just shouldn't exist, for instance Omniscience ( WHY IS THAT A THING?! "Hi, I'm blue! Don't mind me, I'm just going to be over here breaking ( the game!" The only time I ever touch Blue is if I'm forced to. Such as with Temur, I need to have a splash of blue to play Temur Charms and Savage Knuckleblades.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: DelverMage on February 14, 2016, 04:21:53 pm
So leave it to me to not answer the question as asked........

I have  been playing this game on and off since MTG was less than 6 months old.  (YES, I am one of those  grey haired magic players.)

I was the first player in my group that believed Blue was a valid deck base.  I will never forget ( the night I won every match I played at the local game store  (this was before any organized play rules existed.  I had a 40 card deck with counters, island ( walk, Phantasmal Terrain (, and Flyers and a silly card called Magical Hack (  I was mocked for playing Blue, but before the night was over people want to play me to see if their deck could handle 'that Blue deck'.  I still love sneaky odd Blue cards, and dislike the typical counterspell ( abilities.

My first good black deck (again before org. play rules) had 4 cards...10 of each.  Swamp (, Sinkhole (, Plague Rats (, and Dark Ritual (  That was great fun until no one would play it any more.  I still enjoy how Black tends to be Feast or Famine ( in its behavior.

Cheese and weenies was my first Red deck.  I don't even need to explain the deck because it is an archetype of Magic, and always has been.  I really like U/R  decks, but I hate the fact that to be competitive with them they always becoming counter/cheese.

I loved White too back then, but one of my favorite abilities went away and so did my love of White.  Banding was a lot of fun.  Swinging with a First Strike, Flying, Trampling Band was always a blast.  Serra Angel ( was a cornerstone then.

Green was never a huge thing for me even though I wanted it to be.  I have always tried to build decks with it and never really won.  Green always teased me with the possibilities.  I guess it has been a love/hate relationship.  Too many tricks and speed and supression in all the other colors to allow Green to win consistently.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: EBWonder on February 14, 2016, 07:43:36 pm
(I'm not quite grey haired yet) let the memories commence!
in all fairness, you could have 10 plague rats ( in a deck.

I have used magical hack ( on a landwalk ability. I have also used slight of Mind on a Blue elemental blast (
I miss banding as an ability. it was a great counter to the the big monsters that you wanted to have them block with.
Serra Angel ( was the White beat card.
I have used Clone ( on a Vesuvan Doppelganger (
I have made a Dragon Whelp ( pop.
I have used Stream of Life ( for 0 (well, effectively. I channel ( streamed. I was under a black vise (
Green was then and still is, primarily ramp to get your big creatures. I still like the Cockatrice / thicket basilisk ( / lure ( deck.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: robort on February 14, 2016, 08:51:10 pm
I don't have any favorite in general, a least favorite though. I will do the list.........

1. Red: The person who taught me had told me to pick a color that feels good to you.
So I chose red, I have always liked quicknes and red has it. I still laugh at the joke with
lava axe ( "here catch (". Always imagining catching a burning axe to the face.

2. Green for 1 conception of it. Trample, it just plows its way to the opponent. The
bigger the plow the more damage comes. Like a mighty train with no brakes and
only one stop, "YOU"

3. White is the best support/synergistic color. White works together even with itself.
White just doesn't work without synergy.

4. Black is aggreable with recursion/grave manipulation. Black also has the you do
this for black, and black does this for you. Black carries most of the best removal.
Black will always be full of surprises.

5. Blue, I just don't care for it. Blue is boring, frustrating and stalls/slows the game
to much. Tap or bounce a creature, cancel ( this, cancel ( that, remove this, remove that,
add this, subtract that. If I can't do anything, then why am I playing. At least against
the other colors, I can actually play. Playing blue doesn't fit my play style. I don't
need to flip my cards in my hand or look at them. Usually I know exactly what I am
going to do my next 2-3 turns. Blue doesn't allow me to do that often.
However the thing I do like about it, the mill aspect. Yes it is frustrating, but not to
the point where you can't play something
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: deaddman9 on February 16, 2016, 03:49:54 am
1. Red -- I first started playing when I was a kid. My brothers and I saw a big cardboard cutout in the window of a game shop. We decided to all go in together on buying cards, and split up the cards by color. Me being the youngest, got one color (red) while my two brothers got black & white and green & blue, respectively.

