Deckstats Forum

English-language Forums => Deck Reviews => Tópico iniciado por: Coolhanddre2020 em Agosto 16, 2021, 12:31:16 pm

Título: [Standard] Dark Magician
Enviado por: Coolhanddre2020 em Agosto 16, 2021, 12:31:16 pm
Dark Magician (

Título: Re: [Standard] Dark Magician
Enviado por: acedabeast em Agosto 18, 2021, 02:36:08 am
So the big thing with this deck is you have a lot of single of a card, now i don't know what you plan on running this deck in but i would look at trying add doubles/trips/quads of some cards and cutting other cards out of the deck
Título: Re: [Standard] Dark Magician
Enviado por: MonteTribal em Agosto 18, 2021, 10:30:32 pm
You are missing Magical Hats! How can it be a Dark Magician deck without Magical Hats  ;D