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English-language Forums => General Magic => Topic aperto da: Jace27 - Febbraio 25, 2016, 11:55:34 pm

Titolo: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Jace27 - Febbraio 25, 2016, 11:55:34 pm
I'm Really curious about magic players favorite cards. To me it can tell people a lot about what type of player you are.
here is my list:

10. Halimar Depths ( This is my favorite land of all time. The ability to set the top 3 cards of your library turn 1 is amazing. It gives you the upper hand late game as well when you need to draw a win condition in a board stall.

9.Hardened Scales ( There are so many +1+1 counter related mechanics. Evolve, Renown, Outlast, Support etc. The ability to get an extra +1+1 counter for 1 green mana is amazing. I also like it because it has won me quite a few tournament games.

8.Counterspell ( I know this card is a love it or hate it card, but I usually run it in tournaments as a sideboard card. If a tournament has a lot of serious players I might play it all the time, but I also take it out from time to time. Occasionally, I will run a counter deck because I love to say no, and that is why I like this card so much. 2 mana to say no to whatever insanely overpowered spell a player is casting is one of the best feelings in the world.

7.Platinum Emperion ( The second my friend played this card against me I instantly fell in love with it. It can be used with the golem boosting splicers of New Phyrexia, but best of all, YOUR LIFE TOTAL CAN'T CHANGE. If you can give it hexproof, you cannot lose through damage. It can be run in anything from affinity to mill.

6.Monastery Swiftspear ( This card brings out the speed magic player in me. It is also great for combat tricks because of it's prowess ability. While many people might disagree with me, I think it is a better card for an aggro deck than goblin guide (

5.Phage, the Untouchable: Whenever I cast this card my friend says one word that sums up my favorite part of this card. Gametouch. The ability to instantly kill an opponent through 1 point of damage makes this card perfect for control. If Phage didn't have the part about only being able cast it from your hand unless you want to lose the game, it would be illegal. It is also because of that, the worst commander ever created ;).

4.Karn Liberated ( Arguably the perfect card for tron decks. All 3 of its abilities are powerful and it starts at 6 loyalty, mind blown. Even crazier, it lets you restart the game with everything (except auras) he exiled.

3.Supreme Verdict ( As board wipes go, this is my favorite. 4 mana for a boardwipe your opponent can't counter is pretty overpowered. It is an amazing card for control. I personally think that they are underrated in the magic world. Wild Nacatl ( is talked about all the time as an aggro staple and I think this should be the same thing but for control.

2.Palladium Myr ( Palladium Myr ( has so many uses. Ramp, wastes (, and best of all, the infinite mana combination. With this card along with 2 Myr Galvinizers on the battlefield, I have never lost. It is also useful for activating wastes ( abilities which are super powerful for their CMC. Just using it for ramp in casual decks is also fun, but I''ll usually find a way to throw in a few Myr Galvinizers just so that it is possible to get infinite mana.

1.Temporal Mastery ( My favorite card of all time has to be Temporal Mastery ( A modern legal way to take a 2 mana extra turn is flat out unbelievable. I am obsessed with extra turn decks, and this, in my opinion, is by far the best modern legal extra turn card. I would sell the bank to get a full play set of these cards. Luckily, I don't have to because they are under $10 each. In case you were just skimming, I repeat, UNDER $10 EACH! This is far and away my favorite magic card.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: ladof - Febbraio 26, 2016, 02:11:27 am
1. Athreos, God of Passage ( - I had just restarted playing Magic at the end of the Theros block and BW was one of my first decks. This guy is a powerhouse that is a pain to remove. Plus, he's either really food at regaining your creatures, or he's burning you opponent for letting them go to the graveyard. Win-win to me.
2. Archive Trap ( - Mill time! Unless you're running a mono colored modern deck, you're probably running a fetch land or two (and even then, you might just for thinning purposes.) If you do, I get a free mill of a lot of your cards. Betcha wished you hadn't looked for that dual land, don't you?
3. Lightning Bolt ( - Solid, cheap removal or finisher. I hate burn/aggro decks, but this card is good in any red deck.
4. Sorin, Solemn Visitor ( - Vampires, lifelink ( and creature sacrifice, all in one card. Heaven is real, y'all.
5. Mind Funeral ( - I know, two mill spells. Sorry, it's entertaining to me. And Mind Funeral ( can be absolutely devastating to decks if their land isn't very spread out.
6. Ajani, Mentor of Heroes ( - This might be higher on the list, but I don't like running green often, so he's hard to work into decks.
7. Mana Leak ( - That card was not played, sorry. Try again next turn.
8. Harabaz Druid ( - I love my 5 color ally deck, and this is the staple to making it work.
9. Doom Blade ( - 2 mana, 1 dead ( creature. Quick and simple (
10. Stasis Snare ( - You just think you were attacking me with that creature. You were wrong, sir. You were wrong.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Jace27 - Febbraio 26, 2016, 02:22:31 am
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: WWolfe - Febbraio 26, 2016, 02:55:13 am
Really in no particular order and I reserve the right to change it when I inevitably think of something I'm forgetting...