I'm not sure if red matches my playstyle, or if my playstyle matches red, but I love playing creature burn. Its cheap and efficient and you can use it to top off an attacker for the kill that you chump blocked with a 1/1. Burning an opponent's life total is boring to me, you can be much more creative and devious when burning creatures.

2 - 4. Blue, Black, Green

5. White -- Not sure why, just never really liked playing this color. I think its more about the fantasy related theme of white than anything else.

(P.S. I play standard, that seems a bit relevant to my answer.)
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: digital on February 16, 2016, 05:53:09 am
Fairly new to magic, but have tried all colours and these are opinions

1.Green. Having all the mana in the world and putting big creatures on the field was satisfying and discovering the synergies I could do with them like pulse of murasa ( and den protector ( made me think I was getting better constantly and learning as I played more and more. Having my first deck (made from the trash of my friends that introduced me to magic) making it green/red it has made a special place in my heart(also may have a little bias because nissa voice of zendikar ( is my first planeswalker)

2.Red. Again having my first ever deck be Green/Red the colour of red will always have a place in my heart. Red has always worked with me either big creature to combo off like geyser glider ( equipped lightning talon and assualt strobe then pushing it over with giant growth ( making a 10/7 double strike (flying if I used landfall of geyser glider ( and if I didn't win then i was left with a 7/4 with first strike Being highly aggressive and all the burns spell destroying creatures without risking my creatures was something I was fond of. so Red is second on my list

3.White. Flying, life link, vigilance (, and sometimes first strike are  easy to find in white but to me it was more of a support colour relied on having more than 1 creature and using all the creature effect or just buffing it to the point of no possible way to deal with it unless you have a board wipe or doomblade. I have lost to mono whites and Elspeth v kiora white deck is pretty good

4.Black. Most straight forward card "kill this" or "when something dies (blank)" I don't like sacrificing anything unless I can guarantee that I will get more back. I'm trying to pull another friend into magic using black green hoping that the straight forwardness of black and the mana gain from green will make him one of us

5.colourless or artifact. Say no to blue. Blue sucks. playing blue is turning to the dark side blue is "swing for the win" "reset ( game for 5 mana" so say no to blue mil sucks counter suck negate ( suck and blue sucks say no to blue
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: jaceperry on February 16, 2016, 06:43:21 am
Alright then I guess it's my turn next;

1) Black- Starting out I've always been a black mana user in any and all combinations. Graveyard play is my specialty and people hardly ever prepare themselves for a sneak attack ( from the grave. It's a great way to catch ( people off guard and it can do anything that the other 4 colors can (for a price of course).

2) Green- I like the idea of a slow build up that leads into a landslide ( victory. Quick games are ok with me but I don't like the match to end before it even starts. Green lets me lay down enchantments, get small creatures that grow into big creatures, and maintain a healthy board presence. Black and Green may be opposites but they work just fine for me.

3) White- Its an ok color choice for me, white isn't always my first choice but it always pulls through when I need it to. I tend to have more of it than anything else and always find some out of the norm way of using it. It has its flaws but works when it needs to and is a powerhouse every other time.

4) Blue- I like the aspect of playing as a Blue mind mage, using mental magic and ingenuity to outsmart the opponent. However so many people use that color simply for countering EVERYTHING that it almost defeats the purpose of playing. Its like most blue decks are just "ANTI- META, win the tournament" instead of having fun anymore. I like the color and its own creativity but I don't like how people spam it.

5) Red- It's not a bad color but it doesn't always flow well with my play-style. Even when I'm using a red deck I find myself playing mid-ranged instead of playing aggro. I feel that if red had more to offer besides burn and haste then it'd be higher up on my list.

