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English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Topic started by: FonzOrama on November 18, 2019, 07:39:54 pm

Title: [Modern] Poison Ninjas
Post by: FonzOrama on November 18, 2019, 07:39:54 pm
Poison Ninjas (

Don't let high-mana costs of Fallen Shinobi ( make you sleep ( on him. He will win games out of nowhere. Not to mention, his second ability of allowing you to play any of the exiled spells he causes your opponent to exile (, without paying their mana cost, will make things really nasty, really quick.

combo any of your attacking creatures with, Tainted Strike ( and stack those poison counters to take em out even faster. It's a really fun deck and still being balanced and tested, so please feel free to leave some suggestions or let me know what you think.

Plenty of low cost, unblockable creatures to get your ninja ('s into the fight. combined with some poison to keep the pressure on the enemy as well as win games abruptly. removal, counters and card draw provided by spells and creatures.

You also habe mana leak (, remand ( and opt (, and cryptic command ( In addition to these you have scheming symmetry ( and thought scour ( to find the card you want, get a new card and make sure your opponent doesn't get anything they may need. It's an extremley fun deck to play and not that fun to play against.It's basically all you could ever want from a NINJA ( deck.  Let me know what you think in the comments and/or leave me a suggestion.  I'm working on a sideboard now.