1. Isochron Scepter- Great in control for Counterspell ( Great in graveyard shennigans for Entomb ( Great in creature heavy aggro for Fog ( Need I go on?

2. Counterspell- Two mana counter spell with no restrictions. What's not to like?

3. Eight and a Half Tails- So I can give my permanents protection from white...and I can make a spell or permanent white. Works well in control and even anti-control. Does require always having open mana though.

4. Fleshbag Marauder- A must have in almost any black deck, especially those with recursion.

5. Champion of Lambholt- Really feel like this is undervalued, it can grow to be a beater itself while it's protecting your other creatures when they attack. Any token deck with green in it's color identity should run this.

6. Necrotic Ooze- Love this because of all the possibilities it gives.

7. Detention Sphere- Against token decks it has won me games. Especially with a way to blink it.

8. Bloodbond March- I love my Karador Shadowborn Apostle ( deck and this is the most important card in it.

9. Calvary Pegasus- During Theros drafts & prereleases, this card was a powerhouse for me.

10. Dreadbore- Kill target creature or planeswalker for two? Yes please.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Bane2k4 - Febbraio 26, 2016, 03:03:35 am
I reserve the right to change this :P And I've only been playing Magic for around 4 months, so I'm not familiar with as many cards as most at the moment!

10. Skywise Teachings (
 - Whilst I can acknowledge this isn't a particularly amazing, super competitive card, I still bloody love it. It was one of the first engines I discovered when I started MTG and instantly loved it as a concept.
9. Remand (
 - "Actually, nah, let's wait a turn before you play that. Oh, and I'll draw another answer, too."
8. Deflecting Palm (
 - Thematically and mechanically brilliant. I sideboard these in my Standard Jeskai Aggro, and there's little more satisfying than sitting back, watching, and waiting, as an Eldrazi player, or a 4C Rally ( player, or anyone who plays a big beastie in their deck build up and swing for what they think is lethal - only for them to kill themselves.
7. Supreme Verdict (
 - I just love this card, mechanically and conceptually.
6. Vampire Nighthawk (
 - Flying, Lifelink (, Deathtouch, 2/3, for 3 mana? Hell yeah! Also, I run Vampire tribal, so I'm bias.
5. Vapor Snag (
 - There are few things more irritating than playing a creature, only for your opponent to instantly go "Nah mate, put that back and take 1 damage". That's why I make sure I'm the one running it.
4. Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest (
 - Loved this guy since the moment I first saw him; genuinely think he's criminally underrated. I can easily swing for 16 unblockable with him on Turn 4 in my Standard Jeskai Aggro, and I dread ( to think what he'd be capable of in Modern.
3. Emrakhul, the Aeons Torn
 - I generally don't really like Eldrazi; Ulamog and Kozilek are kinda cool, but Emrakhul - man, she's awesome! A slew of dirty (, dirty ( effects, all on a 15/15 body is hilarious - and given I'm building a Reanimator deck that runs her and can drop her turn 3...words do not do her justice (
2. Narset Transcendent (
 - My absolute favourite Planeswalker card (and one of my favourite Planeswalker characters); her +1 is a decent accelerator in an appropriate deck, her -2 is godly (current favourite in Standard: -2 Narset, then Treasure Cruise ( for 1 mana. That's 6 cards over 2 turns for 1 mana. ?!?!?!), and her emblem (which isn't impossible to get off, tbh) can literally win the game.
1. Griselbrand (
 - The first Legendary Creature I fell in love with. I love the whole "7" design, and love the concept of paying life for card draw, I love that he's a badass demon and character, and I love him in Reanimator for what is my favourite OTK combo in MTG. Ironically, Reanimator is just a fun deck I'm building, and I don't currently run any lists with Griselbrand ( must rectify that now!
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: WWolfe - Febbraio 26, 2016, 03:16:18 am
Vampire Nighthawk ( is a great card, it just missed making my list.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: RuthlessRut - Febbraio 26, 2016, 03:21:41 am
Silence (, deflecting palm (, unsummon (, dragon tempest (, traumatize (, joraga warcaller (, immaculate magistrate (, invisible stalker (, vampire nighthawk (, obzedat the ghost council
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: RuthlessRut - Febbraio 26, 2016, 03:40:01 am
Scratch out unsummon ( off my top ten and add GLIMPSE THE UNTHINKABLE ( lol
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: EBWonder - Febbraio 26, 2016, 07:33:02 am
since I've been a magic player for a while, this was a bit difficult....just saying that 20+ years of cards be a lot. on with da show...

