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English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Tópico iniciado por: FunkyGadjo em Março 16, 2017, 03:54:18 pm

Título: [vintage] Not compet, building a fun black deck
Enviado por: FunkyGadjo em Março 16, 2017, 03:54:18 pm
Hello all!
I just bought a box of cards from a garage sale with some lovely classics and I want to do a fun deck with it. I mixed it with some spared cards to do this deck. I don't want this deck to be competitive, but fun to play with and against (but mostly with). If I can get something around 50% wins it's far enough. I didn't want to focus on the discarding, but since I have so many hymn to tourach (, it would be painfull to not use them. Same goes for the specters. And I love the versatility of the funeral charm ( And since I have the sorceress queen (, the royal assassin ( and sengir vampire (, I have no other choice to add some icy manipulator ( and nettling imp (! I might have more cards like diabolic edict (  to be able to deal with the shroud creatures though..
Surprisingly, this half discard half destroy does a quite nice job, so I may keep the formula.

So now, please, do you have any recommendation? Some classics black cards that would fit there? Eventually I would like to replace all the post-scourge edition cards. I don't want to buy a lot of cards, I like the fact to make the deck mostly out of random spared cards, I want to polish it a little, that's all.

Deck: old school black ( (