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English-language Forums => Off-Topic => Thema gestartet von: WizardSpartan am November 10, 2020, 07:50:58 Nachmittag

Titel: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: WizardSpartan am November 10, 2020, 07:50:58 Nachmittag
I'm kinda curious what non-Magic games we are playing right now, so tell me! They can be video games, other card games (I will judge if you play Yu-Gi-Ew or Suckémon, so be aware), or even board games.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: ApothecaryGeist am November 10, 2020, 09:54:47 Nachmittag
Right now, it's just me and my wife at home.  We're not getting together with people for gaming.  Taking Covid precautions is a lot of extra work.  So there isn't much time for gaming for the two of us right now.

BUT ...

... Once we are on the other side of this pandemic, most likely due to widespread vaccinations, we are planning to host a "We've had our shots Game Day". 

My mother-in-law likes to play Mexican Train dominoes.  So we'll have that going on.
My dad likes to play card games like Uno, Hearts, and Shanghai.  We will probably also have some Rage and Clubs going on.
My nephew like board games.  So we will likely have Khet and/or Ticket to Ride going.
There may also be one or two versions of Fluxx going on.
And, of course, most of my friends like to play Magic.  So if there's enough of us, we'll likely get in some Commander.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: WizardSpartan am November 10, 2020, 10:29:56 Nachmittag
They can be video games, other card games (I will judge if you play Yu-Gi-Ew or Suckémon, so be aware), or even board games.
Right now, it's just me and my wife at home.  We're not getting together with people for gaming.  Taking Covid precautions is a lot of extra work.  So there isn't much time for gaming for the two of us right now.
I'm guessing you aren't interested in video games? The way you worded that makes it seem like all of the types of games I mentioned wouldn't be a good idea in a Covid world (except of course for the games you listed your immediate family would be playing), but video games are obviously built to negate the problems Covid pose.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: ApothecaryGeist am November 10, 2020, 10:44:58 Nachmittag
I'm guessing you aren't interested in video games? The way you worded that makes it seem like all of the types of games I mentioned wouldn't be a good idea in a Covid world (except of course for the games you listed your immediate family would be playing), but video games are obviously built to negate the problems Covid pose.

They are quite decent options.  This is just my personal situation.  I'm not big into video gaming.  I have always preferred a more personal interaction.  I have an Xbox 360.  Still have a Wii.  But, as I mentioned, not much time for that currently.

Looking forward to when I can get together with family and friends for gaming again.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: Aetherium Slinky am November 10, 2020, 11:08:04 Nachmittag
I play a lot of sandbox. I play Minecraft, Cities: Skylines, Kerbal Space Program. Used to play a bit of Skyrim (like thousands of hours, modded to Oblivion) and Old School Runescape but haven't played those in a while. I really like Magic, it's one of my main hobbies. I like thinking about cards, interactions and such. My other main hobby is Legos. Haven't had much time to build lately but I will definitely spread that stuff all over the floor given the chance. I like collecting Star Wars Legos in particular.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: CleanBelwas am November 10, 2020, 11:25:02 Nachmittag
The other night, my wife and I spent about 3 hours playing "carrot in a box".

Those of you familiar with British T.V. might be familiar with it. The premise is this:

- Two players, each with a box. Inside one of the boxes is a carrot.
- Player 1 starts and gets to look in their box. They then decide if they would like to swap boxes with player 2.
- Player 2 then gets to make the same decision WITHOUT LOOKING IN THE BOX. They have to decide if player 1 was bluffing or not.
- Then, the game is over. The boxes are opened and the winner is revealed.

It's incredibly simple, but hilarious. Search "8 out of 10 cats carrot in a box" on Youtube for the games origin (8 out of 10 cats is the name of a British panel show). It's very funny.

My son is old enough now that we've been teaching him some classic games. Monopoly, Charades, Draughts, Chess. We're a big board game family.

Don't get much time for video games these days, but I usually like big single player RPGs like Skyrim, GTA, Red Dead etc. Got a switch a few months back and have been playing the ever loving heck out of Caveblazers. Superb little indie game.

A few years back I hand made my own Game of Thrones themed card game. It was a bit like Star Wars Destiny. Spent literally hundreds of hours doing all the art, creating rules, my buddies and I play tested it pretty extensively over several months. Still got it tucked away in a drawer somewhere. Ended up being pretty fun.

I've been toying with the idea of getting a Necromunda starter kit too. Seems like a real fun table top game to me. Used to play 40K as a kid but I Necromunda seems like it has more lore and personality.