10 - Counterspell ( - OG control; Magic was simpler back then and counterspell ( and power sink ( were my jams.
9 -  Lightning bolt ( - OG burn; 3 dam for 1 R? Yes, please!
8 - Wrath of God ( - board wipe back when everything could be destroyed
7 - Birds of Paradise ( - 0/1 flying for 1 G and it can produce any colored mana by tapping? I've built many decks around it.
6 - Priest of Titania ( - elf ramp/squirrel ram ftw!
5 - Living death ( - All creatures come back from the dead ( and all the living die.
4 - Mirko vosk - Solid mill creature
3 - Angel of Finality ( - flying creature that exiles graveyards
2 - Belbe's portal ( - instant creature of a given type from your hand
1 - Any of the Power Nine - Just saying....
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: GeekMagicWarp - Febbraio 26, 2016, 06:36:41 pm
- In Garruk's Wake ( - Blow up all your shit, but I'ma keep mine.
- Increasing Ambition ( - that flashback though
- Increasing Savagery ( - see above^^^
- Counterspell ( - by far the best counterspell ( ever printed
- Slip Through Space ( - this creature is unblockable and I'ma draw a card (for one blue mana)
- Vraska, The Unseen - I don't think she needs explanation
- Eternal Witness ( - Oh you just milled that card I needed?
- Void Winnower ( - Love limiting my opponent
- Tron Lands - Ultimate in mana ramp
- Vindicate ( - I don't care what that is but I'm destroying it for 3 mana

****These are not in any kind of order****
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Bartley - Febbraio 26, 2016, 08:30:42 pm
sudden spoiling (
boomerang (
brave the elements (
armageddon (
choice of damnations (
tragic slip (
Lightning Greaves (
Skinshifter (
Isochron Scepter (
Soulfire Grand Master (

No particular order.... just some of my top 10 favorite cards:):):):):):)

on the opposite... I hate all elf cards...... burn them!
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Jace27 - Febbraio 26, 2016, 09:24:31 pm
Not much love for lands between Armageddon ( and very few top 10 lists having lands among them.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: George B - Febbraio 26, 2016, 09:32:18 pm
1. Mother of Runes (                                                                                 "one of the best one drops ever"
2. Champion of Lambholt (                                                                        "a must for any token spam deck"
3. Invisible Stalker (                                                                                   "great for cipher cards and almost unstoppable when out"
4. Ashling, the Extinguisher (                                                                     "one of the best creatures to thin the field"
5. Vampire Nighthawk (                                                                              "maybe the best three drop in history besides Champion of Lampholt"
6. Holy Mantle (, Spirit Mantle (, Shielded by Faith ( or Whispersilk Cloak (       "anyone of these for some protection"
7. Fleecemane Lion (                                                                                  "once it is Monstrosity one word Awesome"
8. Bloodsoaked Champion (                                                                       "Big pain in the neck for your opponent"
9. Stolen Identity (                                                                                      "It is just Awesome"
10. Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts (                                                                     "high cost but worth it"
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: DelverMage - Febbraio 26, 2016, 10:32:10 pm
Stasis (
Balance (
Lightning Angel (
Overrun (
Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero (
Spellheart Chimera (
Nightmare (
Lhurgoyf (
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant (
Psychic Venom (
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: robort - Marzo 01, 2016, 01:43:33 am
No particular order
lol besides this one, always loved this card.
1 Blasphemous act ( , nothing says creature distruction especially if you get it out for 1
2 Karn liberated ( nothing says defensive especially for 10 loyalty used ability of course
3 Deflecting Palm ( nothing says redirect ( you beat stick damage back at ya
4 Knowledge Pool ( nothing says what's in exile ( to play
5 Primordial Hydra ( nothing says If I am not taking care of I will stomp your ass
6 Doom Blade ( nothing says a personal favorite of everyone cause we've all used it
at least once
7 Royal Assassin ( nothing says go ahead and attack and die instantly
8 Reassembling Skeleton ( nothing says all time favorite sac creature
9 Volition Reins ( nothing says I take anything but also saw this when I
first started playing
10 Path to exile ( nothing says 1 drop get rid of "THAT!!"
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: jaceperry - Marzo 01, 2016, 02:38:42 am
1. Upheaval- Everyone hated when I used this in effect with Tamiyo moon sage
2. Counterspell (
3. Anafenza, The foremost- Personal note not because of money value but because of What Abzan stand for. Family.
4. Explore- play a additional land for 1 G. Great for speed races
5. Jace, Memory adept ( I run a monoblue mill in modern with him in it he speeds the thing up quick.
6. Archive Trap ( Perfect thing for those who love fetchlands and any search card it only gets rid of 56 of your cards when you searched. Oh did I say perfect for them. I meant for people who hate them.
7.Talent of the telepath- fairly new card that I love using to make my opponents strength my own.
8. Living Dead (
9. Jace's phantasm ( helps if I cannot mill them fast enough just to swing in with a 5/5 flyer for 1U when there are 10 cards milled.
10. Dromaka, The eternal. First dragon and will always be one of my favorites.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: dqtest - Marzo 01, 2016, 03:40:31 am
1. Heartless Summoning ( It completely changes how cards are played, for instance viridian emissary ( becomes a 1 drop land search.
2. Clone ( there are other better variants but this is the OG. Nothing says versatility like playing your opponent's deck.
3. Knowledge Pool ( I'm that asshole that thinks its fun to screw the game this much.
4. Serra Avatar ( just too much fun to give lifelink ( among other combos.
5. Selvala, Explorer Returned ( Whats not to love about Parley on a stick?
6. Urborg, Tomb of yawgmoth ( No reason not to run it in every deck. Its an easy way to get swampwalk through or combine with kormus bell ( to make lands a target.
7. Rites of Flourishing ( Gather around for a group hug.
8. Mindcrank (
9. Zada, Hedron Grinder ( my newest addition to my fave list. currently enjoying hitting it with rite of replication (
10. Mindmoil ( or teferi's puzzle box ( Its a toss up. Everyone draws a new hand each turn or I do every spell. Screw planning  lets be spontaneous.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Jace27 - Marzo 01, 2016, 01:46:19 pm
Karn Liberated ( for the win.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Sovereign42 - Marzo 02, 2016, 03:04:50 am
First of all... limiting this to just 10 is so hard, there are so many awesome cards out there, but these cards have resulted in the most amazing moments in magic i've ever experienced:

