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English-language Forums => General Magic => Topic started by: DelverMage on September 03, 2019, 08:51:41 pm

Title: Rotation time and missed opportunities.....
Post by: DelverMage on September 03, 2019, 08:51:41 pm
It is rotation time again.  I know there are a million ways to sort and manage your collection, Standard, Modern, and then Eternal formats are how I group them.  So this is the time of year when I go through my Standard cards and pull out all of the sets that are rotating soon.  Then I get to turn around and sort them all into my Modern collection.

Every single time I do this, I see a pile of cards that I wanted to play with and never got around to it, or forgot about them. 

Dominaira, I wanted to build a deck using Whisper, Blood Liturgist (  This would have been for fun though, because there are similar effects in the format that are more efficient. 
I also wanted to build a deck around the whole Historical theme, that was present in the set.  I did tinker ( with it slightly and even used that theme in the limited format, but I never gave it a honest effort.

I found that I did explore ( the majority of the cards from M19.  I played with many of them, and will miss having that set around and some of the cards found in that set.  It was a very supportive Core offering to the Standard format.  I really didn’t do much with any of the Legendary dragons, but I am not feeling too sad about that.
About the only thing I never finished with M19 was an all Red Dragon deck that I first started at the beginning of the set.  It worked great for about a week, and then it got overpowered.  I put it aside, intending to get back to it, but I never did.

Rivals of Ixalan and Ixalan, I have never made a serious attempt to create my killer Pirate deck that I envisioned when Rivals hit the scene.  I even bought all the cards.  My first attempt fell flat, and then I found a Red/Blue deck that I worked on for the rest of that Standard format.  Amonket Gods, doomed that idea…. 

We still have a bit of time to try to sneak some of these decks in before it is too late.  There is no real reason why you should spend lots of time focusing on decks that survive the rotation, because we currently have no idea what is in the next set….even though M20 has given us some hints.  (Enchantments matter??)

I am active on Arena, and I have already built a number of decks, using cards that I wanted to play with in Standard.  I use the daily quests as the catalyst to create decks and tweak on them a few rounds. 

How about you?  What cards did you not take time to play with, or decks you wanted to build and are now real short on time???