Yeah I can understand your thing with Blue. I run mono blue mill-counter in modern but in that only 7 main board counterspells with a few special scenarios plays for people that play choke ( I now run mindbend to stop that ( Changing that text when it enters to forests. They can they have fun with that. Oh sorry get off kilter there because i got choked to death in a modern match recently.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: TyTy03 on February 16, 2016, 09:31:20 am
Here we go :

1. Black :
I'd run Black in deck, all days, just for 3 cards : Inquisition of Kozilek (, Thoughtseize ( and Liliana of the Veil ( All decks I make uses these cards, in many variants (Jund, Mardu, Abzan, Rakdos, 8-Rack, Black Devotion). I just like running discard, playing the mind game on what to discard to win the game at a proper moment, plus when I started Magic, I read something like "Disrupt ( their hand, win the game", I kinda stuck to it  :P
Black also offer some of the best target removals in the game.

2. Red :
I ran RDW for days, I liked it a lot just for the cost-efficiency aspect.
And come on, send me rocks if Lightning Bolt ( isn't one of the best cards in Magic ? ;D
I also like a lot the story of Chandra, that's help, and Red has more Dragons than other colors ::)

3. White / Green :
I put them at equal, just because they synergize pretty well with either Red or Black (specially Green).
But I think I like White more than Green, just for the aspect of lifegain and White offers Angels, Angels are cool !
I also like the aim of Elspeth (specially Kinght-Errant), I always try to find a spot for her in my decks using White.

4. Blue :
I don't really like this color, maybe it's because I played too much against it, or it is just not my playstyle.
I'd rather ask myself : "What do I have to discard ?", than "Do I have to counter this ?"

Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: etc on February 16, 2016, 09:48:07 am
Ok, I guess I'll give it a try too.

Blue- I chose blue first because I love the aspect of counterspells and card draw, and blue is in most of my good decks including my favorite EDH. However, I don't like playing Mono-Blue because of its shortage of solid creatures respective to their cmc. My favorite planeswalker, Tamiyo, is blue. Additionally, the exact reason people are putting Blue at the bottom of their list is exactly why I play it. Use blue to stall games, use your other color to win them is how most of my blue decks play.

Green- Green is my favorite Mono-color, but I think it needs to be mono in order to get most of its bombs out (ie: Primalcrux ( but it can still be an amazing splash to most decks

White- White is a must in any of my aggro decks, mostly because of a huge amount of flying and lifegain. White is probably the most annoying color to play against in my opinion, hence why it takes 3rd place. However, white does have its share of fun games for me (Just a few days ago I gained 16,000 life against a Pacified Primordial Hydra ( and a Dazzling Reflection (

Red- I love red in my EDH decks because it provides some much-needed early game burn to ensure I survive the first 6 or so turns. However, red can become a deadweight, especially in my Izzet EDH where burn damage is dwarfed by Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind ('s card damage.

Black- I don't like black because I don't like the concept of paying life and creatures for resources. In my opinion, that's what mana is for, not life, and green would be a better addition to a deck. Also, black seems to be stuck in an endless loop with itself. Sac a creature for mana, cast a creature, sac IT for mana to summon a bigger creature. I realize that those creatures will eventually get big enough to be worthy of not being killed, but Kadoma's Reach, Nature's Lore (, Elvish Mystic (, and Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury (, as well as green in general, do creatures and mana better.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: AliasGreg on February 16, 2016, 10:34:56 am
I play EDH so it might be different:

GREEN - This colour is so powerful in EDH, make you safely ramp towards victory, but also draw a lot, and you have access to big finishers too.

BLACK - This colour is also very powerful, because of the graveyards synergies and the sacrifice which is very difficult to counter.

RED - This colour is the colour of FUN, it's not very effective but some cards are just nuts and can really affect games.

BLUE - This colour is really good, surely the best. You can make plays, by playing at instant speed, there are big spells, additionnal turns and control... But it's sometimes quite annoying because it can ruin funny games if you use all the staples.

WHITE - I don't play this colour very much, but I should try. I find it very aggressive and with a lack of ressources end game in EDH. But sometimes I discover white cards that make me want to play this colour but I always find my decks uneffective in the end unless when it's paired with another colour.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: aizbert065 on February 16, 2016, 02:32:22 pm
So I wanna go:

1- BLACK: this color is insane, it's not just destruction or reanimation, it's the control deck that kills your opponent while he doesn't realise you're throwing away every hope he has to win, and it's the answer to almost everything you can face.. 9 of my favourite 10 cards are black. surgical extraction (, extirpate (, duress ( (and similars), phyrexian obliterator (, infinite obliteration (, abrupt decay (, maelstrom pulse (, dark petition ( and blightning ( (the tenth is vexing devil (, but also languish ( is a card i love

2- WHITE: i love white 'cause i think is very under-extimated, but it's very strong.