Deathrender ( - Probably the funniest/meanest card i play, its one of those cards I throw into every deck. It's the key card in my favourite EDH deck and provides some great drive for aggro decks. Turn any weenie into the biggest beef-stick you have or trigger any number of crazy combo plays (my favourite so far is sacrificing some random chump to play Sidisi, Undead Vizier (, having her exploit herself to pull a mystic snake ( out of my deck and dropping that bad boy all in response to an opponent's field-wipe.)

Fog ( - There is nothing, and I mean nothing, like watching an opponent build up hoard of beef tokens, having him swing all out... and then telling him no. I once stopped over 3,000 damage with this and it felt so good.

Omnath, Locus of Mana ( - Lovingly referred to as 'Omnom', this sucker is the prettiest mana bank and my all time favourite card through my early days in Magic.

Thromok the Insatiable ( - Talking about rapidly ramping creatures; the exponential gains you get off Thromok are just too juicy. The look on people's faces when you drop a 9-billion/9-billion are just priceless!

Silklash Spider ( - I love spiders, they just hate flying so much, and this one is the absolute best... I once played against a zombie deck that dropped 200 something tokens, and then the guy thought it'd be a good idea to drop Akroma's Memorial ( I slapped a Basilisk collar ( on my Silklash and watched the poor guy cry.

Glissa, the Traitor ( - One of my all time favourite abilities, deathtouch, paired with it's best friend, first-strike, plus a built in mechanic for pulling back that Viridian Longbow ( your opponent so desperately wanted to rid her of.

Lumberknot ( - My other favourite ability, hexproof, keeps this tree rooted to the battlefield while it racks up those +1/+1 counters and waits for it's chance to punch faces.

Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni ( - More an exemplar of the entire line of ninja cards; the ninjutsu ability is almost as annoying to deal with as control decks. There is just so much joy felt when you attack with a 1/1 unblockable and your opponents look at you with resignation in their hearts, asking how much damage they're really taking.

Chasm Skulker ( - I built a nearly fully functioning deck when I drafted M15 with this as the core card. Aggressive Mining (, Jalira, Master Polymorphist (, and a Stormtide Leviathan ( for good measure.

Guttural Response ( - The best counter spell I've ever seen.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: CleanBelwas - Luglio 08, 2019, 09:46:58 pm
So I realise I'm super late to the party, but I love this kind of thing and wanted to add my two cents. People had some great and interesting answers, so here's mine:

10. Progenitus ( - When I first got into magic, I kept getting my ass kicked by Inkwell Leviathan ( I looked into creatures with huge power and came across Progenitus ( and immediately fell in love. His ludicrous ability. His concise, perfect wording. His ridiculous casting cost. His superb flavour text. Love him.

9. Carnival of Souls ( - Decent piece of jank, but hot damn, that flavour text. So good.

8. Archfiend of Ifnir ( - Part of a golgari combo deck with this and Obelisk Spider ( Loved that deck. Really strong ability. Couple it with Generous Patron ( and you got yourself a free board wipe and a bunch of cards.

7. Dictate of Erebos ( - For me, the flash ( sets it above Grave Pact (, even with the higher CMC.

6. Army of the Damned ( - I love making 2/2 zombie tokens, and there aren't many that do that better than this. And with flashback. Damn.

5. Yahenni, Undying Partisan ( - The general of my favourite EDH deck. What can I say, I just love a sac outlet.

4. Phyrexian Arena ( - The perfect example of using life as a resource to gain advantage.

3. Baleful Strix ( - Aside from the flying deathtouch card draw for UB, that art is incredible. Favourite art in all of magic.

