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English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Thema gestartet von: BloodxHunter am Juli 11, 2016, 12:36:54 Nachmittag

Titel: [Standard] W/B Reanimelder
Beitrag von: BloodxHunter am Juli 11, 2016, 12:36:54 Nachmittag
W/ (http://.net//9877/526809-w-b-reanimelder)

Little bit of self-mill, lots of low cost efficient-ish creatures and cheap removal to stall. Obviously building up to Brisila.

 On paper, with this build as soon as I get one, I'll be able to repeatedly summon another if it's killed, worst case exiled.

I'm not familiar with the recent meta at all, but save the "3 4 oned"  , I know it's dumb.

 But good luck eliminating a 9/10 first strike, flying, trample, vigilance (, lifelink ( without any cards under CMC3 with an emblem on the field that revives it every endstep.
Any suggestions? Anybody else trying? Or do you agree that it's just bad?
Titel: Re: [Standard] W/B Reanimelder
Beitrag von: KouriNick am Juli 12, 2016, 01:25:34 Vormittag
Hi! Not totally sure what happened, but the link to the deck doesn't seem to work right. Thankfully I was able to find it elsewhere.

So if anyone else wants to comment, the deck can be found here:

Now, the deck itself seems sweet! I'm happy to see someone looking for a way to make Brisela, Voice of Nightmares (, a regular thing. Granted, Gisela, the Broken Blade ( is SOOO good on her own that just having her around for a few turns can push the game in your favor. But getting her to meld would be next to unstoppable.

The only card that jumps out at me as being a nice addition would be Eldrazi Displacer ( It lets you flicker ( tokens to death, or flicker ( your own Thalia's Lancers ( to find more copies of the angels. Since you run Caves of Koilos ( and Geier Reach Sanitarium (, the colorless mana wouldn't be too hard.

New Thalia probably wouldn't hurt this deck, but then again, I can't imagine a white deck that couldn't run the new Thalia...

Anyway, I hope this was helpful! Good luck and Happy Hunting :)