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English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Topic started by: Sol-Bara11 on October 20, 2017, 09:03:54 pm

Title: [Standard] Jund Curse of the Trials
Post by: Sol-Bara11 on October 20, 2017, 09:03:54 pm
Jund Curse of the Trials (

Get cheep creatures onto the battlefield as fast as possible to use them as hosts.  The Trials are meant to deal the biggest blow in this deck, and the cartouche interaction with the Trials only works if there are creatures to enchant.  With Ornithopter ( for a free Turn 1 body and Naga Vitalist ( for ramp, the Trials have plenty of room to enter the battlefield early.  Fleetwheel Cruiser (, especially when coupled with Siege Modification (, is also a great body to slap a cartouche on for a Trial ( recall (  Trial of Strength ( is the Trial ( of choice to play as soon as possible(in a vacuum) for more creatures, with Trial of Zeal ( designated to player damage and Trial of Ambition ( on selective removal(both of which are, again, in a vacuum as well), albeit less effective than spot removal.  For better removal, Yaheeni's Expertise can be a reasonal boardwipe, as well as playing a free Trial ( afterwards!  Even with all of this, Trials are useless without more cartouches to recall ( them, so after a good number of cartouches are attached to the creatures on the board, play a Perpetual Timepiece ( to self-mill for better options at finding the cartouches, and for quick graveyard recursion to start the process all over again. (Experimental deck, haven't made it yet or playtested it on, so any and all feedback is welcomed and appreciated!!!)
Title: Re: [Standard] Jund Curse of the Trials
Post by: osamba on November 05, 2017, 04:04:19 pm
1 Abrade ( literally beats this deck
Title: Re: [Standard] Jund Curse of the Trials
Post by: Sol-Bara11 on November 07, 2017, 06:00:55 am
Okay, and?  Same is said for Fatal Push (, but you don't hear me complaining about that, do you?  And I can use Perpetual Timepiece ('s second ability to cancel ( Abrade (, since it's second ability can be activated at instant speed, so your argument is moot.  Good day, sir.
Title: Re: [Standard] Jund Curse of the Trials
Post by: osamba on November 07, 2017, 11:08:46 pm
Dang you're a mad guy. Just saying Abrade ( kills ALL your win conditions....Go back to the drawing board before getting pissed. How does Perpetual Timepiece ( stop Abrade ( LUL
Title: Re: [Standard] Jund Curse of the Trials
Post by: Sol-Bara11 on November 07, 2017, 11:27:13 pm
Damn, you're a dumbass.  Go back to the rules of the game and the words of the cards before thinking your stupid ass is better than other people.  If you had eyes and a brain you would see how Perpetual Timepiece ( avoids and cancels Abrade (
Title: Re: [Standard] Jund Curse of the Trials
Post by: Soren841 on November 07, 2017, 11:47:33 pm
Except it doesn't save your win cons..
Title: Re: [Standard] Jund Curse of the Trials
Post by: Soren841 on November 07, 2017, 11:48:01 pm
Please be respectful
Title: Re: [Standard] Jund Curse of the Trials
Post by: Sol-Bara11 on November 11, 2017, 09:57:43 am
Perpetual Timepiece ( gives me back my lost win con's, that's why it's in there, for insurance.  I know the creatures I have can die easily, meaning my cartouches can't do their thing with the Trials.  However, if I have recursion in my deck to bring them back to life, it gets annoying for my opponent since they're running out of ways to kill while I just replenish ( my own supply (  That's the survivability I have in mind for this deck.
Title: Re: [Standard] Jund Curse of the Trials
Post by: osamba on December 10, 2017, 04:06:25 pm
So if I’m playing mono red I have 2 scavenger grounds ( main board you sac “recursion” in response I pop grounds you still have no win conditions.
Title: Re: [Standard] Jund Curse of the Trials
Post by: Sol-Bara11 on December 10, 2017, 06:45:43 pm
And I should care why?  You're just a petty little shit who can't accept someone else having their way.  Two things: you're a new member and I don't give a fuck how old or "experienced" you think you are, and this topic has been dead ( for a long-ass time.  Now move on with your pitiful life, and go complain about someone else's deck, that's actually recent.