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English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Thema gestartet von: angorashi am Mai 22, 2016, 10:28:54 Vormittag

Titel: Speedy Avaricious Dragons o' Doom
Beitrag von: angorashi am Mai 22, 2016, 10:28:54 Vormittag
Speedy Avaricious Dragons o' Doom (

After much testing, this is the best iteration of my Avaricious Dragon ( deck thus far. Scary early damage :)

Titel: Re: Speedy Avaricious Dragons o' Doom - Comments
Beitrag von: NathanJ am Mai 22, 2016, 12:44:18 Nachmittag
This is probably one of the cheapest modern decks I've ever seen. I dig it though.
Titel: Re: Speedy Avaricious Dragons o' Doom - Comments
Beitrag von: AlexL225 am Juni 03, 2016, 11:49:41 Nachmittag
I dig Thunderbreak Regent (
Titel: Re: Speedy Avaricious Dragons o' Doom
Beitrag von: G. Moto am Juni 04, 2016, 07:35:57 Vormittag
  Now I don't actually see the avaricious dragon ( in this deck. Were you simply borrowing the name or did you have another deck play style in mind? IF you did decide to add that dragon I'd recommend adding some black to this deck and making a hellbent dragon deck. IT would be highly effective and adding madness cards such as fiery temper ( would make the build solid.
Titel: Re: Speedy Avaricious Dragons o' Doom
Beitrag von: angorashi am Juni 04, 2016, 07:52:41 Vormittag
look closer, Moto  8)
Titel: Re: Speedy Avaricious Dragons o' Doom
Beitrag von: angorashi am Juni 04, 2016, 07:54:33 Vormittag
Also, if you check out my built decks, I've made several iterations to the deck. My first Avaricious Dragon ( deck WAS a madness deck- it works well, and I still play with it, I just switch my avaricious dragons and a couple havens from my dragon deck to the madness deck. Right now I'm enjoying a BR avaricious dragon ( deck :) ( )

Also, in regards to hellbent, for a long while I was playing with rakdos pit dragon (, and while it WAS amazing every now and then, the deck tends to be quick enough that half the time it ended up getting wasted- or spending 2-3 turns out before avaricious came out, effectively being a 4-drop 3/3. Great concept, poor in practice, as it turned out, often being a dead ( draw. Also, not starting out as a flier, it lacks the haste from dragon tempest ( I like the card, and when it did synergize, it synergized extremely well- I think if it were a 4/4 instead or a 3/4 instead of being an easily burnable 3/3 I'd like it more. If you have other hellbent suggestions though I'd love to hear them!
Titel: Re: Speedy Avaricious Dragons o' Doom
Beitrag von: G. Moto am Juni 04, 2016, 08:45:47 Vormittag
  Ah, I see it now. My eyes must be playing tricks on me (that or reading 2:30 in the morning may not be the best time for deck critiquing. But as far as hellbent goes: jagged poppet ( (though it's not a dragon) could prove to be useful. keldon megaliths ( is a land that can also dish out some damage. Twinstrike ( and taste for mayhem ( are my last suggestions for this deck (or rather a Hellbent Dragon deck). What do you think of those? Also if you incorporated some of the return to ravnica cards such as drainpipe vermin (, dreadbore (, guttersnipe (, skull rend (, shrieking affliction ( and sire of insanity (, I  found some of these guys in the ol' block and I think that with the right synergy between your cards will help the deck flow. What are your ideas?
Titel: Re: Speedy Avaricious Dragons o' Doom
Beitrag von: angorashi am Juni 04, 2016, 12:48:22 Nachmittag
Huh! Honestly, I've never just looked up Hellbent cards on Wizards, until you made your post. Some of them, and the cards you mentioned, are pretty dang playable, not to mention cheap- seems hellbent is obscure enough to be inexpensive :) Which certainly suits me, as a mostly budgety builder!

When I was ordering Rakdos, I also picked up a couple sire of insanity (, as inexpensive as they are- honestly, I wouldn't use it- for the same reason as a couple other cards you mentioned- in this particular iteration because of the cost. The card draw from avaricious dragon (, asylum visitor (, sin prodder (, etc, is pretty inefficient if you can't cast them before discard, which is what makes the multiple cheap dragons mixed with ramp work so well for casting multiple creatures on multiple creature draw turns.

But hellbent is seriously intriguing me. I think I'm going to build and playtest a hellbent avaricious deck on untap- if it's doable on a budget and is enjoyable, I may splurge and have a third deck to share my avaricious dragons with ^^

Thanks for the card ideas man, hope you'll have some more input when I've got a test build up :)
Titel: Re: Speedy Avaricious Dragons o' Doom
Beitrag von: G. Moto am Juni 04, 2016, 10:36:56 Nachmittag
  No problem man. Best recommendation, make the list on deckstats first, that way you can see how it looks and plays in the hand simulator. That way you don't spend out and then change your mind later. It saves green that way.