2. The Scarab God ( - Amonkhet was the first block I got into as an adult with my own free time and disposable income (had played a bit as a kid). I ordered my wife a gift online and added a random HOU booster to qualify for free P&P and pulled a Scarab God. This was when he was dominating standard. I built the deck and loved it. Later made a zombie tribal EDH deck. Whenever this guy is out, he absolutely dominates the board. So powerful.

1. Ashnod's Altar ( - The value this thing provides is unbelievable. I mean, it's so easy to go infinite with if that's your thing, but even without it, it's superb. Being able to sacrifice your creatures at instant speed is, in my opinion, an incredibly underrated ability, so for it to also generate a potentially huge amount of mana is just the best.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: WWolfe - Luglio 08, 2019, 10:29:45 pm
Man my list has changed in 2 years. I'm going to have to give this some thought and come back to update it.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: robort - Luglio 09, 2019, 03:13:15 am
Man my list has changed in 2 years. I'm going to have to give this some thought and come back to update it.
   Same here. I looked at mine and it was posted 2016 and definately has changed now
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Xaarvaxus - Luglio 09, 2019, 03:38:22 am
Huh, and I was thinking of starting something similar to this just the other night.....

In no particular order:

Braids, Cabal Minion ( - I might have to reassemble some old casual decks to be able to play this EDH banned card
Survival of the Fittest ( - ultimate  creature toolbox search, play Fauna Shaman ( a lot as well
Gravecrawler ( - the best sac fodder this side of a goblin
Stampeding Wildebeests ( - typically bounced Wall of Blossoms ( or Uktabi Orangutan ( back in the day, Acidic Slime ( currently
Sun Titan ( - so many good things to bring back directly to play
Volrath's Stronghold ( - a bit slow nowadays but I think I still have every copy I own in decks
Recurring Nightmare ( - see Braids
Acidic Slime ( - toolbox rattlesnake
Jokulhaups ( - boom goes the dynamite
And for no real reason that I could ever explain, Reflecting Pool (

Emphasis on older cards and ones that blow up/nuke everything or reuse/recycle ( things.  Plenty of other cards I really like but these have the weight of nostalgia in their favor.

Will add an honorably mention for Animate Dead ( for the purpose of reviving this thread.  :P
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: ApothecaryGeist - Luglio 09, 2019, 05:00:28 am
10) Batterskull ( - I really like the combination of living weapon, vigilance (, and lifelink (
9) Thief of Blood ( - because it kills ALL the planeswalkers and gets you a big dude.  I haven't played with The Elderspell ( yet.  Could replace Thief of Blood (
8) Darkness ( - Better than green fog ( because people forget ( it exists
7) Shatterstorm ( - another oldie but goodie that people forget ( about.  It's fun blowing up ALL the artifacts.  I also like the green counterpart - Creeping Corrosion (
6) Thran Dynamo ( - my favorite mana rock for producing more than 1 mana
5) Forcefield ( - great defense against voltron decks
4) Fork ( - I like this better than Reverberation ( just because of the rules quirkiness that the copy stays red.
3) Weathered Wayfarer ( - tutors up ANY land, EVERY turn
2) Mana Drain ( - Counterspell ( PLUS mana ramp!!!
1) Mishra's Workshop ( - The best land EVER!!!!

It seems a lot of my favorites are from waaayyy back in the day
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: WWolfe - Luglio 09, 2019, 06:10:18 am
1- Champion of Lambholt ( - very underrated IMO
2- Archangel of Thune ( - I love gaining life and +1/+1 counters
3- Counterspell ( - the original
4- Plaguecrafter ( - an upgraded Fleshbag Marauder (
5- Bloodbond March ( - a beast in my Karador Apostles deck
6- Kalonian Hydra ( - did I mention I love +1/+1 counters? 
7- Dreadbore ( - destroy target creature or planeswalker? thank you
8- Vampire Nighthawk ( - just an absolute menace
9- Sidisi, Brood Tyrant ( - who doesn't love zombies
10- Intuition ( - is there anything better than giving your opponents a near impossible choice?
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: CleanBelwas - Luglio 09, 2019, 10:50:51 am
I'd forgot all about Kalonian Hydra ( What a card.

My friends and I once came up with a deck building challenge for the quickest (non-infinite) Helix Pinnacle ( win possible in mono green.

My idea was a big Kalonian Hydra (, which then Bioshift-ed those counters onto Marwyn, the Nurturer ( And Doubling Season ( for good measure. I forget ( what the math was but in a perfect world it could do it turn 6 or 7 or something. I have no doubt there are better ways but the idea of it with that big Hydra doubling up sounded like a lot of fun to me.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: crimsonking - Luglio 10, 2019, 11:03:44 am
10. Marchesa, the Black Rose (
One of the coolest and most versatile commanders. You can play persist/undying shenanigns, you can play modular artifacts, you can pack a bunch of board wipes and play stax. Additionally, she's in Grixis so you can even go Doomsday ( You name it.

9. Goblin Grenade (
Best card from a cool but underrated set (power level is not everything, guys). So sad it never made the cut when Goblins were rampant in Legacy.

