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Forums français [French-language Forums] => [fr] Demandes de Revues de Decks => Topic started by: Matith-Yah on March 06, 2015, 02:16:29 am

Title: [Standard] RW burn/life
Post by: Matith-Yah on March 06, 2015, 02:16:29 am
RW burn/life (

This deck is an other option for RW Aggro with Rabble! The core is "Soulfire Grand Master (". All these burn spell and "Chained to the rocks (" help u to control the field and ur opponent's life and with "Soulfire" u can gain life very easy. Also with a lot of one and two drop like, the deck is pretty fast! Monastery Mentor ( help u to have a more consistant field to deal with Rabble, Brimaz, and other token drop. Finally, "Arcbond (" is a pretty good wipeboard in combo with "Soulfire" because u can always control the board + gain a lot of life. If u have to wipe the board, u can after, with Alesha, bring back ur field very easily, but with 40 life in addition! So let me know ur suggestion ;)