Deckstats Forum

English-language Forums => About Deckstats => Thema gestartet von: Nils am September 29, 2019, 10:27:17 Nachmittag

Titel: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Nils am September 29, 2019, 10:27:17 Nachmittag

I am excited to announce a new feature on the deck tutor!

The deck tutor takes all the rares you have listed in your collection and searches our deck database for decks that use these cards. Once it's done, it shows you the 50 best matches. You can filter by format, number of likes, maximum price and colors.

This is something that people have been asking for for a while. Thanks to our recent move to a new server and various changes behind the scenes ( it has now finally become feasible to do.

Because this is a new experimental feature it will be very useful for me to hear your feedback about this. So please let me know what you think.

Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Yaochecka am Oktober 01, 2019, 07:23:50 Nachmittag
I love the feature, it is really great. However, please allow us to Sort or Search by using the ''Last Updated'' column. Formats change and new cards are added, it would be very nice to see newer ideas emerge at the top.

Thank you!
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Nils am Oktober 02, 2019, 09:31:19 Nachmittag
Thank you for your suggestion. I am already filtering out decks that are more than a year old but I will look into adding a separate option to set a maximum age. That way you could filter to only decks created in the last 30/90/365 days, etc.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: hay0004 am Oktober 20, 2019, 03:51:15 Vormittag
Hi. Awesome feature.

Is it possible to allow us to filter by a particular standard rotation? Most of the decks it recommended in standard are pre-ELD.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Nils am Oktober 20, 2019, 05:10:07 Nachmittag
I have just added the "maximum age" filter I described above to the deck tutor.  @Yaochecka

@hay0004, I will look into adding a way to filter to a specific rotation/season as well. For now, you should be able to achieve something like this using the age filter. If you set that to 30 days or so you should only get post-rotation decks, since very few people will have uploaded a deck for an older rotation recently.

Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: hay0004 am Oktober 22, 2019, 11:35:37 Vormittag
I suspected that might be the intermediate workaround. Thank you for your efforts.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Grotesque am Oktober 27, 2019, 11:05:08 Vormittag
The most important option: do not offer decks with cards that are not in my collection.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Nils am Oktober 28, 2019, 10:05:53 Nachmittag
The most important option: do not offer decks with cards that are not in my collection.
The score on the left shows you how well your deck matches. If you want decks that match your collection almost perfectly then only look at those with five circles.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Lunuanaki am November 10, 2019, 10:22:12 Nachmittag
It'll be great if it can search a deck also with using common cards.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: EssentiallyBryno am November 27, 2019, 10:42:43 Nachmittag
I keep getting ID missing
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Nils am November 27, 2019, 11:31:14 Nachmittag
I keep getting ID missing
That's odd - the only reason I could imagine for this happening would be if you don't actually have any cards in your collection. Does it show anything when you go here?
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: bugsbob am Dezember 02, 2019, 02:08:45 Vormittag
This is a really cool feature, but I'm having a slight problem with it.

It's definitely working as intended, but because I bought a commander precon, most of the first page is just copies of the precon I already bought.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: brooker am Dezember 31, 2019, 03:50:05 Vormittag
do i need a rare? even for the pauper format?
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Nils am Dezember 31, 2019, 12:35:39 Nachmittag
do i need a rare? even for the pauper format?
I have just made an update to the deck tutor so that it also considers commons and uncommons. Please try again!
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: GusN am Januar 05, 2020, 10:39:22 Nachmittag
Would be nice to see an exact "cards in collection" out of "cards in deck" score. I guess this might be hard to implement and keep efficient but I think most people who use this tool want to answer the question of "what are the best decks I can build right now?".
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: det am Februar 11, 2020, 06:19:33 Nachmittag
is there away  when you go to build a deck via tutor that it will only use the cards in your own collection???? having to try a new deck build that i have to buys cards is hard for me.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Nils am Februar 15, 2020, 12:05:58 Nachmittag
is there away  when you go to build a deck via tutor that it will only use the cards in your own collection???? having to try a new deck build that i have to buys cards is hard for me.
I'm not 100% sure if this is what you're looking for but when you go to the deckbuilder you can click on "Collection" above the card database on the left and then select "Collection only" to only display cards that you own.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Weazzywolf am April 25, 2020, 01:28:45 Vormittag
A couple thoughts:

1. I imagine the final version will look a lot like the deck search feature already available, so I would say the next updates to the beta version should prioritize adding a keyword/tag function to help filter the results if people have a particular style in mind. Additionally, adding the 'deck contains' would be nice if people wanted to build decks for their pet cards.
2. This could be a machine error on my part, but when I click on a deck to view it and back arrow to the tutor page, it doesn't show my search results anymore and I need to put in my preferences again. I think having the results not be reset ( would be nice and help with the navigability of the page.
3. I have seen several others post something along these lines, but if possible I think the deck score parameters should be updated to better align with how well the deck matches the collection. For example, I have noticed that even when viewing decks with a 5 score, there will still be cards I have too few of or am missing entirely. Not as many as a deck with a 4, but still more than I would want. Ideally, a score of 5 should represent that I am missing no cards and have the exact amounts. A score of 4 should be I am missing no cards but there are cards I don't have enough of. 3 would be a balance ( of missing and not enough; 2 would be too few cards for the majority of the deck and even more missing than a score of 3; 1 would be they only have a few cards total for the deck.