Magic is still the game I play the most though, and it's not even close.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: WizardSpartan am November 10, 2020, 11:48:45 Nachmittag
I play a lot of sandbox. I play Minecraft, Cities: Skylines, Kerbal Space Program. Used to play a bit of Skyrim (like thousands of hours, modded to Oblivion) and Old School Runescape but haven't played those in a while. I really like Magic, it's one of my main hobbies. I like thinking about cards, interactions and such. My other main hobby is Legos. Haven't had much time to build lately but I will definitely spread that stuff all over the floor given the chance. I like collecting Star Wars Legos in particular.
I actually used to buy a lot of Legos, but I started realizing just how expensive they were and how much money I could spend on a much more worthwhile hobby, like Magic. Now they are just really good decoration. I'll play Minecraft on occasion, but I've started playing Civilization more mainly b/c it feels a lot more structured and relaxed than Minecraft. Obviously, though, great game.

The other night, my wife and I spent about 3 hours playing "carrot in a box".

Those of you familiar with British T.V. might be familiar with it. The premise is this:

- Two players, each with a box. Inside one of the boxes is a carrot.
- Player 1 starts and gets to look in their box. They then decide if they would like to swap boxes with player 2.
- Player 2 then gets to make the same decision WITHOUT LOOKING IN THE BOX. They have to decide if player 1 was bluffing or not.
- Then, the game is over. The boxes are opened and the winner is revealed.

It's incredibly simple, but hilarious. Search "8 out of 10 cats carrot in a box" on Youtube for the games origin (8 out of 10 cats is the name of a British panel show). It's very funny.

My son is old enough now that we've been teaching him some classic games. Monopoly, Charades, Draughts, Chess. We're a big board game family.

Don't get much time for video games these days, but I usually like big single player RPGs like Skyrim, GTA, Red Dead etc. Got a switch a few months back and have been playing the ever loving heck out of Caveblazers. Superb little indie game.

A few years back I hand made my own Game of Thrones themed card game. It was a bit like Star Wars Destiny. Spent literally hundreds of hours doing all the art, creating rules, my buddies and I play tested it pretty extensively over several months. Still got it tucked away in a drawer somewhere. Ended up being pretty fun.

I've been toying with the idea of getting a Necromunda starter kit too. Seems like a real fun table top game to me. Used to play 40K as a kid but I Necromunda seems like it has more lore and personality.
Carrot in a box sounds actually hilarious. Good practice for bluffing counterspells/removal amiright?

Man, I wish my family/friends liked Monopoly. All the irl people I know just hate Monopoly, Risk, etc. and we almost never play them.

Magic is still the game I play the most though, and it's not even close.
I really like Magic, it's one of my main hobbies.
I'm sensing a theme here.  ???
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: Morganator 2.0 am November 11, 2020, 10:28:41 Nachmittag
And now I'm going to continue that theme. Magic has been my primary hobby for years now. Aside from that I'm an avid D&D player. I'm also a really good Catan player. Of the many games I have played, I've only ever lost one time. I've yet to play with any expansions (other than the 5 to 6 player one) so that would be a nice way to spice things up. Unfortunately, all of those hobbies have been put on hold for a while.

Like many of the people who also peruse this site, I play Minecraft. Fun fact: without fail, every single house I've ever made has somehow incorporated lava into it's design. I've done lavafalls, lava floor, lava traps, and "siege mode" where the space outside the house gets flooded with lava. I just started a realm with my roommates, so now I gotta think of what to do this time.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: WizardSpartan am November 12, 2020, 01:39:58 Vormittag
I'm also a really good Catan player. Of the many games I have played, I've only ever lost one time.
I really like Catan, too, it's probably one of the few long, strategy-based board games I can find people to play with irl. I can't claim any amount of success with it though. rip

I just started a realm with my roommates, so now I gotta think of what to do this time.
Might I be so bold as to suggest...lava?
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: WWolfe am November 12, 2020, 07:17:57 Nachmittag
I guess I'm the oddball here. My other gaming interests are pretty limited to video games (COD's, sports games, and sandbox games like GTA and Red Dead Redemption). I do play board games or card games with my kids sometimes but it's mostly stuff like Cards Against Humanity or Uno.

I probably would play more board games if I had more people to play with but none of my friends are really into them. I've suggested us trying some but not with much success.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: STARBREAKER111 am November 24, 2020, 11:10:44 Nachmittag
I play a lot of warhamer 40k. I also like to play catan and risk and games like that.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: ekans_ am November 29, 2020, 02:20:31 Nachmittag
I actually used to play videogames pretty reguarly, but in the last few months life was pretty busy so I didn't really have time for that.

