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English-language Forums => About Deckstats => Deckstats Feedback => Topic started by: PoogeFactory on November 16, 2020, 12:05:26 pm

Title: POSSIBLE BUG: Mana Cost Overrides
Post by: PoogeFactory on November 16, 2020, 12:05:26 pm
Please disregard this if it has been mentioned, but I didn't see it anywhere.

There may be a bug with the cost overrides. To produce the bug, I will go into the deckbuilder, put in a card and change the cost using (for example) "<cost={3}>" at the end of the cardname. When I refresh ( the deck (hit analyze, save, etc.), the cost change does register. It WILL show up on the tabs with the new cost. However, if I save the deck, then hit Edit to begin editting the deck again, all cost overrides disappear ( They disappear ( completely, not showing up on the tabs or in the editor.

A few extra details just in case they help troubleshooting:
1. There doesn't appear to be any difference between "<cost=3>" and "<cost={3}>" on my end. Both notations exhibit the same behavior.
2. I've use the deckbuilder for years and never had problems before, so I imagine that whatever is causing the issue is a relatively recent change.
3. I also went ahead and checked some old decks that had some mana cost overrides. They exhibited the same behavior (the overrides were there when I viewed the saved deck, but disappeared when I went to edit the decks).
4. Notes using # don't appear to be affected.
Title: Re: POSSIBLE BUG: Mana Cost Overrides
Post by: Nils on November 16, 2020, 03:14:32 pm
You're right, that was indeed a bug. I have just pushed an update to fix this. Thank you for the detailed report, which made it very easy to find identify the problem!
Title: Re: POSSIBLE BUG: Mana Cost Overrides
Post by: PoogeFactory on November 17, 2020, 09:25:36 pm
No problem. Just tested it and everything looks fine on my end. Thanks for the quick fix.