All in all, I am very hopeful for this function. I can definitely see it being combined with the deck search function where it's one of the boxes people check along with 'show incomplete decks' and 'only show my own decks'. Maybe it could say 'show collection score' or something. Either way, thank you for the great work!
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: shoremuad am Juli 21, 2020, 10:52:36 Nachmittag
What about generating a list based on key words? e.g. Wizard, burnbabbyburn, or control?

How about the option to exclude ( something?
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: bluehydra88 am November 21, 2020, 12:52:08 Nachmittag
Hi, I've added about 50 cards in my collection, but I've found no deck, I've also tried Format: casual, modern, card list, vintage but nothing was found. I've tried searching decks using a card which I knew was in a posted deck but nothing still.
Any suggestions?


Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Nils am November 22, 2020, 07:42:14 Nachmittag
Hi Stefano - the deck tutor works best if it has a large number of cards to work with. If you add more cards to your collection it should start finding decks for you.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: bluehydra88 am November 24, 2020, 08:28:57 Nachmittag
Thanks for your quick answer, I'll do! :)
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: andre-app am Februar 07, 2021, 10:56:12 Nachmittag
Hi all - amazing work btw.

 I think that could have a column with number of missing card from my collection to complete that deck.

Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Nils am März 21, 2021, 06:06:08 Nachmittag
I have just published a new version of our deck tutor with two new features:
Hopefully this will make it much easier to find new, interesting decks to build with the cards you aren't using right now!
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: KosmoKosme am März 26, 2021, 12:26:53 Vormittag
Hi really nice feaature here i was definitely looking for that but how come it shows me no result.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: macchigiulio am April 02, 2021, 10:47:49 Vormittag
The most important option: do not offer decks with cards that are not in my collection.
The score on the left shows you how well your deck matches. If you want decks that match your collection almost perfectly then only look at those with five circles.

Unfortunately, 5 circles don't mean that all the cards in my library are in my collection.
It would be very useful to be able to filter by only the decks that I have ALL the cards for.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: BigBeefy am April 18, 2021, 05:52:07 Nachmittag
Really loving the tool! One thing that may be nice, is that in the "too few in collection" section to be able to see how many of each of the cards we are missing from the collection. Thanks!
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Purple_Meeple_Eater am Juni 09, 2022, 08:02:11 Vormittag
Deckstats is fa wonderful tool, much appreciated for your work!

If you're still taking feedback for the deck tutor, would it be possible to be able to search for decks containing a specific card?

Thank you
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Morganator 2.0 am Juni 09, 2022, 12:53:08 Nachmittag
Deckstats is fa wonderful tool, much appreciated for your work!

If you're still taking feedback for the deck tutor, would it be possible to be able to search for decks containing a specific card?

Thank you

You can already do that in the deck search page.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Aetherium Slinky am Juni 28, 2022, 06:05:46 Nachmittag
Any chance this could pull EDHrec data in addition to Deckstats data? I don't know how to display it but EDHrec has this "average deck" for each commander. Maybe incorporate that somehow widen the pool of "decks" available?

Go to and click "average deck" on the top-ish right to see what I mean.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Slyvester12 am Juni 28, 2022, 09:13:24 Nachmittag
Any chance this could pull EDHrec data in addition to Deckstats data? I don't know how to display it but EDHrec has this "average deck" for each commander. Maybe incorporate that somehow widen the pool of "decks" available?

Go to and click "average deck" on the top-ish right to see what I mean.

That could run into problems potentially. I remember a while back there was a problem because TappedOut demanded EDHrec stop scraping their site. Might be worth looking into, but could easily be more trouble than it's worth if a similar situation comes up.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Svynx am Juli 11, 2022, 04:11:15 Nachmittag
I'm oftentimes looking for decks that I could build with an investment of up to X$.
Here, the Deck Tutor is helpful in giving me some suggestions but it's some extra work to actually find out if the suggested decks fit my criteria.

For example, I don't see a way to easily find out if building a 250$ deck with a 3 dot score would cost me 50$ or 150$. I first have to click on the deck and continue to tools/missing cards.

It would be great to have this info within the Tutor and even better if decks could be sorted/filtered by it!

Edit: The possibility to ignore lands in regards to the score would also be very helpful <3
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: fregio79 am Januar 04, 2023, 12:05:09 Nachmittag

I think it would be useful:
-add a field where you can also choose the commander for the EDH format
-add a field where you can add a specific card included in the list

Or, when searching decks, adding a column with the percentage of cards that you possess
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Doge am Februar 01, 2023, 06:06:41 Vormittag
Awesome feature! I love that it focuses on mythic and / or rare cards. However, being someone with a small collection, the first thing I want to know is how many cards I would need to buy (including uncommons and commons) should I decide to build a deck using those mythic and / or rare cards.
Titel: Re: Beta: The deck tutor - find decks for your collection
Beitrag von: Balthild33 am Februar 10, 2023, 10:45:50 Nachmittag

I am excited to announce a new feature on the deck tutor!

The deck tutor takes all the rares you have listed in your collection and searches our deck database for decks that use these cards. Once it's done, it shows you the 50 best matches. You can filter by format, number of likes, maximum price and colors.

This is something that people have been asking for for a while. Thanks to our recent move to a new server and various changes behind the scenes ( it has now finally become feasible to do.

Because this is a new experimental ( feature it will be very useful for me to hear your feedback about this. So please let me know what you think.

Thank you so much for sharing this post