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English-language Forums => Commander Deck Reviews => Thema gestartet von: Dlivez am Mai 26, 2020, 09:37:48 Nachmittag

Titel: Ruric Thar, the Unbowed: Pod/X-Combat Steps
Beitrag von: Dlivez am Mai 26, 2020, 09:37:48 Nachmittag
Ruric Thar, the Unbowed: Pod/X-Combat Steps (

the most fun i've had playing magic is with this pod combo commander.

with the right stuff, in the right order, you can do enough damage across the table just from pod that exceeds 140 dmg per player.

all you have to do is pop the hulk, and let purphuros, the battle forged do his thing, and bring creatures in a combo-style POD.

my favorite part is the Horror, i save him for last.
his power/toughness = damage dealt to all players this turn. meaning, 140+ / 140+ per player
(table of 6 = 5x 140+/140+ (700/700 trample)

it has trample. for those who may have tons of life, they wont after this pods.

take a look and see what order you might pod this :) all the possibilities!