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English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Topic started by: BsEDH on March 10, 2016, 06:26:13 pm

Title: [EDH / Commander] Ezuri (1v1 and multiplayer efficient)
Post by: BsEDH on March 10, 2016, 06:26:13 pm
Ezuri (

Deck was designed for a quick 1v1 kill with its width and to hang in there during multiplayer with some taller dudes if someone board whipes the elves. Obviously dosent do both with maximum efficiency but still a very fun and competitive deck in both formats. Critique and feedback are welcome
Title: Re: [EDH / Commander] Ezuri (1v1 and multiplayer efficient)
Post by: CommanderMeanderer on March 11, 2016, 09:59:56 pm
Hey there,

First thing I want to mention about the deck is that it doesn't follow the 1v1 (Duel/French Commander) ban list. Sol Ring ( and Strip Mine ( are banned in 1v1. Of course this doesn't matter if your play group doesn't follow the 1v1 rules but I thought I should mention it.

I'd assume your biggest problem with board wipes is that you don't have the card draw to get a significant amount of elves to put back on the battlefield. I think the only card draw I saw was Sylvan Library ( You should definitely get a Skullclamp ( With this on the battlefield it makes your late (and mid game) 1/1 mana dorks become card draw. I can never say enough good stuff about this card. I would also suggest Soul of the Harvest ( and Primordial Sage (, since their abilities effectively replace every creature you play. Primordial Sage ( will still trigger if one of your creatures get countered too.

I think Sylvan Caryatid ( is unnecessary. You're only playing one color so the "any color" doesn't help, it isn't an elf for cards like Priest of Titania (, and it has defender. Your other mana dorks can at least turn sideways for the final swarm. I'd rather see a Voyaging Satyr ( if we're looking at non-elves. She can untap your Gaea's Cradle (, Shrine to Nyx ( or attack.

Cards like Wild Growth ( and Utopia Sprawl ( are a bit underwhelming. Since price doesn't seem to be an issue from looking at your deck list, I'd rather see Burgeoning ( or Exploration ( in here. I can see where you were going with those + Earthcraft (, but I don't think they're worth it personally. (Although I might be missing some combo in the deck.) Also, if you have Eathcraft why not go infinite with Squirrel Nest (

I think something like Whispersilk Cloak ( would go well in the deck to guarantee your finishers get through. It could also protect Ezuri since he can't regenerate ( himself.

Anyway, hope I helped and happy deck building!