Deckstats Forum

English-language Forums => General Magic => Topic started by: KouriNick on June 17, 2016, 11:55:21 pm

Title: What Format do you Play Most?
Post by: KouriNick on June 17, 2016, 11:55:21 pm
Hello Everyone!

It's been nice getting to know many of you that regularly use the forum, and It got me wondering what formats people tend to play.

You can select up to 3 formats listed above, and you can change your votes at will.

I'm just curious what the dominant format of the user base here is.

Please feel free to leave comments as to why you selected the formats you did.

Thank You! :)
Title: Re: What Format do you Play Most?
Post by: ladof on June 18, 2016, 05:38:31 am
Modern and EDH. Standard is just getting too pricey to stay up with for me.
Title: Re: What Format do you Play Most?
Post by: robort on June 19, 2016, 06:20:51 pm
Nothing more fun than an even playing field with draft and sealed. Then nothing gets the creative juices flowing better than commander and multiplayer is done more with commander.
Title: Re: What Format do you Play Most?
Post by: Dogor_Vengador on June 19, 2016, 06:32:28 pm
I play commander with a group of close friends. we are 6 most times and it makes for great fun. building edh decks is also very fun.

Since I really enjoy deckbuilding I'm a fan of pauper (also because i'm on a budget mostly)

I tried to get into standard but I find it boring, expensive and stale.
Title: Re: What Format do you Play Most?
Post by: Jabilac on June 19, 2016, 08:21:50 pm
I play a lot of casual Modern with a group of friends and some FNM's. I have recently begun to think about building a Cube or getting into EDH/Commander. I have never tried Pauper but I like concept. Standard is fun if your playing Sealed and that's it imo.
Title: Re: What Format do you Play Most?
Post by: skeri on June 21, 2016, 03:34:05 pm
I enjoy Standard because you meet different people at the shop and you can stay up to date with the latest Magic sets and deck trends. It's also very competitive which is satisfying. Card choices are limited to the current sets that are legal in Standard so you have to build carefully and creatively to work with what you've got.

Sealed is the best though; it's so exciting to open brand ( new cards, slap together a deck, and see what happens with it! Modern can be very difficult and expensive to play competitively if you play at shops with lots of tier 1 decks and most of the shops close to where I live are like that. I'm just getting into Commander and it is fun so far, but I've only played a handful of times.
Title: Re: What Format do you Play Most?
Post by: G. Moto on June 23, 2016, 01:04:05 am
I like standard because it keeps me up to date with current game play. I like modern the most, I don't play competitive modern decks But i like to build from old sets which is fun for me. Commander i do time to time. I've got a few decks i haven't played in a while but it gives me something to do.