3- GREEN: the perfect match with black, golgari is a very strong combination. huge creatures and huge fun also to play against

4- RED: too many people play red burn, this is why do i hate this very aggressive color

5- BLUE: counter your spells, draw many cards.. force of will (, ponder (, brainstorm ( the most played color.. so boering. twincast ( and show and tell ( are the only blue cards i would play
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: Jayson on February 24, 2016, 07:03:28 am
Hey guys, I'm new to forums in general so let me know if I'm missing some etiquette or need to fix something, but this seemed like a really good question and I wanted to throw in my opinion, it's nothing new but still fun to share. The TL;DR version is I like all of them equally as far as what the have to offer (although I'm not too keen on Red), and if you're blending them green and white work best for me personally. Individually though they have too much to offer to pick just one.

White: Probably the colour that I'd play if I only had to choose one. So many options, and everything seems fair. Serra angel ( holds a spot in every long time player's heart I think. White has always been good and a few times I think it has been the best, from control to stand-out creature White always offers something even if it's overlooked. I feel like it's a rite of passage ( as a Magic player to start with a White or a White/Green deck. Everything makes sense and you feel like you get fair value from every creature or spell, and what do Magic players love more than value?

Blue: MORE VALUE, the only thing Magic players love more than value is something with MORE value. That's what Blue offers. Mono Blue Merfolk is my favourite deck to play because Blue offers you something that a lot of other colours don't: Free counterspells! And how can you say no to free? Blue has had the most format shaping cards, and in Legacy almost every deck will splash Blue if given the chance. I think the more you grow as a magic player the more you come to appreciate what this colour offers you.

Black: Very much related to White, but on the opposite side of the spectrum. Where White will offer a your opponent an upside (Swords to plowshares ( will exile ( a creature but also heal ( them, Path to Exile ( will exile ( but give them a basic land) and that's considered fair, Black will hurt you and that's considered fair (Thoughtseize ( deals you damage, Dark Confidant ( does the same). Black will win at all costs and that's why it's such a good combo colour. It's literally win or die trying! 

Red: I really don't like burn, bu at the same time red is so good it's a shame that my first thought is negative! Splinter Twin ( owned an entire format after all! Yes many red cards are owned by Leyline of Sanctity (, but you know what? Reanimator dies to Leyline of the Void ( and no one gives it the same type of bad reputation. I think Red is the most useful colour in conjunction with another. Blue/Red Delver ROCKS, because it's a Burn Deck that will also out Aggro you. Small Zoo has beat my (Modern) Merfolk deck 2 weeks in a row at my local Meta, I have huge respect for Red but I think that it's at its best when used with another colour.     

Green: MC Hammer loves this colour, so do I. I feel that this is the most honest colour, probably the most tricky thing you can do with Green is a few combat tricks to boost your damage in between Declare Blockers Step and Damage. But nothing feels better as a new player than Mana ramping and playing a HUGE creature that your friends have no way to deal with (luckily when I was starting out me and my friends never knew about Doomblade or other cheap removal, the most effective thing was to have a bigger badder creature!) and I think that's something all Magic player like. Having a creature so big their opponents don't know what to do but say a prayer as they try and topdeck an answer.

Colourless: I had to add this,I mean Modern is currently owned by Eldrazi so Colourless (Generic? Waste Mana? Purple-y Diamond stuff?) is certainly a "Colour" on its own now. MUD or "Robots" and Affinity have also been long-term staples that deserve a mention. I don't have much experience with colourless decks, but I will say that this is the category with the most "bombs" in it. Ugin the Spirit Dragon (, Blightsteel Colossus (, Karn Liberated ( (just to name a few).
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: jaceperry on February 24, 2016, 07:59:53 am
Jayson you did fine and I am glad to see another fellow blue lover even though yours is second but Like I have told people the reason I play blue isn't to say counter. I run it to play "chess" in magic. I love having games were one mistake means you lost. Now don't get me wrong Omniscience ( shouldn't be a thing that card is just no. and i you combine that with Taimayo moon sage ult. Might as well scoop your cards there because they will win that game.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: Jace27 on February 25, 2016, 09:45:07 pm
Blue: I just love the ability to say no whenever someone plays a card. I am also super obsessed with the idea of taking extra turns (Check out my extra turn deck).

