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English-language Forums => General Magic => Thema gestartet von: G. Moto am November 26, 2015, 07:19:37 Vormittag

Titel: New card combo
Beitrag von: G. Moto am November 26, 2015, 07:19:37 Vormittag
Hey everyone I was browsing through some old cards and their respective blocks and I came across a somewhat under appreciated card. It gave me a few ideas and i wanted to run them by you guys to see what your opinions might be on these (these are all modern by the way);

    1. (Stern mentor ( + Aura of dominion ( + white or blue spirit tokens) , 2. (Stern mentor ( + white human tokens + captain of the mists (,

    3. (Stern mentor ( + elite arcanist ( + cerulean wisps (, 4. (Stern mentor ( + blue' red tokens + crackleburr (

What does everyone think, a playable card in a well crafted deck? Also if you know of any other cards that untap creatures multiple times then they would also work well with her.
Titel: Re: New card combo
Beitrag von: Drunk Cynic am November 26, 2015, 07:15:20 Nachmittag
Combo? I wouldn't say so. You could build it as a keystone of a deck, surrounding the synergy of the deck around this effect, but it is too reliant upon factors beyond the cards.
Titel: Re: New card combo
Beitrag von: G. Moto am November 27, 2015, 06:59:42 Vormittag
Well it may not be a game ending finisher but it is a "combination" of cards. The real objective was to take a card that no one really valued highly and show a creative method for getting some usefulness out of it. It's not gonna 1-turn KO anybody but like you said it would be a good key stone for a deck. Personally i'll probably try it out in my U/R deck for innistrad, I want to come up with a creative way to use her and laboratory maniac ( in the same deck. If you want to check it out I have the deck under one of the forum posts. It became grixis but i'm planning on changing it back to just blue red. 
Titel: Re: New card combo
Beitrag von: Drunk Cynic am November 27, 2015, 06:04:57 Nachmittag
Don't get me wrong, it is an interesting effect. It just comes down to personal definitions; I see a 'combo' as a set of cards that will do a thing nearly independent of board state. Splinter ( and Myr Landshaper ( just require your opponent to play a land. Midnight Guard (, Ornithopter (, Retraction Helix (, and Altar of the Brood ( are insular.

The interactions you posted, while interesting, require a significant board state to support.
Titel: Re: New card combo
Beitrag von: G. Moto am November 28, 2015, 05:46:45 Vormittag
That is true but the purpose of the deck i plan on building requires me to have an empty library which involves self milling so as "significant" as it may be it would be easy to construct since i'll be milling through my graveyard to get the cards i need for it. The only combo of cards that i would use in said deck would be the second one that involves the captain of the mist. His ability would work well with the human creatures that innistrad has produced. In the deck I want it to go into it would really just be those two cards and some human creatures or tokens so it's not too much of an investment for the effect to work continuously on either myself or my opponent. Also cards like elsgauld shieldmate would be the last resort or as field protection to give the maniac hexproof.
Titel: Re: New card combo
Beitrag von: Dboe am November 29, 2015, 04:41:04 Vormittag
Like drunk cynic said it's an interesting effect, but it is extremely inefficient at self mill for win by laboratory maniac (  The fastest win I've seen from that is my own personal favorite, living lore ( + enter the infinite ( Use any number of draw discard that U offers and you are set.  Note what this might be better for is a means of self mill for a zombie deck or graveyard to battlefield plays.  A starfield of nyx ( deck I'm building utilizes an enchant land self mill.  So it isn't too say this card doesn't have its place, but for a self mill for an empty library win it will require a lot of variables for a slow turn around.
Titel: Re: New card combo
Beitrag von: G. Moto am November 29, 2015, 07:24:42 Vormittag
That is true and i do understand what you're saying. Really i have a large inventory of cards and i try to be creative with my deck builds by building decks using ONLY using cards from that block and the core sets. The card combo in itself isn't what i'm going to solely rely on but i'll be using other cards such as screeching skaab (, mad prophet (, amass the components (, chill of foreboding (, deranged assistant (, civilized scholar (, desperate ravings (, shattered perception (, and other similar cards to get the job done. Also I don't want to build the deck that it's going into solely for the laboratory win but more or less the overarching theme of the deck itself. I wouldn't want for someone to play stain the mind ( on my maniac and then my deck falls to pieces. It'd be a waste of a deck design if i didn't have an alternative win con. But keeping what you said in mind i'll definitely work on way to tweak the deck some. If I can run it without the black I'll try to but if it's a necessity then I'll just browse ( for cards to go into the deck later.