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English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Topic started by: Elan Morin Tedronai on April 08, 2018, 11:50:21 pm

Title: [Modern] Aurelia-Avacyn Angels
Post by: Elan Morin Tedronai on April 08, 2018, 11:50:21 pm
Aurelia-Avacyn Angels ( It is lifelink ( deck. I would love you to share your opinion, friends. I made mostly tribal ideas, but this is one of my most expensive and meaningful projects. I would love to hear your opinion. Recent Lyra Dawnbriger ( would also be added, but personally at the moment I am a bit out of money and hope for more cardinal lucrative times. Here in Bulgaria, there is Tolenprive on Education and professional bachelors aren't given which prevents me... or prevented me to create even more lucrative projects as Treefolks and Merfolks. Nonetheless, the Angel ( Girls are pretty big deal, so I hope you will like them. Have a look at my other decks and feel free to like them. I would like if you share opinions on them if you want. Recent projects are €15 zoo-projects and not so meaningful, but I tried to put a tribal tinge on the "zoo-side" as well. Feel free to comment on them as well.
Kindest regards:
Chavdar Likov
Title: Re: [Modern] Aurelia-Avacyn Angels
Post by: Naradel on June 02, 2019, 12:03:29 pm
there are no good 3-mana angels

Isn't Resplendent Angel ( good enough? A 3/3 flyer for 3 with an activated ability that stays relevant in the long run is not what I would call not good ^^
Title: Re: [Modern] Aurelia-Avacyn Angels
Post by: soldado94 on July 15, 2019, 10:06:37 pm
Con que finalidad has creado este mazo ya que no es nada competitivo ya que es súper lento de mana
Title: Re: [Modern] Aurelia-Avacyn Angels
Post by: ezqimo on May 27, 2020, 12:27:11 am
10 points for flavor :-)