White: White just seems to have so many ways to play it. Control, combo, aggro, and even affinity.

Colorless: I love playing affinity decks, and I stand by the palladium myr (, 2 myr galvinizer infinite mana combo.

Black: The perfect way to destroy any card.

Red: Aggro decks and burn decks can be fun, but they get boring after a little while.

Green: Ramp is cool, but otherwise nothing really interests me from green.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: Konjiikhan on April 06, 2016, 08:10:00 am
GREEN: first deck was elves ramp into thorn elemental ( offers soooo much flexibility and aggro.always seems to have an answer to anything played.
RED/WHITE:  tie for me in second spot. love aggro. love heals. love burn. flexibility to control ,fly,vigilance (, first stike. speed kills.many goblins kill.
Black: tit for tat but it gets the job done.nice theme decks or as a splash for other colors. removal is bar none.used to play a graveyard deck so i still hold black dear. so many things to do never boring in black.
BLUE: i only use splash blue IF i play blue. im a go getter not a is slow to me. sure counterspells are nice an all...but blue is not my playstyle.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: ep1cn00b on April 06, 2016, 06:00:24 pm
For me the rankings are as follows.

1.) Red-simply because when I first picked up a deck of Magic cards, it was a friend's Red Aggro Burn deck. I liked the quick pace and that you could do so much damage without even having a creature on the field.

2.) Black- thats mainly because I like the Deathtouch ability and the idea of poison counters. Plus one of my favorite card ever printed was a black planeswalker Sorin, Lord of Innistrad (

3.) Green- This is because I like the quick buffs that are available for this color. ALso, one of my favorite decks I have ever seen played was a mono green years ago that my friend called his "Elvish Mafia" deck. He was able to get SO MANY elf tokens on the field SO FAST, there was no way anyone could contend with it. He usually had about 10+ creatures by turn 4.

4.) White- I have always liked the angels that were from this set and Elspeth, Sun's Champion ( is my second favorite planeswalker.

5.) Blue- this is because this has a lot of control cards. I have never had much luck with control, which is why this is my least favorite.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: Splume on April 06, 2016, 06:23:30 pm
1. Blue: One aspect of blue that I haven't seen mentioned very much is Evasion.  I love the number of blue creatures with evasion abilities that allow me to go around my opponents' blockers while I sit behind walls.  Control is my favourite type of deck to play, and no colour is better at it than blue.

2. White: Gaining life, Arrest (, Pacifism (, cards like Serra Angel (, Thalia's Lieutenant ( I feel like white is the colour best suited to be played by itself (though Blue and Green work fairly well too).  White's creatures work together very effectively, and you have access to Exiling, some Evasion, and a good amount of Control.  The reason I prefer blue is that white lacks card-drawing and its creatures tend to be slightly smaller than blue's.

3. Black: Black is the colour of death; everyone thinks of removal when they think of black.  I enjoy black because I can eliminate most creatures on the board, though anything with Hexproof becomes very problematic.  The reason I don't like black as much as White and Blue is that Black doesn't have as many strong finishers (aside from Demons) and that black cards tend to hurt you, which is very risky against Aggro/Burn decks.

4. Red: I feel like Red shouldn't really be 4th, since it's also a very strong colour.  The main problem with Red is that it doesn't work as well without support from another color, except in an aggro-type deck.  Red doesn't involve as much strategy and thinking as other colours, and often times you can be decimated by a couple of removal spells.  Red is a strong colour, but it needs the support of something like Blue or Black to be more effective, in my opinion.

5. Green: I've never been fond of Green.  Green, to me, is about getting a big creature out as early as possible through ramping and then destroying the opponent with it.  The problem with Green is that it doesn't play fast enough, lacks any sort of removal, and its creatures are very vulnerable to kill spells.  Green is also extremely vulnerable to Flying decks unless you go out of your way to get Spiders, etc. There are plenty of strong cards in Green and plenty of strong multicolored cards including Green, but Green to me doesn't seem as powerful as the other colours.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: WWolfe on April 06, 2016, 06:33:07 pm
Green actually has some of the best removal in SOI in Clip Wings (, Rabid Bite (, & Root Out (

All colors creatures are vulnerable to kill spells barring hexproof or shroud.

Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: brileysixx on April 06, 2016, 06:42:03 pm
I hate green, cuz green players always send out a crap ton of big monsters early in the game.
I hate black, cuz black players always remove all my stuff and put curses on me.
I hate red, cuz red players burn away ( all my stuff and kill me too fast.
I hate blue, cuz blue players just counter everything while they draw cards forever.
And I hate white, cuz I play white and I hate myself.

But seriously

1.Blue - I get to counter all your stuff and draw a bunch of cards and you cant block me.

2.White - I gain lots of life as I buff my army that never taps, while having loads of removal.

3.Black - I can get rid of anything and my graveyard is my BFF, and lots of nifty mechanics.

4.Green - I can ramp up mana for days and shoot out bomb creatures for low mana cost.

5.Red - I can burn things and do a lot of work real fast, and lots of my creatures get haste.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: G. Moto on April 07, 2016, 06:21:58 am
  @brileysixx, you might want to stick to just playing colorless artifacts and Eldrazi then if that's how you feel about colors. I mean the thing about magic is that even though the color has the power you are the one manipulating it. For example, I can play a mono-black deck and use BURN spells such as pharika's cure (, alms of the vein (, or sinister possession ( Or I can play G/W and play the deck with so much life gain and protection that it functions like a control deck. The color is simply the identifying marker of the deck, but it's up to you, the player, to decide how that color will work for you.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: BloodyPython on April 16, 2016, 06:46:08 pm
This will be tricky.
#1 is Black by a long shot. Aside from my first couple of "decks" I don't think I have played one without at very least splashing black. My first ever Modern deck was mono black Vampires and my current deck is 8-Rakdos (check it out in the advice forum) I will be a black mage till I die. Vampires, Zombies, demons, kill spells, and hand attack?? Sign me up!

#2 is Blue. As you may be able to tell by my first couple colours I am not always the most fun to play against. I love control. long games with intense mental effort and mind games ( no one does that better than blue

#3/4 are very close for me because i use both of them almost solely as support colours. Not that they are any less important but Red and White take up this hybrid slot. Kolaghan's command (, terminate ( and rakdos charm ( are the reason my version of 8 rack works so I have to have respect for red in regards to it's support capabilities. As for white.. I'm a control guy.. esper control is a thing.. always has been, always will be. nuff said.

Magic has a fifth colour?? OH RIGHT that abomination ( that plays massive creatures for 47 mana that I love to doom blade (
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: brileysixx on April 19, 2016, 06:59:26 am
  @brileysixx, you might want to stick to just playing colorless artifacts and Eldrazi then if that's how you feel about colors. I mean the thing about magic is that even though the color has the power you are the one manipulating it. For example, I can play a mono-black deck and use BURN spells such as pharika's cure (, alms of the vein (, or sinister possession ( Or I can play G/W and play the deck with so much life gain and protection that it functions like a control deck. The color is simply the identifying marker of the deck, but it's up to you, the player, to decide how that color will work for you.

I was being sarcastic...
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: G. Moto on April 19, 2016, 07:14:19 am
   My bad, thought you were an Eldrazi or something.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: zretrareo27 on April 21, 2016, 01:36:04 am
I suppose I can comment! Most liked to least liked.
White - the ultimate in defense. A great offense is a strong defense. Has good all around game play and offers many legendary angels that just plain win.
Red - fast paced, fun cards that can surprise your opponent, but burns out quick.
Green - a staple of mana ramping that is fantastic when paired with red or white, so my support color
Black - a fun play, I find myself not able to take these decks seriously - they are either amazing or awful
Blue - blue just makes me mad. quit countering my high mana cost things. staph. strange creatures with strange abilities.

My favorite guilds are Boros and Naya, no surprise.
Title: Re: Everyone's favorite colors and why.
Post by: zretrareo27 on April 21, 2016, 01:38:11 am
Serra angel ( holds a spot in every long time player's heart I think.
She was a staple in my flyer decks, I feel like a jerk for replacing her with Herald of the Host ( in my decks. Hah.