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English-language Forums => General Magic => Mensaje iniciado por: Underhill83 en Agosto 12, 2013, 10:12:14 am

Título: Question: Rules change of Zones
Publicado por: Underhill83 en Agosto 12, 2013, 10:12:14 am
Hi Everybody, i have a question and google etc. does not answer it completely :-(

Say I have Olivia Voldaren ( and use her first ability to a creature, which goes to the graveyard afterwards.
(Ability resolves, damage is dealt, creature is killed)

1) Is the creature still a vampire while it is in the graveyard?
2) Is the creature still a vampire in case it returns to the battlefield?
3) I asume that the answer would still be the same, if the creature would move to the commander zone, instead of the graveyard?

Thank you for your help!
Título: Re: Question: Rules change of Zones
Publicado por: Neznas en Agosto 12, 2013, 11:13:06 am
1) No, cause its not a Vamp just when Olivia bites him and when hes in the Graveyard hes his normal types.
2) Same, u also can exile ( ur creature and get it back so its not a vamp anymore :)

If u switch the zones, it lost his Vamp type.
Título: Re: Question: Rules change of Zones
Publicado por: AeroSigma en Agosto 15, 2013, 06:26:55 pm
It's also useful to remember that if a creature leaves the battlefield, then comes back, it is considered a different creature (i.e. same card, different permanent.) So if you cloudshift ( in response to a Doom Blade (, you creature comes back to the battlefield, but the Doom Blade ( isn't targeting it, it's targeting the old instance of that creature.