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English-language Forums => Commander Deck Reviews => Topic started by: Twicebakedato on February 13, 2020, 06:58:59 am

Title: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Twicebakedato on February 13, 2020, 06:58:59 am
Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh (

Sultai Control Combo Budgetish cEDHish

Instant speed, reactive game plan ( which tries to win through scepter into beast within ( reality shift ( loops or Oracle. Alternatively, Flash ( Hulk can get to an Oracle win. Lastly, Oracle can be played as its own independent combo.

Decided to use Tasigur over Thrasios for the sole reason that going of instant speed through Whir of Invention ( or Flash ( becomes alot cleaner with Tasigurs ability. I could not finding a way to get beast within ( reality shift ( to loop at instant speed with Thrasios.

Any, just working on Sultai cedhish builds.

Main restriction is few cards in the $50-100 range, no cards over $150. Eventually nab mana crypt (, you know how it is.

All suggestions welcome.
Title: Re: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Slyvester12 on February 13, 2020, 08:16:06 am
Some of your cards are in the wrong categories. You have Gitaxian Probe ( in counters and Mental Misstep ( in tutors.

Now, if you're going for control, you almost definitely need more answers. I wouldn't count the veils, Shadow of Doubt (, or Narset's Reversal ( as counters for control. Shadow of doubt ( is a nice anti-tutor, but the others are strictly protection for combo turn. You really need more straight counter spells like, you know, Counterspell ( If you need them to be cheap, consider more tax options like Mana Leak ( Delay is also reasonably priced.

Also, if you're going to run Oracle + Tainted Pact ( / Demonic Consultation ( without one of your combo cards, you definitely need more tutors to guarantee you get what you need. Tutors are obviously expensive, but things like Diabolic Intent ( that have extra costs associated can get you there.
Title: Re: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Soren841 on February 13, 2020, 03:14:30 pm
These combos don't really fit together logically under Tasi. It's like you took a fairly standard Tasi wincon and shoved in Oracle Hulk just because
Title: Re: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Twicebakedato on February 13, 2020, 07:01:03 pm
Flash ( Hulk does feel jammed in, and was a last minute include. My reasoning is that I wanted flash ( in the deck to make Oracle instant speed on its own, or instant speed at the end of iso/rev. I then figured since I have flash (, I am just Hulk away from having that line available. Do you think its worth cutting flash ( hulk and loosing the instant speed Oracle line, but gaining 2 slots for something else?

For the combo package in general, would you just isolate ( one of the 3 lines and go all in with it? like just iso/rev, or just Oracle? Flash ( hulk is its own beast, but is just so efficient.

I've considered Diabolic Intent ( but don't know if my creature count is high enough as is. what number should I strive for to make DI usable. like 12 creatures? 15?
Title: Re: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Soren841 on February 13, 2020, 07:04:01 pm
You have to decide if you want a control deck or a combo deck. Rn you're trying to jam together Oracle Hulk and Tasi Control and it's just a worse version of both
Title: Re: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Twicebakedato on February 13, 2020, 07:14:42 pm
Id prefer this deck to lean more control than fast hulk combo (also worried of a flash ( ban). For a more pure control build, assume flash ( hulk is out. Also assume Oracle Consultation is out? just leave Iso/Rev or is there some other win-con that really fits in this shell better?
Title: Re: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Soren841 on February 13, 2020, 08:21:09 pm
Consultation has a lot of negative synergy with Tasi
Title: Re: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Slyvester12 on February 14, 2020, 07:28:12 am

If you look at Soren's page, this list has decks for a lot of the good cedh commanders.

On that list is a Tasigur control deck that was cut down to several budgets in this reddit thread.

It'd a bit out of date, but you're probably best off starting there and asking specific questions after you've combed through all of that.
Title: Re: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Twicebakedato on February 14, 2020, 08:03:26 am
Ty for the link, the budgetless build is cripsy! I see they have the budgetless list with isochron and oracale (like my build), but go to seasons past ( as soon as it drops to even 1500. is that really better or is it 2 year old tech?
Title: Re: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Twicebakedato on February 14, 2020, 08:14:22 am
i think everyones kinda moved towards scepter oracle or some form of flash ( hulk
Title: Re: Tasigur Control Scepter Hulk budgetish cedh
Post by: Twicebakedato on February 14, 2020, 08:27:21 am
here is updated list. i suppose i could add seasons past ( as a back up if tasigur is gone gone but, idk. and palinchron ( phantasmal seems slow too. at least slower than consultation oracle or isorev. its a work in progress, i do appreciate the help here