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English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Mensaje iniciado por: angorashi en Mayo 11, 2016, 08:30:00 am

Título: [Standard] Avaricious Dragon madness deck
Publicado por: angorashi en Mayo 11, 2016, 08:30:00 am
Avaricious Dragon madness deck (

Uses Avaricious Dragon ( and Asylum Visitor (, among other one-time cards, to give heavy draws, and Avaricious Dragon ( among other one-time cards to trigger madness through discard.
Título: Re: [Standard] Avaricious Dragon madness deck
Publicado por: angorashi en Mayo 11, 2016, 08:31:40 am
I've mostly played modern with a bunch of friends, but recently we've started building standard decks for local nights. This is my first attempt at using a card I loved the concept of pre-Shadows of Innistrad, and just last night decided to make work. I'd love input and ideas!
Título: Re: Avaricious Dragon madness deck - Comments
Publicado por: NathanJ en Mayo 11, 2016, 09:29:31 am
I dig it. I was actually thinking recently that the Avaricious Dragon ( would be a powerhouse in a Madness deck, and this one looks good.
Título: Re: [Standard] Avaricious Dragon madness deck
Publicado por: angorashi en Mayo 12, 2016, 12:12:27 pm
Thanks man! It's worked well in the games I've played with it so well, although I'm debating fitting in four Thunderbreak Regent (, and two more Haven of the Spirit Dragon (, and removing Macabre Waltz ( I feel like the focus on 4-drop dragons in this deck could be interesting. I've thinking two more Heir of Falkenrath ( in place of Insolent Acolytes- they're serving quite well so far!
Título: Re: [Standard] Avaricious Dragon madness deck
Publicado por: NathanJ en Mayo 13, 2016, 11:52:43 am
Thunderbreak Regent ( is a beast. Plus it provides cover for the Avaricious Dragon (, who kind of serves as the Madness engine. Personally I like the idea, but I also really like dragons... And yeah, those Heirs of Falkenreath are good ones. I helped a friend build a Vampire tribal and then had him proceed to beat the crap out of me with that card... They can win games for sure.