When I play, I like to play FPS games like CS:GO and Hell Let Loose. When I'm in the mood to have all my hours of efford destroyed in a few minutes I like to play Rimworld. Otherwise I play a boardgame called Eldritch Horror with my family. It's based on the Lovecraftian Horror Stories and pretty fun and frustrating ;D
Sometimes I happen to play MtGA, but I didn't really spend money on that, so I don't really have the cards for fun decks.
Of course I also play MtG with my friends each Friday, when the pandemic here in Berlin allows it.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: jlutzxinc am Dezember 06, 2020, 04:32:16 Nachmittag
I grew up playing YuGiOh!, and when it turned into FTK: the Game, I switched to Cardfight!! Vanguard.  I haven't bought any Magic cards yet (although I've proxied a fair amount), but I will once I settle on something to keep me busy for a while.

EDIT: I never liked Pokemon either.  Even when I was young enough to play it seemed too simple.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: Mynus am Dezember 11, 2020, 05:52:21 Nachmittag
Most of my recent video game time has been devoted to World of Warcraft with the new Shadowlands expansion just dropping.

Other than that I play Diablo 3 whenever a new season opens.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: Akira Foxmind am Dezember 18, 2020, 12:59:39 Nachmittag
Honestly (and maybe sadly!), besides Magic there are not many irl games card, tabletop or board games I play.

As for videogames I play much PUBG (I know, I know... but I just can't get myself to get into a new battle royal ::) ), occasionally Minecraft, Star Trek Armada or randomized Zelda - A link to the past roms. Mostly stuff that can be played while bingewatching netflix, twitch ( or youtube. Oh and I just started to give Dark Souls on the Switch a try, due to the lack of games I would want to play in handheld mode.

To do some advertising for everyone who likes the winter, snow, christmas and the flair of whole season: try out Marvin's Mittens on steam.

It's like a ritual for me to play it on 100% before christmas every year to get into the right mood. It's a beautiful 2D jump ('n run where you can't die or lose and can fully concentrate ( on the wonderful scenerie.  ;D
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: ekans_ am Dezember 18, 2020, 02:05:16 Nachmittag

Oh how did I forget ( about that? Me and my friends play a lot on an extremely laggy aternos server.

For PUBG, I also played it a lot in it's "glory ( days" back in 2018.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: Marshstepper78 am Dezember 28, 2020, 05:20:20 Vormittag
I recently dusted off my old PS2 and started playing Champions of Norrath.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: Slyvester12 am Mai 07, 2021, 05:26:20 Vormittag
I always forget ( to check the off topic section for months at a time, so I miss threads like these.

Aside from magic, I mostly play video games on my desktop. My favorites are single player games from ARPGs like Diablo and Grim Dawn to RPGs and builders like Rimworld. My favorite game series of all time is Dark Souls, and Bloodborne is definitely my favorite game.

I aslo really like fighting games, mainly Street Fighter and Tekken. I play a lot of online ranked, and I'm ranked pretty highly in both. I often play against the top 100 or so players in the world, though I don't beat them very often. The last warlord rank I fought was Snake Eyes who's rank 7, and he really trashed me. There was even a YouTube compilation that used that clip and I got absolutely ruined.

Oh, and I like DnD. I usually DM. My last campaign was in 5e and went for a little under two years, level 1-20.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: sauvewilfrhy71 am Juli 21, 2021, 06:35:21 Nachmittag
I've been playing World of Warcraft lately and a new Shadowlands expansion just came out.
Also, I play Diablo 3 whenever a new season opens. I love these games.
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: BoBWiz am September 22, 2021, 08:18:51 Vormittag
I've played a lot of nerdy stuff during life.

Now I have to restrict hobbys to have time for family.
So beside MtG I got a D&D5 Group and I'm playing Age of Empires 2. Corona willing I got a LARP-Convention in October.

I got at home a lot of board games like Catan in several variants, Hero Quest, Star Quest, classic battletech, Zombies!!!, Munchkin, some tabletops (most GW but mutant chronicles as well) and a lot of common stuff, but no one and no time to play seriously.


Nearly I forgot, I'm doing slot-racing and got a permanent raceway at home as well. May it is not a game but a toy and cost's money and time. :)
Titel: Re: What Other Games do we Play
Beitrag von: Elan Morin Tedronai am Oktober 03, 2021, 06:11:36 Vormittag
I play Hades' Star on computer, which can also be played on smartphone. As for other computer games, I'm mostly into Infinity Engine classics: Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, Fallout and Planescape Torment ( I play occasionally on the phone but mostly MOBA: Arena of Valor (, Wild Rift ( and Mobile Legends. As for MMORPG, I occasionally as well play Allods Online and Guild Wars 2. As for D&D, I've very rarely gathered with people, and nowadays I'm not active at all. As for other board and card games, unfortunately I am total layman and I've never pursued other gaming hobbies in CCGs or Warhammer in this sense.