8. Recurring Nightmare (
Reanimation is my favourite strategy and this is one of the best cards available. Its effect is both weird and cool. I'd like to see it unbanned in EDH one day. After all, I don't see why Food Chain ( is fair game and this one is not.

7. Land Tax (
I'm not especially fond of white, but this card is just bonkers. You play white in EDH? Sol Ring (, Land Tax (, then you can start thinking about the rest.

6. Hypnotic Specter (
I love black, and back in the days this was the best creature available, by far. I got really upset when it got nerfed by Vampire Nighthawk ( (power creep is bulshit).

5. Coffin Queen (
She's my pet card in EDH. She's a repeatable reanimator, she's both a zombie and a wizard (two super-relevant tribes in EDH), she can even act as graveyard hate... She does so much I don't understand why people don't play her more.

4. Living Death (
Living. Death. Kind of self-explanatory. :)

3. Dark Ritual (
As I said, I'm mainly a black player and Dark Ritual ( just enables so many strategies that won't otherwise be viable.

2. Life from the Loam (
It's cool, it's versatile. I hate dredge in general, but I do love this one. It's just dredge done right. I end up putting it in almost every deck.

1. Pox (
Coolest card ever. I can't imagine anything that feels more cruel in the entire game (maybe apart from Hecatomb (, but I've never got to build a functional deck with it, so...). Additionally, it requires a fair amount of setup and strategy to play it correctly. It's my Legacy deck in real life for a reason.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: robort - Luglio 10, 2019, 01:51:40 pm
No particular order
lol besides this one, always loved this card.
1 Blasphemous act ( , nothing says creature distruction especially if you get it out for 1
2 Karn liberated ( nothing says defensive especially for 10 loyalty used ability of course
3 Deflecting Palm ( nothing says redirect ( you beat stick damage back at ya
4 Knowledge Pool ( nothing says what's in exile ( to play
5 Primordial Hydra ( nothing says If I am not taking care of I will stomp your ass
6 Doom Blade ( nothing says a personal favorite of everyone cause we've all used it
at least once
7 Royal Assassin ( nothing says go ahead and attack and die instantly
8 Reassembling Skeleton ( nothing says all time favorite sac creature
9 Volition Reins ( nothing says I take anything but also saw this when I
first started playing
10 Path to exile ( nothing says 1 drop get rid of "THAT!!"

1:) Stays the same Blasphemous act ( Usually 1 mana for destroying loads of stuff
2:) Also the same Karn liberated ( Was the very 1st planeswalker I owned
3:) Still on my previous list. Volition Reins ( was the 1st cool thing I saw when I first started playing magic and stealing something from an opponent to me was cool
4:) Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger ( is next. It is just a fun card all around either playing it or playing against it. The idea of you or your opponents don't untap lands just makes things more strategic
5:) Permeating Mass ( is my favorite blocker and takes care of most ground creatures. Just about turns any creature into himself
6:) New guy on the block. Treasure Nabber ( He just loves to help me ramp by taking your artifacts that help you ramp
7:) Another new card on the block. Smothering Tithe ( Nothing says mana for days especially when others hardly pay the 2
8:) Teferi's Protection ( I knew this card was powerful the day it was spoiled. It has saved me a good many of times
9:) Etali, Primal Storm ( Turned into a beast of a commander for me. Just casting everyones stuff for free is always fun and interesting
10:) Talk about free how about Sunbird's Invocation ( There is just something about casting stuff for free just makes things more exciting for me
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Shredwick - Luglio 10, 2019, 04:14:48 pm
When reading this keep in mind that I'm a primarily EDH player.  4, 3, 2, and 1 are in that order.  Everything else is in no particular order.

10 - Vindicate (  Destroy anything for 3 mana.  Can't be beat.
9 - Kruphix, God of Horizons (  Ramp plus no maximum hand size.  Excellent for the price.  Might build as a commander one day for shiggles.
8 - Muldrotha, the Gravetide (  An excellent commander, or utility in a deck where recursion is wanted.
7 - Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain (  Amazing card, especially in my Breya deck.  Might eventually build just her in the future, if I want to spend the money.
6 - Aetherflux Reservoir (  Lifegain plus a wincon?  I'll take it.
5 - Chromatic Lantern (  Mana fixing is awesome, especially since my decks rarely have less than three colors.
4 - Scroll Rack (  Awesome card.  I win 99% of the time I'm able to get it out.
3 - Rhystic Study (  In just about every deck I build that has blue.  It's just about a staple for me as any other card, especially in a deck that lacks draw to start.  It rarely gets cut, if ever.
2 - Panharmonicon ( the Desecrated (  I'm a huge fan of ETB triggers, and anything that can get me more value for cards I play, the better. 
1 - Possibility Storm (  Favorite card in all of magic, I'm always looking for an excuse to slip it in a deck that uses red.  So far it's in 3.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Red_Wyrm - Luglio 11, 2019, 01:47:24 am
10) Krenko, Mob Boss (
9) Pyroblast ( Red Elemental ( Balst
8) Necropotence (
7) Demonic Tutor (
6) Enlightened Tutor (
5) Swan Song (
4) Pact of Negation (
3) Urza, Lord High Artificer (
2) Emrakul, The Promised End (
1) Snow-covered Island (
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Mostlynotgay - Luglio 11, 2019, 03:41:39 am
In no particular order:

