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English-language Forums => General Magic => Mensaje iniciado por: Queervidual en Diciembre 29, 2018, 08:56:44 pm

Título: My list of ideas (WIP)
Publicado por: Queervidual en Diciembre 29, 2018, 08:56:44 pm
Título: Re: My list of ideas (WIP)
Publicado por: Soren841 en Diciembre 29, 2018, 09:24:10 pm
Big dumb beaters is Timmy  ::)
Título: Re: My list of ideas (WIP)
Publicado por: Queervidual en Diciembre 29, 2018, 09:44:01 pm
Big dumb beaters is Timmy  ::)
Hugh is a huge Timmy. That's true.
The idea came from Commander's Brew from years back, if I recall ( correctly. They had a couple of "Players" invented. Hugh was the one still in my text file; the others I think are drafted up in a private "ideas" folder I'll still need to add. :o
Título: Re: My list of ideas (WIP)
Publicado por: WWolfe en Diciembre 30, 2018, 01:13:21 pm
I've always thought about making a themed deck around my favorite TV show (The Wire), but have never taken the time to figure it out. Maybe one day...
Título: Re: My list of ideas (WIP)
Publicado por: Queervidual en Enero 03, 2019, 11:49:03 pm
These ideas have got some lists attached to them already, but need work.
Título: Re: My list of ideas (WIP)
Publicado por: Queervidual en Enero 21, 2019, 08:51:12 pm
First deck I've finished since starting this series has become Johan ( A project in different states of WIP since 2014, when I got a launch ( promo Dragon Throne of Tarkir (
I figured that would be a great combo to assist in improving Johan ('s inherent ability to not attack.

At first, I was adding different themes besides that; but financial times got harder, and it was shelved. Now, the brew is done with what I've got. Still contemplating swapping in Craterhoof Behemoth ( from my Kruphix deck. It'd be well at home here, if I can think what'd replace it.

But enough theory, onto the deck:

This deck wants to use Johan ('s Vigilance ( granting ability to rise ( above its budget ramshackle of tokens and mana Elves. Dragon Throne of Tarkir ( helps with that, granting at least +5/+5 to the team when activated. And activating after attackers are declared, means Vigilance ( too!
+5/+5 means we'll need some overdose in creatures, so we bring in token generation, besides some 14 elves that will ramp us. They aren't the biggest, baddest; but that's ok. We want to be janky until we turn the dial to kill.
Besides the janky creature base, we bring in 0 Draw. No card spells "draw a card" our card advantage comes from doing more with each card. Elves ramp & are bodies, cascade adds effects; a ton of cards pull double duty. And it aids our jank status.
Then landing a Glare of Subdual ( tapping down their board before swinging in, it doesn't matter our creatures can't go toe-to-toe. Overwhelming numbers will take our opponents down. Or not, then at least we had cheap fun playing 🤣
Título: Decktech - History of Superfriends (Esper Standard - WAR)
Publicado por: Queervidual en Abril 27, 2019, 04:28:53 pm
It was April 2018. Dominaria came out and MTG Arena was in closed Beta.
Dominaria brought a theme around legendary, "historic". Something to brew around. Ixilan already brought us the change to Planeswalkers, making them legendary as well. The deck started around Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain ( Drawing cards added to big splashy spells in a Grixis ( shell seemed the way to dominate ( Over time, the deck tuned towards cheating in the big legends with Thran Temporal Gateway ( and Planar Portal (, aided by the ramp of Captain Lannery Storm ( and Storm the Vault ( To compensate for the slower speed, a package of bounce spells and removal kept the enemy at bay. Aided by this control of tempo, finishers like Tezzeret the Schemer ( (AER) or Nicol Bolas ( God Pharaoh (HOU) became unstoppable houses causing many a frustrated opponent.
Now, War of the Spark brings us more Legendary Planeswalkers. While Planar Bridge ( has since rotated out of Standard, in comes M19's Tezzeret, Artifice Master ( His ultimate mimics the Bridge each end step, while his thopters provide a mass of chump blockers. It seemed the idea of the deck could be remade in WAR's standard. Adjustments would have to be made, for there's new gems to be had for ramping with treasure outside of green. Smothering Tide (RNA). If it doesn't ramp you, at least it will slow down your opponent. Those pesky green decks ramping with lands? Ashiok says no. With token generation and draw being at odds (, Lilliana Dreadhorde General both controls the board, creates chump blockers & draws when you chump. Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge ( fits; both in the theme of the deck and making your treasures ramp you double. Added bonus: ultimate as a +2? Yeah! I mean, there's only 1 artifact in the deck, a Thran's Temporal Gateway, so his other abilties? I'm only gonna threaten ( a bombshell with them.
While ramping into those things, you need things to do. But why would I put those things in my own deck, if I can just take my opponent's? Thief of Sanity ( has been my favorite card from Guilds of Ravnica, so much my Esper Control list starts out with them main. So, they'll be the early bombs. Getting card advantage in exile (, taking what I need away from my opponent.
I did notice early on I do quite a bit of drawing in this build, so I went for Jace, Wielder of Mysteries ( (WAR) as a wincon. If I see 30 cards in a game without really trying, I might as well go all in. Just as well as generating 10+ treasures doesn't seem unlikely, so I'm thinking of throwing in Revel in Riches ( (XLN) as another way to win. For now, I'll be counting on recursion. Dumping down three to four permanents with Primeval's Glorious Rebirth ( (DOM) after your opponent already had to deal with them? Just sweet.
No, the deck is not very competitive. But it is fun to play. The Timmiest of decks. When you win, you obliterate ( your opponent. When you don't, you shrug and shuffle up again.
Mentioned decks:
Historical Superfriends:
Grixis ( History (Dominaria):
Esper Control (Traditional RNA):