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English-language Forums => General Magic => Tópico iniciado por: joannestoltz em Fevereiro 18, 2024, 12:19:12 pm

Título: Good cameras/stands for webcam mtg?
Enviado por: joannestoltz em Fevereiro 18, 2024, 12:19:12 pm
Hello all,

I have a low-cost webcam that, when positioned on my monitor, distorts the table, creating a small trapezoid shape for playing cards. I believed this issue could be resolved by creating a custom stand that could be clipped to the side of my desk. So, I designed and 3D printed a stand from scratch. However, I discovered that if the camera is placed any further away, it becomes difficult to pick up the cards clearly, and if it's brought any closer, the lens causes fisheye distortion. It appears that I need a new camera, and I suspect the stand I made won't be durable enough as it seems to have become warped at some point. Do you have any recommendations for either a new camera or a sturdier stand?

Many thanks.
Título: Re: Good cameras/stands for webcam mtg?
Enviado por: Capt Forest em Fevereiro 19, 2024, 08:59:23 pm
im in for the replies
Título: Re: Good cameras/stands for webcam mtg?
Enviado por: paulusdeboself em Fevereiro 21, 2024, 10:42:50 am
On a windows computer you can use your phone as a webcam via an app like Iriun. I have used it during quarantine. And it worked well. Most phones have quite good camera's, so it's worth a try.