Confusion in the Ranks (
Warped Devotion (
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver (
Ajani Vengeant (
Deflecting Palm (
Ensnaring Bridge (
Trinisphere (
Maralen of the Mornsong (
Liliana of the Veil (
Rune Snag (

I think you can see a theme.  I'm not a good person.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: BoBWiz - Luglio 11, 2019, 08:35:54 am
In no particular order:

Jace, Architect of Thought ( (It is cheap [money], do all the things i like for control and got an very funny [and powerful] ultimate - especially in multiplayer games)
Preordain ( (or any Cantrip)
Mana leak ( (or any Counterspell (
Path to Exile ( (or any onedrop removal)
Supreme Verdict ( (or any sweeper)
Elvish Visionary (
Search for Tomorrow (
Sultai Charm ( (I like Charms - this one got everything.)
Silumgar's Command ( (I like Commands!)
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger ( (It is ridiculous powerful. Opened once one in a Booster and fell in love.)
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: MisterDalek - Ottobre 14, 2019, 08:30:41 pm
I cast reanimate (, targeting this thread.

10 - Gifted Aetherborn ( / Vampire Nighthawk ( (Absolute powerhouses in limited and standard and still continue to have a good place in mono-black devotion lists)
9 - Pack Rat ( (Honorable mention to Cryptbreaker (, but I have personally found a lot more success with the rat)
8 - Plaguecrafter ( (Honorable mention to Gatekeeper of Malakir ( for modern, but Plaguecrafter ( is just so good in EDH)
7 - Gray Merchant of Asphodel ( (Absolutely ridiculous finisher in mono-black lists for literally every format)
6 - Dictate of Erebos ( / Grave Pact ( (I enjoy aristocrats and these are essentially repeatable board wipes in aristocrats decks)
5 - Grave Titan ( (Incredible finisher on its own, and it goes infinite with ashnod ('s/deathmantle)
4 - Blood Artist ( (Probably the best card for aristocrats strategies)
3 - Massacre Wurm ( (My favourite wurmy boy. Just pure value on a threatening body)
2 - Nim Deathmantle ( (Yes)
1 - Ashnod's Altar ( (Very good, yes)

There seems to be a common theme here...
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: CleanBelwas - Ottobre 14, 2019, 09:11:15 pm
1 - Ashnod's Altar ( (Very good, yes)

Oh hell yeah. Ashnod's Altar ( was my number one when I did this too. So good. You know a cards good when all your mates groan when you cast it.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Tonytron - Ottobre 14, 2019, 10:15:35 pm
In Blue :

Glimmer of Genius (  Scry 2 Then Draw 2 Cards Then get 2 energies

Dream Cache (, sort of super Brainstorm (

Faerie Duelist (, do a lot, coffee, apple pie etc... (Flash ( for 1U)...

And the excellent Sapphire Charm (
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Aetherium Slinky - Ottobre 14, 2019, 10:37:49 pm
10) Reality Ripple ( - phasing is one of my favourite mechanics and interestingly it's one of the few ways to protect a Dramatic Scepter that someone is trying to remove
9) Savageborn Hydra ( and Apocalypse Hydra ( - both fill the same niche as huge, threatening attackers.
8) Phytohydra ( - neat little lock monster
7) Marionette Master ( - with enough tokens and artifacts it's just nuts. But, you need
6) Krak-Clan Ironworks - which broke Modern, is it legal to put it on this list?
5) Primordial Hydra ( - sure way to draw a hate spell out...or finish the game
4) Muddle the Mixture (, Tolaria West ( - and all other cards with transmute because they're incredible tutors
3) Fblthp - for the flavour, nothing else
2) Talisman cycle - wow they work, just pure work
1) Lim-Dûl's Vault ( - this card is just pure wth for its mana cost and its price

Can anyone tell I like hydras? And that I mostly play singletons...
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: burn your face - Ottobre 16, 2019, 04:00:27 am
In no particular order:

Bloodbraid elf (, bedlam reveler (, spell queller (, dreadhorde arcanist (, thoughtseize (, snapcaster mage (, vendilion clique (, hollow one ( (most fun modern deck ever), faithless looting ( (RIP), young pyromancer (

It's interesting. I really like a lot of fair, good creatures that are pillers of modern decks.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: bigdogdch - Ottobre 16, 2019, 07:56:42 am
I’m no particular order

