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English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Thema gestartet von: woody_aaron am Oktober 06, 2016, 03:14:17 Vormittag

Titel: Please check out my investigate Emrakul!
Beitrag von: woody_aaron am Oktober 06, 2016, 03:14:17 Vormittag
Hi Brains!

Any thoughts on some consistency tips on this will be aaaaaaace!
Titel: Re: Please check out my investigate Emrakul!
Beitrag von: NJL72413 am Oktober 06, 2016, 03:51:17 Nachmittag
If you expect games to go more than 5 turns you can keep Epitaph Golem ( in your sideboard so that you can put it in against removal based decks. Epitaph Golem ( allows you recycle ( cards from your graveyard into your library and then retrieve them with Tamiyo's Journal ( so that you can replay them. The Epitaph Golem ( ability only costs 2 mana, so it's pretty efficient at making opponents use their removal on small creatures.
I would keep the counterspells in your sideboard and use them if needed against burn decks and just rely upon your card advantage from Clues to keep you up on creatures and spells.
I'm working on a Mono Blue Mill investigation deck you can check out and read it's description if you want:
Good luck!
Titel: Re: Please check out my investigate Emrakul!
Beitrag von: ushiikun am Oktober 06, 2016, 05:12:13 Nachmittag
The first thing I'd look at improving is the mana base by getting the better dual lands in there, so that sometimes they'll come into play untapped.

You on have one Emrakul, and it will reliably be 8 and occasionally 7 to cast. I'd look at changing some of the removal to choking restraints ( so you can remove their creature, then get that enchantment into the yard to help make casting for 7 a more reliable plan. The backup of using Briarbridge or Journal to put it in play is nice, but you'll lose the cast trigger to take their next turn.