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English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Tópico iniciado por: austinjf22 em Setembro 27, 2015, 06:30:28 am

Título: [Modern] Galadriel's Will
Enviado por: austinjf22 em Setembro 27, 2015, 06:30:28 am
Galadriel's Will (

Looking for help or suggestions for my first modern deck. A nice start I think but would love to have some things to build towards.
Título: Re: [Modern] Galadriel's Will
Enviado por: G. Moto em Setembro 27, 2015, 07:53:04 am
Just looking at the deck and testing the simulated hand draws I can see that this deck is enchantment focused. I like how you're going big with the 4 colors but as a FIRST deck my recommendation is to start with two colors and then grow into using 3 and 4 color decks. Also if focus is what you're looking for then you should look at the THEROS block and its subgroup expansions. The block was THE enchantment block so you can get some good ideas just looking at the card database and the set releases. The two deck colors you should focus on would be Selesnya (G/W) and then branch out to using Black (creation Abzan- W/G/B), and then lastly adding some red if you really need it. Any comments just reply.
Título: Re: Lye matha Elen-Ilma - Comments
Enviado por: austinjf22 em Setembro 27, 2015, 08:15:57 am
Awesome man thanks for the Theros lead...I'll be doing some research ( I use the red pretty sparingly, specifically for Deflecting Palm ( I would be fine loosing it and searching for w/g replacement.
Título: Re: [Modern] Galadriel's Will
Enviado por: G. Moto em Setembro 27, 2015, 08:37:44 am
Sounds good. And remember a good deck takes time to build up, last thing you want to do is mash a bunch of cards together because you like the colors. Worst comes to worst just make more than one deck and split the color combos. That way you can actually play test them against each other and you can see how they work separately before combining deck colors. Also look at the 10 guilds of Ravnica and you can see how the 2 color decks get their names and how the dual color decks should be running.
Título: Re: The Light of Eärendil: Constellation Valacirca - Comments
Enviado por: Juri_pro em Outubro 03, 2015, 03:30:58 pm
Destroy this deck and build a new one.
Título: Re: [Modern] Galadriel's Will
Enviado por: austinjf22 em Outubro 04, 2015, 04:32:29 am
Ha! Won't happen m8  ::)

I did destroy your mom's box last I'm looking to find a new one of those  ;)
Título: Re: [Modern] Galadriel's Will
Enviado por: G. Moto em Outubro 04, 2015, 06:22:05 am
....I'm going to resist the urge to comment on that sly (and funny remark). Just focus on what the deck should do and finding the theme that helps pull that off.
Título: Re: The Light of Eärendil: Constellation Valacirca - Comments
Enviado por: Tcfaulkn64 em Outubro 12, 2015, 06:12:40 am
Having played this deck I can vouch that it is difficult to defend against. Lots of ways to deal direct damage; & most of the time I found myself not being able to attack because having to pay sometimes up to 5 mana just for 1 attacker is hard to pull off.
Título: Re: [Modern] Galadriel's Will
Enviado por: G. Moto em Outubro 12, 2015, 06:47:08 am
The only way you could get around a deck like this is if you're running an "exalted" deck. If anyone doesn't know that's where the creatures you control that don't attack give the attacking creature a power boost. Also that and double strike and trample are ways to alleviate that problem. Not trying to poke holes in your plan austin, just things you need to be aware of that exist.
Título: Re: The Light of Eärendil: Constellation Valacirca - Comments
Enviado por: austinjf22 em Outubro 13, 2015, 01:49:47 am
No worries m8, I want to know weaknesses to help with my sideboard. It runs willy well and always makes for an exciting match...especially when an Angelic Host, 1 Million strong drops down

Título: Re: The Light of Eärendil: Constellation Valacirca - Comments
Enviado por: austinjf22 em Outubro 21, 2015, 07:16:34 am
Made some adjustments and knocked off a pretty tricky Delver the way she is playing 👍🏼

Looking for some sideboard suggestions more now too. The meat is there...just digging for some potatoes🍠
Título: Re: [Modern] Galadriel's Will
Enviado por: G. Moto em Outubro 21, 2015, 06:37:26 pm
Really I don't believe that you'll be needing the eldrazi in this deck, simply because he may slow you down. But I do like the enchantment theme that you have going for this deck. IF you want to further expand on this I suggest adding more grim guardians (for the life taking of your opponent), doomwake giant ( (because every enchantment will deal some damage to your opponent's creatures), roaring primadox ( (if you want to keep bouncing your creatures that have enter the battlefield effects), and also for a nice battle trick since you're already able to produce any color of mana i would suggest ghostly flicker ( This way you can keep bouncing your creatures that have the enter the battlefield effect and you can also untap lands you already used in the same turn just by exiling them and returning them back to the field. This would help courser of kruphix ( a lot. Just a couple ideas i think might help.
Título: Re: The Light of Eärendil: Constellation Valacirca - Comments
Enviado por: austinjf22 em Outubro 21, 2015, 11:16:58 pm
I do like those Guardians and Doomwake a lot, and could run full sets of both. I sideboard more of them in; based on opposition ('s deck. The eldrazi was just cause...when I go to the Grand Prix next weekend he won't be there 😜

Really like the ghostly flicker ( have started to look at some blue cards that work similarly. I'll be getting a set of them for sure. Thanks for the suggestions's been a fun deck to build and play!
Título: Re: [Modern] Galadriel's Will
Enviado por: G. Moto em Outubro 22, 2015, 06:53:58 am
I'm glad you like it so far. For enchantment decks i usually just look towards theros for any card ideas, that's where the majority of them can be found.