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English-language Forums => Commander Discussion => Topic started by: MagicSwordsman on December 06, 2023, 05:30:40 pm

Title: How can you play the Gitrog monster?
Post by: MagicSwordsman on December 06, 2023, 05:30:40 pm
Recently I found a new commander I really like, the Gitrog monster ( I love his mechanic to sac your lands etc. BUT I'm not a big fan of combo decks, so my question is if you can also play the Gitrog monster ( like a value deck and how strong it would be.

My playgroup is playing edh (not cedh!) and my budget is pretty low (maybe under 100, so no eldrazi ( that shuffle your Gy into your library).
Title: Re: How can you play the Gitrog monster?
Post by: Landale on December 06, 2023, 07:27:15 pm
Given the large number of of play lands from the graveyard options, Zask, Skittering Swarmlord (, Perennial Behemoth (, Ramunap Excavator (, etc., it shouldn't be too hard to play for value rather than combo.
Titania, Protector of Argoth ( and Tormod, the Desecrator ( would help you flood ( the board for constantly putting lands into your grave and taking them out. Sorcerer's Broom (, Bloodbriar (, and Gixian Infiltrator ( will help out as well.
Aside from that, some normal self mill, sacrifice, and/or landfall ( strategies will help round out the deck.

Gaea's Blessing ( and Blessed Respite ( are pretty nice budget alternatives to packing Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre ( or the like for graveyard resetting.

I threw together an example of what kind of thing you could do. Budget's at about $90, so you could possibly swap out some of the basics for more utility nonbasics or dual lands.
Title: Re: How can you play the Gitrog monster?
Post by: stuffnsuch on February 09, 2024, 01:37:40 am
Absolutely.  You can definitely play him as a value piece.  All you really need is a way to play lands from the graveyard or a bunch of draw and or mill paired with play an additional land effects (or both, both is always good), then just have a handful of great landfall ( payoffs and go crazy.  There are really endless directions you can take this deck, many of which are still pretty powerful, even without the combos that Gitrog is best known for.  You could even probably play Gitrog voltron and have a decent time.
Title: Re: How can you play the Gitrog monster?
Post by: AlltheTokens on February 11, 2024, 03:21:51 pm
Elixir of Immortality ( and Campfire ( are also budget ways to shuffle your graveyard back.