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English-language Forums => Primers => Thema gestartet von: Jocavipi am August 26, 2022, 03:29:38 Nachmittag

Titel: Grolnok, Glutinous Toad Primer (cEDH)
Beitrag von: Jocavipi am August 26, 2022, 03:29:38 Nachmittag
Hi everybody,

Here is my Grolnok primer.

I look forward to your suggestions and constructive criticism.
Titel: Re: Grolnok, Glutinous Toad Primer (cEDH)
Beitrag von: Morganator 2.0 am August 30, 2022, 05:51:28 Nachmittag
Could I get more of a description for the early game? What are some good versus bad starting hands? What do you look for in pod composition and mulligans to see if you'll be able to win early? How can you tell when you're not going to get an early win? How does knowing turn order and pod composition change your starting hand selection, if at all?

Are the right spells in the mid-game mill pieces and tutor pieces to still try and combo soon? Or now that you couldn't win in the early game, should you focus on getting interaction pieces so you can deal with stax in the late game?

What stax pieces are especially harmful to this deck that you absolutely must remove before you can win?

Is Finale of Devastation ( just another way to find Hermit Druid (, or can it also function as a win-condition in this deck?

What's your gameplan if someone plays Endurance ( while Thassa's Oracle ('s trigger is on the stack? Do you have to counter it, or do you have a way to recover ( from that and still win?

Could Jace, Wielder of Mysteries ( or Laboratory Maniac ( work as a backup for Thassa's Oracle (

Did you consider ( using Mesmeric Orb ( Not just the amazing mill effect, but also because it too can function as a combo piece with Aphetto Alchemist ( or Basalt Monolith (
Titel: Re: Grolnok, Glutinous Toad Primer (cEDH)
Beitrag von: Jocavipi am August 31, 2022, 06:41:35 Nachmittag
Hi Morganator 2.0,

I have extended the deck description taking into consideration some of the valid points you've made.

To answer some of your questions:

- The deck is focus on milling yourself and winning with Thassa's Oracle (, putting some backups like Laboratory Maniac ( and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries ( can be added but I focused on other cards to be able to interact with any response my opponents have.
- Endurance ( is not a big problem because if you are casting ThOracle it means you have all your permanents with croak counters in exile ( and you could cast other way to mill yourself and copy or recast your ThOracle for the win.
- I'm adding Mesmeric Orb ( + Basalt Monolith (, I didn't put them at first but I just realized the value it brings to some answers like endurance ( because you can mill yourself in instant speed.

I hope your other inquiries are answered with the extended deck description.