Counterspell (
Lightning bolt (
Vampire nighthawk (
Harazbad Druid. Love my ally deck
Black knight ( Love the flavor text. Battle doesn’t need a purpose. Battle is its own purpose  Don’t ask why a field burns or a plague spreads, don’t ask why i fight.
Hex ( Just for the flavor text
Royal assassin (
Panharmonicon (
Spirit of the night (
Humble (
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: entropize - Ottobre 16, 2019, 08:22:34 am
Mine are liliana dreadhorde general (, grave pact (, legion warboss (, reflecting pool (, garruk cursed huntsman (, requiem angel (, the haunt of hightower (, outlaws  merriment (, assemble the legion (, bitterblossom ( Honorable mention go to tendershoot dryad (, krenko mob boss (, and biogenic ooze (
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Morganator 2.0 - Ottobre 16, 2019, 05:26:07 pm
I play exclusively Commander and cEDH, so all of my picks come from there.

10. Gemstone Caverns ( My favorite land. It's a shame it's so damn expensive. Having a land enter the battlefield before the game starts means more mana on your first turn, so you effectively start the game on turn 2.

9. Shaman of Forgotten Ways ( The vast majority of the time, this guy is just mana ramp, and good mana ramp at that. But, every so often, you can activate his ability. If you do it at the right time (usually during the combat phase) you can take out everyone at once. If I can't have Biorhythm (, I will find another way.

8. Mental Misstep ( There are a lot of 0 mana counterspells in Commander, but this one holds something special for me. Just 2 life can answer so many problems. Any 1 mana spell in Commander is worth countering with Mental Misstep (

7. Paradox Engine ( I can't talk about this one without getting emotional. It was great, and now it's gone.

6. Containment Priest ( The amount of game winning combos I have stopped with this card is unreal. Flash ( Hulk, Buried Alive (, Vannifar, Worldgorger Dragon (, the list goes on. Plus she sticks around to prevent more combos.

5. Sentinel Totem ( Okay, real talk now; why don't more people use grave-hate in commander? This is a low-cost, instant-speed, budget card, that goes in any deck, and has an upside of Scry 1. Brilliant.

4. Generator Servant ( Mana ramp and a haste enabler. It should go in any red deck where your commander benefits from haste.

3. Force of Vigor ( Until recently, Nature's Claim ( was undoubtedly the best one-shot artifact removal card in Commander. Force of Vigor ( is the competition. Not having to pay mana, and being able to remove two things makes it great for eliminating annoying stax pieces, and for stopping combos.

2. Bolas's Citadel ( This card caught my attention as soon as it was spoiled. Being able to cast cards off the top is nice, but casting them by paying life instead of mana? Amazing. All you need after that is some way to get rid of the lands that periodically show up, and then you're set.

1. Notion Thief ( This dude. Wins games. First off, he turns your opponents' card draw into your card draw. Card advantage is very important in multiplayer, so giving yourself more draw, while denying your opponents draw is super relevant. Second, he has flash ( So just when your opponent thinks they are going to draw a card, you flash ( him in, and you draw the card. Third, and this is the important bit, you can cast him in response to Windfall (, or Reforge the Soul (, or any other wheel effect. Your opponents discard their hand, and you draw all the cards they would have drawn. That almost guarantees a win in most matchups.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Blong - Ottobre 16, 2019, 07:52:26 pm
1. Every
2. Single
3. Card
4. In
5. MTG
6. Is
7. My
8. Favorite
9. Card
10. Triskaidekaphobia (
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Strictly_Dueling - Ottobre 18, 2019, 04:52:29 pm
1. Yarok, the Desecrated ( - bruh, just look at my profile lol.
2. Dreadhorde Invasion ( - becomes a massive creature with lifelink (, especially if you have multiple or an amass deck.
3. Sol Ring ( - Who doesn't like a first turn sol ring ( into a signet?
4. Bojuka Bog ( - You said no love for lands? here's one.
5. Rouge's Passage - Unblockable creatures are cool.
6. Leyline of the Void ( - Graveyard recursion? No, I don't think so.
7. Villainous Wealth ( - All your cards are belong to me.
8. Risen Reef ( - What can I say, I run it in my elemental ( deck, my favorite deck.
9. Field of the Dead ( - yet another favored land, also in my elemental ( deck.
10. Krenko, Mob Boss ( - Lots of Goblos.
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Blong - Ottobre 18, 2019, 07:49:40 pm
I see you're a man of culture picking villainous wealth ( as one of your favorites
Titolo: Re: What is everyones top 10 favorite cards
Inserito da: Strictly_Dueling - Ottobre 18, 2019, 07:57:42 pm
I’m no particular order

Counterspell (
Lightning bolt (
Vampire nighthawk (
Harazbad Druid. Love my ally deck
Black knight ( Love the flavor text. Battle doesn’t need a purpose. Battle is its own purpose  Don’t ask why a field burns or a plague spreads, don’t ask why i fight.
Hex ( Just for the flavor text
Royal assassin (
Panharmonicon (
Spirit of the night (
Humble (

If you're gonna put panharmicon on your list, why not panharmonicon ( on a stick?