Deckstats Forum

English-language Forums => About Deckstats => Deckstats Feedback => Thema gestartet von: karlmagnush am März 15, 2020, 01:17:30 Nachmittag

Titel: New columns in "My collection" window
Beitrag von: karlmagnush am März 15, 2020, 01:17:30 Nachmittag
Hi Deckstats.
First of all, many thanks for creating and maintaining this service, it currently is my one place to store my ever increasing collection. Your import / export functions makes it easy to use tools like DelverLens together with deckstats.

For analytical and collection purposes though, there is one feature in particular I am missing, to see when (Date / time) a card entered my collection.
This information would help in understanding when and where I might have put a physical card, and can be used as a gauge to see when my collection is building the fastest.
This feature could simply be one of the columns to turn on / off.

Other simple things could be ability to filter on your collection page. I.e. filter on set. Currently there is only the option to search for card.

The items you capture during import / export are to me, and I am sure others aswell, extremely important - like condition, language etc. And as a comment, most other online collection sites don't capture these detail - so kudos!
Also, the deck tutor is a lot of fun.

Again, thank you for the service.

Titel: Re: New columns in "My collection" window
Beitrag von: Nils am März 15, 2020, 01:30:47 Nachmittag
Thank you for your feedback Karl. I am very happy to hear that you are finding deckstats to be so useful! :)

I like your idea of adding a "date added" column to the collection manager, as well your suggestions of adding more filters to the collection management page and making columns optional. It's not something I can add immediately since it will require some changes to the interface, but I have added it to my to do list.
Titel: Re: New columns in "My collection" window
Beitrag von: karlmagnush am März 17, 2020, 02:51:02 Nachmittag
Thank you Nils !
I will do my part and continue spread the good work on to other collectors.
Titel: Re: New columns in "My collection" window
Beitrag von: RulesWizard am April 22, 2020, 03:47:33 Vormittag
It would also be great to have a column option to show what number in the set a given card is!
Titel: Re: New columns in "My collection" window
Beitrag von: Nils am Mai 23, 2020, 05:07:45 Nachmittag
Good news: I have now added a new Deck added column and also made it easier to select which columns you want to see when editing your collection! See here for more info:,54634.msg160468.html#msg160468