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English-language Forums => General Magic => Thema gestartet von: G. Moto am Juni 20, 2016, 05:46:46 Nachmittag

Titel: A New Moon
Beitrag von: G. Moto am Juni 20, 2016, 05:46:46 Nachmittag
  Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your favorite planeswalking vamp G. Moto. Info on the new Eldritch Moon set has been released. If you want to catch ( a sneak peak at what the set will hold you can follow the link to the main MTG page:
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: skeri am Juni 20, 2016, 10:58:15 Nachmittag
I am so excited! I love the story that they've created with Shadows Over Innistrad, I can't wait to see where it ends ( up.
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: ladof am Juni 20, 2016, 11:03:32 Nachmittag
Emrakul is indeed in this set. Not too impressed, to be honest, but I'm interested in the story.
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: G. Moto am Juni 21, 2016, 12:28:21 Nachmittag
   It kinda seemed like an obvious direction, but in m opinion it was a good direction. It tied into the story well and it allowed us to bring around old and new planeswalkers into the mix. Also Liliana looks supercharged so we should be definitely getting some ZOMBIE support cards this block. Also since Liliana claims Innistrad as her domain, does that mean Sorin has abandoned his home? I'm curious as to the new power she has acquired that lets her boldly stand against an Eldrazi titan when she was prior fearful to even help jace find Sorin.
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: angorashi am Juni 21, 2016, 02:43:05 Nachmittag
Where could one find a full MTG history? How much is it is in novel format, etc, and if so, is there a chronological list for the canon? I've read a couple of jace novels, neither of which seemed particularly well put together, and spent plenty of downtime reading through wiki articles, but I've been wondering this for a while :)
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: Yuwaki am Juni 21, 2016, 03:19:19 Nachmittag
Where could one find a full MTG history? How much is it is in novel format, etc, and if so, is there a chronological list for the canon? I've read a couple of jace novels, neither of which seemed particularly well put together, and spent plenty of downtime reading through wiki articles, but I've been wondering this for a while :)
There you go for SOI :
Eldritch Moon 1 :
Eldritch Moon 2 :
Eldritch Moon 3 (Emrakul appears) :

I would suggest you to check once a week for news and new Story's if you're interested.

E: The new Emrakul for those who haven't seen it already.

Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: G. Moto am Juni 21, 2016, 05:35:25 Nachmittag
  It's like the wing dragon of Ra from yugioh, just minus the wings and extra tentacles. Also this set is gonna look bonkers. Everyone hold on to your chairs cause this card is now standard legal.
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: skeri am Juni 21, 2016, 05:38:24 Nachmittag
  It's like the wing dragon of Ra from yugioh, just minus the wings and extra tentacles. Also this set is gonna look bonkers. Everyone hold on to your chairs cause this card is now standard legal.

OH. NOOOO. I HATE playing against eldrazi decks and now you can't even exile ( them?!
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: ladof am Juni 21, 2016, 05:51:26 Nachmittag
I have the feeling that official tournaments will have the sidebar rule for that card, but yes, exile ( was supposed to be the best way to remove eldrazi, now we can't even do that :(
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: G. Moto am Juni 21, 2016, 05:52:18 Nachmittag
  @Skeri and @Ladof, not necessarily. You can play pick the brain ( and exile ( all copies of Ulamog the ceaseless hunger ( from their deck. Then play either invasive surgery ( or negate ( on the sorcery. Problem solved, U/B ZOMBIES just became competitive now.
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: skeri am Juni 21, 2016, 06:30:57 Nachmittag
Good point G. because I am so ready to get my U/B zombie deck ready for serious Standard play!
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: G. Moto am Juni 21, 2016, 06:43:27 Nachmittag
  You and I both. If you want to check out the two zombie decks that I have made you can look at them under my decks on my profile. The decks should be called "Back to the Lab" and "Corpses in the Water". I'm not sure which style I want to settle on though so I might need your help on that one.
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: skeri am Juni 22, 2016, 03:26:56 Vormittag
  You and I both. If you want to check out the two zombie decks that I have made you can look at them under my decks on my profile. The decks should be called "Back to the Lab" and "Corpses in the Water". I'm not sure which style I want to settle on though so I might need your help on that one.

Oh! Always happy to help! I'll check them out when I have more time tomorrow!
Titel: Re: A New Moon
Beitrag von: G. Moto am Juni 22, 2016, 04:20:24 Vormittag
 Thanks skeri, your input is always appreciated.